< 耶利米書 26 >

1 猶大王約西亞的兒子約雅敬登基的時候,有這話從耶和華臨到耶利米說:
In the bigynnyng of the rewme of Joachym, the sone of Josie, kyng of Juda, this word was maad of the Lord, and seide,
2 「耶和華如此說:你站在耶和華殿的院內,對猶大眾城邑的人,就是到耶和華殿來禮拜的,說我所吩咐你的一切話,一字不可刪減。
The Lord seide these thingis, Stonde thou in the porche of the hous of the Lord, and thou schalt speke to alle the citees of Juda, fro whiche thei comen for to worschipe in the hous of the Lord, alle the wordis whiche Y comaundide to thee, that thou speke to hem; nyle thou withdrawe a word;
3 或者他們肯聽從,各人回頭離開惡道,使我後悔不將我因他們所行的惡,想要施行的災禍降與他們。
if perauenture thei heren, and ben conuertid, ech man fro his yuele weie, and it repente me of the yuel which Y thouyte to do to hem for the malices of her studies.
4 你要對他們說,耶和華如此說:『你們若不聽從我,不遵行我設立在你們面前的律法,
And thou schalt seie to hem, The Lord seith these thingis, If ye heren not me, that ye go in my lawe which Y yaf to you,
5 不聽我從早起來差遣到你們那裏去我僕人眾先知的話(你們還是沒有聽從),
that ye here the wordis of my seruauntis, profetis, whiche Y risynge bi niyte, and dressynge, sente to you, and ye herden not;
6 我就必使這殿如示羅,使這城為地上萬國所咒詛的。』」
Y schal yyue this hous as Silo, and Y schal yyue this citee in to cursyng to alle folkis of erthe.
7 耶利米在耶和華殿中說的這些話,祭司、先知與眾民都聽見了。
And the prestis, and profetis, and al the puple herden Jeremye spekynge these wordis in the hous of the Lord.
8 耶利米說完了耶和華所吩咐他對眾人說的一切話,祭司、先知與眾民都來抓住他,說:「你必要死!
And whanne Jeremye hadde fillid spekynge alle thingis, whiche the Lord hadde comaundid to hym, that he schulde speke to al the puple, the prestis, and profetis, and al the puple token hym, and seiden, Die he bi deeth;
9 你為何託耶和華的名預言,說這殿必如示羅,這城必變為荒場無人居住呢?」於是眾民都在耶和華的殿中聚集到耶利米那裏。
whi profesiede he in the name of the Lord, and seide, This hous schal be as Silo, and this citee schal be desolat, for no dwellere is? And al the puple was gaderid togidere ayens Jeremye, in the hous of the Lord.
10 猶大的首領聽見這事,就從王宮上到耶和華的殿,坐在耶和華殿的新門口。
And the princes of Juda herden alle these wordis; and thei stieden fro the kyngis hous in to the hous of the Lord, and saten in the entryng of the newe yate of the hous of the Lord.
11 祭司、先知對首領和眾民說:「這人是該死的;因為他說預言攻擊這城,正如你們親耳所聽見的。」
And the prestis and profetis spaken to the princes, and to al the puple, and seiden, Doom of deth is to this man, for he profesiede ayens this citee, as ye herden with youre eeris.
12 耶利米就對眾首領和眾民說:「耶和華差遣我預言,攻擊這殿和這城,說你們所聽見的這一切話。
And Jeremye seide to alle the princes, and to al the puple, `and seide, The Lord sente me, that Y schulde prophesie to this hous, and to this citee, alle the wordis whiche ye herden.
13 現在要改正你們的行動作為,聽從耶和華-你們上帝的話,他就必後悔,不將所說的災禍降與你們。
Now therfor make ye good youre weies, and youre studies, and here ye the vois of youre Lord God; and it schal repente the Lord of the yuel which he spak ayens you.
14 至於我,我在你們手中,你們眼看何為善,何為正,就那樣待我吧!
Lo! forsothe Y am in youre hondis; do ye to me, as it is good and riytful bifore youre iyen.
15 但你們要確實地知道,若把我治死,就使無辜人的血歸到你們和這城,並其中的居民了;因為耶和華實在差遣我到你們這裏來,將這一切話傳與你們耳中。」
Netheles wite ye, and knowe, that if ye sleen me, ye schulen bitraie innocent blood ayens you silf, and ayens this citee, and the dwelleris therof; for in trewthe the Lord sente me to you, that Y schulde speke in youre eeris alle these wordis.
16 首領和眾民就對祭司、先知說:「這人是不該死的,因為他是奉耶和華-我們上帝的名向我們說話。」
And the princes and al the puple seiden to the preestis and profetis, Doom of deth is not to this man; for he spak to vs in the name of oure Lord God.
17 國中的長老就有幾個人起來,對聚會的眾民說:
Therfor men of the eldere men of the lond rysiden vp, and seiden to al the cumpanye of the puple,
18 「當猶大王希西家的日子,有摩利沙人彌迦對猶大眾人預言說: 萬軍之耶和華如此說: 錫安必被耕種像一塊田; 耶路撒冷必變為亂堆; 這殿的山必像叢林的高處。
and spaken, Mychee of Morasten was a profete in the daies of Ezechie, king of Juda; and he seide to al the puple of Juda, and seide, The Lord of oostis seith these thingis, Sion schal be erid as a feeld, and Jerusalem schal be in to an heep of stoonys, and the hil of the hous of the Lord schal be in to hiy thingis of woodis.
19 猶大王希西家和猶大眾人豈是把他治死呢?希西家豈不是敬畏耶和華、懇求他的恩嗎?耶和華就後悔,不把自己所說的災禍降與他們。若治死這人,我們就作了大惡,自害己命。」 (
Whether Ezechie, kyng of Juda, and al Juda condempnede hym bi deth? Whether thei dredden not the Lord, and bisouyten the face of the Lord? and it repentide the Lord of the yuel which he spak ayens hem. Therfor do we not greet yuel ayens oure soulis.
20 又有一個人奉耶和華的名說預言,是基列‧耶琳人示瑪雅的兒子烏利亞,他照耶利米的一切話說預言,攻擊這城和這地。
Also Vrye, the sone of Semey, of Cariathiarym, was a man profesiynge in the name of the Lord; and he profesiede ayens this citee, and ayens this lond, bi alle the wordis of Jeremye.
21 約雅敬王和他眾勇士、眾首領聽見了烏利亞的話,王就想要把他治死。烏利亞聽見就懼怕,逃往埃及去了。
And kyng Joachym, and alle the myyti men, and princes of hem, herden these wordis; and the kyng souyte to sle hym; and Vrye herde, and dredde, and he fledde, and entride in to Egipt.
22 約雅敬王便打發亞革波的兒子以利拿單,帶領幾個人往埃及去。
And kyng Joachym sente men in to Egipt, Elnathan, the sone of Achobor, and men with hym, in to Egipt;
23 他們就從埃及將烏利亞帶出來,送到約雅敬王那裏;王用刀殺了他,把他的屍首拋在平民的墳地中。)
and thei ledden Vrye out of Egipt, and brouyten hym to kyng Joachym; and the kyng killide hym bi swerd, and castide forth his careyn in the sepulcris of the comyn puple vnnoble.
24 然而,沙番的兒子亞希甘保護耶利米,不交在百姓的手中治死他。
Therfor the hond of Aicham, sone of Saphan, was with Jeremye, that he was not bitakun in to the hondis of the puple, and that it killide not hym.

< 耶利米書 26 >