< 耶利米書 35 >

1 當猶大王約西亞之子約雅敬的時候,耶和華的話臨到耶利米說:
The word that was maad of the Lord to Jeremye, in the daies of Joachym, sone of Josie,
2 「你去見利甲族的人,和他們說話,領他們進入耶和華殿的一間屋子,給他們酒喝。」
kyng of Juda, and seide, Go thou to the hous of Recabitis, and speke thou to hem; and thou schalt brynge hem in to the hous of the Lord, in to o chaumbre of tresouris, and thou schalt yyue to hem to drynke wyn.
3 我就將哈巴洗尼雅的孫子雅利米雅的兒子雅撒尼亞和他弟兄,並他眾子,以及利甲全族的人,
And Y took Jeconye, the sone of Jeremye, sone of Absanye, and hise britheren, and alle the sones of hym, and al the hous of Recabitis.
4 領到耶和華的殿,進入神人伊基大利的兒子哈難眾子的屋子。那屋子在首領的屋子旁邊,在沙龍之子把門的瑪西雅屋子以上。
And Y ledde hem in to the hous of the Lord, to the treserie of the sones of Eman, sone of Godolie, the man of God; which treserie was bisidis the treserie of princes, aboue the tresour of Maasie, sone of Sellum, that was kepere of the vestiarie.
5 於是我在利甲族人面前設擺盛滿酒的碗和杯,對他們說:「請你們喝酒。」
And Y settide bifore the sones of the hous of Recabitis pecis, and grete cowpis ful of wyn; and Y seide to hem, Drinke ye wyn.
6 他們卻說:「我們不喝酒;因為我們先祖利甲的兒子約拿達曾吩咐我們說:『你們與你們的子孫永不可喝酒,
And thei answeriden, We schulen not drinke wyn; for whi Jonadab, oure fadir, the sone of Recab, comaundide to vs, and seide, Ye schulen not drinke wyn, ye and youre sones, `til in to withouten ende;
7 也不可蓋房、撒種、栽種葡萄園,但一生的年日要住帳棚,使你們的日子在寄居之地得以延長。』
and ye schulen not bilde an hous, and ye schulen not sowe seed, and ye schulen not plaunte vynes, nether schulen haue, but ye schulen dwelle in tabernaclis in alle youre daies, that ye lyue many daies on the face of erthe, in which ye goen in pilgrymage.
8 凡我們先祖利甲的兒子約拿達所吩咐我們的話,我們都聽從了。我們和我們的妻子兒女一生的年日都不喝酒,
Therfor we obeieden to the vois of Jonadab, oure fadir, the sone of Recab, in alle thingis whiche he comaundide to vs; so that we drunken not wyn in alle oure dayes, we, and oure wymmen, oure sones, and douytris;
9 也不蓋房居住,也沒有葡萄園、田地,和種子,
and we bildiden not housis to dwelle, and we hadden not a vyner, and a feeld, and seed;
10 但住帳棚,聽從我們先祖約拿達的話,照他所吩咐我們的去行。
but we dwelliden in tabernaclis, and weren obeiynge, and diden bi alle thingis, whiche Jonadab, oure fadir, comaundide to vs.
11 巴比倫王尼布甲尼撒上此地來,我們因怕迦勒底的軍隊和亞蘭的軍隊,就說:『來吧,我們到耶路撒冷去。』這樣,我們才住在耶路撒冷。」
But whanne Nabugodonosor, kyng of Babiloyne, hadde stied to this lond, we seiden, Come ye, and entre we in to Jerusalem, fro the face of the oost of Caldeis, and fro the face of the oost of Sirie; and we dwelliden in Jerusalem.
12 耶和華的話臨到耶利米說:
And the word of the Lord was maad to Jeremye,
13 「萬軍之耶和華-以色列的上帝如此說:你去對猶大人和耶路撒冷的居民說,耶和華說:你們不受教訓,不聽從我的話嗎?
and seide, The Lord of oostis, God of Israel, seith these thingis, Go thou, and seie to the men of Juda, and to the dwelleris of Jerusalem, Whether ye schulen not take techyng, that ye obeie to my wordis, seith the Lord?
14 利甲的兒子約拿達所吩咐他子孫不可喝酒的話,他們已經遵守,直到今日也不喝酒,因為他們聽從先祖的吩咐。我從早起來警戒你們,你們卻不聽從我。
The wordis of Jonadab, sone of Rechab, hadden the maistrie, whiche he comaundide to hise sones, that thei schulden not drynke wyn; and thei drynken not, `til to this dai; for thei obeieden to the comaundement of her fadir; but Y spak to you, and Y roos ful eerli, and spake, and ye obeieden not to me.
15 我從早起來,差遣我的僕人眾先知去,說:『你們各人當回頭,離開惡道,改正行為,不隨從事奉別神,就必住在我所賜給你們和你們列祖的地上。』只是你們沒有聽從我,也沒有側耳而聽。
And Y sente to you alle my seruauntis profetis, and Y roos ful eerli, and Y sente, and seide, Be ye conuertid, ech man fro his worste weye, and make ye good youre studies, and nyle ye sue alien goddis, nether worschipe ye hem, and ye schulen dwelle in the lond, which Y yaf to you, and to youre fadris; and ye bowiden not youre eere, nether herden me.
16 利甲的兒子約拿達的子孫能遵守先人所吩咐他們的命,這百姓卻沒有聽從我!
Therfor the sones of Jonadab, sone of Recab, maden stidfast the comaundement of her fadir, which he comaundide to hem; but this puple obeiede not to me.
17 因此,耶和華-萬軍之上帝、以色列的上帝如此說:我要使我所說的一切災禍臨到猶大人和耶路撒冷的一切居民。因為我對他們說話,他們沒有聽從;我呼喚他們,他們沒有答應。」
Therfor the Lord of oostis, God of Israel, seith these thingis, Lo! Y schal bringe on Juda, and on alle the dwelleris of Jerusalem, al the turment which Y spak ayens hem; for Y spak to hem, and thei herden not; Y clepide hem, and thei answeriden not to me.
18 耶利米對利甲族的人說:「萬軍之耶和華-以色列的上帝如此說:因你們聽從你們先祖約拿達的吩咐,謹守他的一切誡命,照他所吩咐你們的去行,
Forsothe Jeremye seide to the hous of Recabitis, The Lord of oostis, God of Israel, seith these thingis, For that that ye obeieden to the comaundement of Jonadab, youre fadir, and kepten alle hise comaundementis, and diden alle thingis, whiche he comaundide to you;
19 所以萬軍之耶和華-以色列的上帝如此說:利甲的兒子約拿達必永不缺人侍立在我面前。」
therfor the Lord of oostis, God of Israel, seith these thingis, A man of the generacioun of Jonadab, sone of Recab, schal not faile stondynge in my siyt in alle daies.

< 耶利米書 35 >