< 約伯記 15 >
And Eliphaz the Temanite answers and says:
2 智慧人豈可用虛空的知識回答, 用東風充滿肚腹呢?
“Does a wise man answer [with] vain knowledge? And fill his belly [with] an east wind?
To reason with a word not useful? And speeches—no profit in them?
Indeed, you make reverence void, and diminish meditation before God.
For your mouth teaches your iniquity, And you choose the tongue of the cunning.
6 你自己的口定你有罪,並非是我; 你自己的嘴見證你的不是。
Your mouth declares you wicked, and not I, And your lips testify against you.
7 你豈是頭一個被生的人嗎? 你受造在諸山之先嗎?
Are you the first man born? And were you formed before the heights?
8 你曾聽見上帝的密旨嗎? 你還將智慧獨自得盡嗎?
Do you hear of the secret counsel of God? And withdraw wisdom to you?
9 你知道甚麼是我們不知道的呢? 你明白甚麼是我們不明白的呢?
What have you known, and we do not know? [What] do you understand, and it is not with us?
10 我們這裏有白髮的和年紀老邁的, 比你父親還老。
Both the gray-headed And the very aged [are] among us—Greater than your father [in] days.
Are the comforts of God too few for you? And a gentle word [is] with you,
Why does your heart take you away? And why are your eyes high?
Do you turn your spirit against God? And have brought out words from your mouth:
14 人是甚麼,竟算為潔淨呢? 婦人所生的是甚麼,竟算為義呢?
What [is] man that he is pure, And that he is righteous, one born of woman?
15 上帝不信靠他的眾聖者; 在他眼前,天也不潔淨,
Behold, He puts no credence in His holy ones, And the heavens have not been pure in His eyes.
Also—surely abominable and filthy Is man drinking perverseness as water.
I show you—listen to me—And this I have seen and declare,
18 就是智慧人從列祖所受, 傳說而不隱瞞的。 (
Which the wise declare—And have not hid—from their fathers.
19 這地惟獨賜給他們, 並沒有外人從他們中間經過。)
To them alone was the land given, And a stranger did not pass over into their midst:
20 惡人一生之日劬勞痛苦; 強暴人一生的年數也是如此。
All [the] days of the wicked he is paining himself, And few years have been laid up for the terrible one.
21 驚嚇的聲音常在他耳中; 在平安時,搶奪的必臨到他那裏。
A fearful voice [is] in his ears, In peace a destroyer comes to him.
He does not believe to return from darkness, And he watches for the sword.
23 他漂流在外求食,說:哪裏有食物呢? 他知道黑暗的日子在他手邊預備好了。
He is wandering for bread: Where [is] it? He has known that ready at his hand Is a day of darkness.
24 急難困苦叫他害怕, 而且勝了他,好像君王預備上陣一樣。
Adversity and distress terrify him, They prevail over him as a king ready for a boaster.
For he stretched out his hand against God, And against the Mighty he makes himself mighty.
He runs to Him with a neck, With thick bosses of his shields.
For he has covered his face with his fat, And makes vigor over [his] confidence.
28 他曾住在荒涼城邑, 無人居住、將成亂堆的房屋。
And he inhabits cities cut off, houses not dwelt in, That have been ready to become heaps.
29 他不得富足,財物不得常存, 產業在地上也不加增。
He is not rich, nor does his wealth rise, Nor does he stretch out their continuance on earth.
30 他不得出離黑暗。 火焰要將他的枝子燒乾; 因上帝口中的氣,他要滅亡。
He does not turn aside from darkness, A flame dries up his tender branch, And he turns aside at the breath of His mouth!
31 他不用倚靠虛假欺哄自己, 因虛假必成為他的報應。
Do not let him put credence in vanity, He has been deceived, For vanity is his exchange.
32 他的日期未到之先,這事必成就; 他的枝子不得青綠。
It is not completed in his day, And his bending branch is not green.
33 他必像葡萄樹的葡萄,未熟而落; 又像橄欖樹的花,一開而謝。
He shakes off his unripe fruit as a vine, And casts off his blossom as an olive.
34 原來不敬虔之輩必無生育; 受賄賂之人的帳棚必被火燒。
For the company of the profane [is] barren, And fire has consumed tents of bribery.
35 他們所懷的是毒害,所生的是罪孽; 心裏所預備的是詭詐。
To conceive misery, and to bear iniquity, Even their heart prepares deceit.”