< 耶利米書 30 >

1 耶和華的話臨到耶利米說:
This is the word, that was maad of the Lord to Jeremye,
2 「耶和華-以色列的上帝如此說:你將我對你說過的一切話都寫在書上。
and seide, The Lord God of Israel seith these thingis, and spekith, Write to thee in a book, alle these wordis whiche Y spak to thee.
3 耶和華說:日子將到,我要使我的百姓以色列和猶大被擄的人歸回;我也要使他們回到我所賜給他們列祖之地,他們就得這地為業。這是耶和華說的。」
For lo! daies comen, seith the Lord, and Y schal turne the turnyng of my puple Israel and Juda, seith the Lord; and Y schal turne hem to the lond which Y yaf to the fadris of hem, and thei schulen haue it in possessioun.
4 以下是耶和華論到以色列和猶大所說的話:
And these ben the wordis, whiche the Lord spak to Israel, and to Juda,
5 耶和華如此說:我們聽見聲音, 是戰抖懼怕而不平安的聲音。
For the Lord seith these thingis, We herden a word of drede; inward drede is, and pees is not.
6 你們且訪問看看, 男人有產難嗎? 我怎麼看見人人用手掐腰, 像產難的婦人, 臉面都變青了呢?
Axe ye, and se, if a male berith child; whi therfor siy Y the hond of ech man on his leende, as of a womman trauelynge of child, and alle faces ben turned in to yelow colour?
7 哀哉!那日為大, 無日可比; 這是雅各遭難的時候, 但他必被救出來。
Wo! for thilke day is greet, nether ony is lyk it; and it is a tyme of tribulacioun to Jacob, and of hym schal be sauyd.
8 萬軍之耶和華說:「到那日,我必從你頸項上折斷仇敵的軛,扭開他的繩索;外邦人不得再使你作他們的奴僕。
And it schal be, in that dai, seith the Lord of oostis, Y schal al to-breke the yok of hym fro thi necke, and Y schal breke hise boondis; and aliens schulen no more be lordis of it,
9 你們卻要事奉耶和華-你們的上帝和我為你們所要興起的王大衛。」
but thei schulen serue to her Lord God, and to Dauid, her kyng, whom Y schal reyse for hem.
10 故此,耶和華說: 我的僕人雅各啊,不要懼怕; 以色列啊,不要驚惶; 因我要從遠方拯救你, 從被擄到之地拯救你的後裔; 雅各必回來得享平靖安逸, 無人使他害怕。
Therfor, Jacob, my seruaunt, drede thou not, seith the Lord, and Israel, drede thou not; for lo! Y schal saue thee fro a fer lond, and thi seed fro the lond of the caitiftee of hem. And Jacob schal turne ayen, and schal reste, and schal flowe with alle goodis; and noon schal be whom he schal drede.
11 因我與你同在,要拯救你, 也要將所趕散你到的那些國滅絕淨盡, 卻不將你滅絕淨盡,倒要從寬懲治你, 萬不能不罰你。 這是耶和華說的。
For Y am with thee, seith the Lord, for to saue thee. For Y schal make endyng in alle folkis, in whiche Y scateride thee; sotheli Y schal not make thee in to endyng, but Y schal chastise thee in doom, that thou be not seyn to thee to be gilteles.
12 耶和華如此說: 你的損傷無法醫治; 你的傷痕極其重大。
For the Lord seith these thingis, Thi brekyng is vncurable, thi wounde is the worste.
13 無人為你分訴, 使你的傷痕得以纏裹; 你沒有醫治的良藥。
Noon is, that demeth thi doom to bynde togidere; the profit of heelyngis is not to thee.
14 你所親愛的都忘記你, 不來探問你。 我因你的罪孽甚大,罪惡眾多, 曾用仇敵加的傷害傷害你, 用殘忍者的懲治懲治你。
Alle thi louyeris han foryete thee, thei schulen not seke thee; for Y haue smyte thee with the wounde of an enemy, with cruel chastisyng; for the multitude of thi wickidnesse, thi synnes ben maad hard.
15 你為何因損傷哀號呢? 你的痛苦無法醫治。 我因你的罪孽甚大,罪惡眾多, 曾將這些加在你身上。
What criest thou on thi brekynge? thi sorewe is vncurable; for the multitude of thi wickidnesse, and for thin hard synnes, Y haue do these thingis to thee.
16 故此,凡吞吃你的必被吞吃; 你的敵人個個都被擄去; 擄掠你的必成為擄物; 搶奪你的必成為掠物。
Therfor alle that eeten thee, schulen be deuourid, and alle thin enemyes schulen be led in to caitifte; and thei that distrien thee, schulen be distried, and Y schal yyue alle thi robberis in to raueyn.
17 耶和華說:我必使你痊癒, 醫好你的傷痕, 都因人稱你為被趕散的, 說:這是錫安,無人來探問的!
For Y schal heele perfitli thi wounde, and Y schal make thee hool of thi woundis, seith the Lord; for thou, Sion, thei clepeden thee cast out; this is it that hadde no sekere.
18 耶和華如此說: 我必使雅各被擄去的帳棚歸回, 也必顧惜他的住處。 城必建造在原舊的山岡; 宮殿也照舊有人居住。
The Lord seith these thingis, Lo! Y schal turne the turnyng of the tabernaclis of Jacob, and Y schal haue merci on the housis of hym; and the citee schal be bildid in his hiynesse, and the temple schal be foundid bi his ordre.
19 必有感謝和歡樂的聲音從其中發出, 我要使他們增多,不致減少; 使他們尊榮,不致卑微。
And heriyng and the vois of pleiers schal go out of hem, and Y schal multiplie hem, and thei schulen not be decreessid; and Y schal glorifie hem, and thei schulen not be maad thynne.
20 他們的兒女要如往日; 他們的會眾堅立在我面前; 凡欺壓他們的,我必刑罰他。
And the sones therof schulen be as at the bigynnyng, and the cumpeny therof schal dwelle bifore me; and Y schal visite ayens alle that doon tribulacioun to it.
21 他們的君王必是屬乎他們的; 掌權的必從他們中間而出。 我要使他就近我, 他也要親近我; 不然,誰有膽量親近我呢? 這是耶和華說的。
And the duyk therof schal be of it, and a prince schal be brouyt forth of the myddis therof; and Y schal applie hym, and he schal neiye to me; for who is this, that schal applie his herte, that he neiye to me? seith the Lord.
22 你們要作我的子民, 我要作你們的上帝。
And ye schulen be in to a puple to me, and Y schal be in to God to you.
23 看哪,耶和華的忿怒 好像暴風已經發出; 是掃滅的暴風, 必轉到惡人的頭上。
Lo! the whirlewynd of the Lord, a strong veniaunce goynge out, a tempest fallynge doun, schal reste in the heed of wickid men.
24 耶和華的烈怒必不轉消, 直到他心中所擬定的成就了; 末後的日子你們要明白。
The Lord schal not turne awey the ire of indignacioun, til he do, and fille the thouyt of his herte; in the laste of daies ye schulen vndurstonde tho thingis.

< 耶利米書 30 >