< 耶利米書 14 >
This is a message from the Lord that came to Jeremiah regarding the drought:
2 猶大悲哀,城門衰敗。 眾人披上黑衣坐在地上; 耶路撒冷的哀聲上達。
Judah is in mourning; her towns are wasting away. Her people are weeping for the land, and a cry for help comes from Jerusalem.
3 他們的貴冑打發家僮打水; 他們來到水池, 見沒有水,就拿着空器皿, 蒙羞慚愧,抱頭而回。
Rich people send their servants to get water. They go to the cisterns, but don't find any water. They return with empty jars, disappointed and ashamed, covering their heads.
4 耕地的也蒙羞抱頭; 因為無雨降在地上, 地都乾裂。
The ground has dried up because there hasn't been any rain in the land. The farmers are ashamed; they cover their heads.
Even the deer abandons her newborn fawn because there's no grass.
6 野驢站在淨光的高處,喘氣好像野狗; 因為無草,眼目失明。
Wild donkeys stand on the bare hills, panting like jackals. Their eyesight fails because they have nothing to eat.
7 耶和華啊,我們的罪孽雖然作見證告我們, 還求你為你名的緣故行事。 我們本是多次背道,得罪了你。
Even though our sins give evidence against us, Lord, please do something for us because of your good nature. Yes, we have rebelled against you so often; we have sinned against you.
8 以色列所盼望、在患難時作他救主的啊, 你為何在這地像寄居的, 又像行路的只住一宵呢?
You are the hope of Israel, our Savior in times of trouble. Why do you act like a foreigner in our country, like a traveler who only stays a night?
9 你為何像受驚的人, 像不能救人的勇士呢? 耶和華啊,你仍在我們中間; 我們也稱為你名下的人, 求你不要離開我們。
Why do you act like someone caught unawares, like a powerful warrior who can't help? You are here among us, Lord, and we are known as your people. Please don't give up on us!
10 耶和華對這百姓如此說: 這百姓喜愛妄行, 不禁止腳步, 所以耶和華不悅納他們。 現今要記念他們的罪孽, 追討他們的罪惡。
This is what the Lord says about his people: They really love to wander away from me—they don't even try to stop themselves. So the Lord refuses to accept them. Now he'll remember their guilty actions and punish them for their sins.
The Lord told me, Don't pray for the welfare of this people.
12 他們禁食的時候,我不聽他們的呼求;他們獻燔祭和素祭,我也不悅納;我卻要用刀劍、饑荒、瘟疫滅絕他們。」
Even if they fast, I won't listen to their cry. Even though they offer burnt offerings and grain offerings, I won't accept them. On the contrary I will wipe them out by sword and famine and plague.
13 我就說:「唉!主耶和華啊,那些先知常對他們說:『你們必不看見刀劍,也不遭遇饑荒;耶和華要在這地方賜你們長久的平安。』」
“Oh Lord God!” I answered, “Look what prophets are telling them, claiming to be speaking for you: ‘You won't see war or suffer from famine, but I will give you peace that lasts here in this place.’”
14 耶和華對我說:「那些先知託我的名說假預言,我並沒有打發他們,沒有吩咐他們,也沒有對他們說話;他們向你們預言的,乃是虛假的異象和占卜,並虛無的事,以及本心的詭詐。
The prophets are prophesying lies in my name, replied the Lord. I didn't send them or choose them or speak to them. It's a lying vision, an empty prediction, a deluded, deceitful product of their own minds that they are prophesying to you.
15 所以耶和華如此說:論到託我名說預言的那些先知,我並沒有打發他們;他們還說這地不能有刀劍饑荒,其實那些先知必被刀劍饑荒滅絕。
So this is what the Lord says about such prophets who prophesy in my name: I didn't send them, but even so they say, “This country won't suffer war or famine.” These same prophets will die from war or famine!
16 聽他們說預言的百姓必因饑荒刀劍拋在耶路撒冷的街道上,無人葬埋。他們連妻子帶兒女,都是如此。我必將他們的惡倒在他們身上。」
The bodies of the people they prophesied to will be thrown into the streets of Jerusalem because of famine and war. There won't be anyone to bury them or their wives, their sons or their daughters. I will pour out their own evil on them.
17 你要將這話對他們說: 願我眼淚汪汪, 晝夜不息, 因為我百姓受了裂口破壞的大傷。
This is what you are to tell them: Tears flow from my eyes without stopping day or night, because my people have been crushed by a heavy blow, a really serious wound.
18 我若出往田間, 就見有被刀殺的; 我若進入城內, 就見有因饑荒患病的; 連先知帶祭司在國中往來, 也是毫無知識。
If I go out to the countryside, I see those killed by the sword; if I go into the city, I see those dying by famine. Both prophets and priests wander around the country—they don't know what they're doing.
19 你全然棄掉猶大嗎? 你心厭惡錫安嗎? 為何擊打我們,以致無法醫治呢? 我們指望平安,卻得不着好處; 指望痊癒,不料,受了驚惶。
Have you really rejected Judah? Do you hate Zion so much? Why have you wounded us so badly that we can't be healed? We hoped for peace, but instead nothing good has come; we hoped for a time of healing, but instead there was only sudden terror.
20 耶和華啊,我們承認自己的罪惡, 和我們列祖的罪孽, 因我們得罪了你。
Lord, we admit our wickedness, the guilt of our forefathers as well as our own sins against you.
21 求你為你名的緣故, 不厭惡我們, 不辱沒你榮耀的寶座。 求你追念, 不要背了與我們所立的約。
Because of your own reputation please don't hate us; don't bring dishonor on your glorious throne. Please remember your agreement with us; don't break it.
22 外邦人虛無的神中有能降雨的嗎? 天能自降甘霖嗎? 耶和華-我們的上帝啊, 能如此的不是你嗎? 所以,我們仍要等候你, 因為這一切都是你所造的。
Can the false gods of the other nations bring rain? Can the skies themselves send showers? No, it's you, Lord our God. So we put our hope in you, because only you can do all this.