< 耶利米書 12 >

1 耶和華啊,我與你爭辯的時候, 你顯為義; 但有一件,我還要與你理論: 惡人的道路為何亨通呢? 大行詭詐的為何得安逸呢?
Forsothe, Lord, thou art iust; if Y dispute with thee, netheles Y schal speke iust thingis to thee. Whi hath the weie of wickid men prosperite? It is wel to alle men that breken the lawe, and doen wickidli?
2 你栽培了他們, 他們也扎了根, 長大,而且結果。 他們的口是與你相近, 心卻與你遠離。
Thou hast plauntid hem, and thei senten roote; thei encreessen, and maken fruyt; thou art niy to the mouth of hem, and fer fro the reynes of hem.
3 耶和華啊,你曉得我,看見我, 察驗我向你是怎樣的心。 求你將他們拉出來, 好像將宰的羊, 叫他們等候殺戮的日子。
And thou, Lord, hast knowe me, thou hast seyn me, and hast preued myn herte with thee. Gadere thou hem togidere as a flok to slayn sacrifice, and halewe thou hem in the dai of sleyng.
4 這地悲哀, 通國的青草枯乾,要到幾時呢? 因其上居民的惡行, 牲畜和飛鳥都滅絕了。 他們曾說:他看不見我們的結局。
Hou long schal the erthe mourne, and ech eerbe of the feeld schal be dried, for the malice of hem that dwellen ther ynne? A beeste is wastid, and a brid, for thei seiden, The Lord schal not se oure laste thingis.
5 耶和華說:你若與步行的人同跑, 尚且覺累, 怎能與馬賽跑呢? 你在平安之地,雖然安穩, 在約旦河邊的叢林要怎樣行呢?
If thou trauelist rennynge with foot men, hou schalt thou mow stryue with horsis? but whanne thou art sikur in the lond of pees, what schalt thou do in the pride of Jordan?
6 因為連你弟兄和你父家都用奸詐待你。 他們也在你後邊大聲喊叫, 雖向你說好話, 你也不要信他們。
For whi bothe thi britheren and the hous of thi fadir, yhe, thei fouyten ayens thee, and crieden with ful vois aftir thee; bileue thou not to hem, whanne thei speken goodis to thee.
7 我離了我的殿宇, 撇棄我的產業, 將我心裏所親愛的交在她仇敵的手中。
I haue left myn hous, Y haue forsake myn eritage; Y yaf my loued soule in to the hondis of enemyes therof.
8 我的產業向我如林中的獅子, 她發聲攻擊我, 因此我恨惡她。
Myn eritage is maad as a lioun in the wode to me; it yaf vois ayens me, therfor Y hate it.
9 我的產業向我豈如斑點的鷙鳥呢? 鷙鳥豈在她四圍攻擊她呢? 你們要去聚集田野的百獸, 帶來吞吃吧!
Whether myn eritage is a brid of dyuerse colours to me? whether it is a brid died thorou out? Alle beestis of the feeld, come ye, be ye gaderid togidere; haste ye for to deuoure.
10 許多牧人毀壞我的葡萄園, 踐踏我的分, 使我美好的分變為荒涼的曠野。
Many scheepherdis distrieden my vyner, defouliden my part, yauen my desirable porcioun in to desert of wildirnesse;
11 他們使地荒涼; 地既荒涼,便向我悲哀。 全地荒涼,因無人介意。
thei settiden it in to scateryng, and it mourenyde on me; al the lond is desolat bi desolacioun, for noon is that ayenthenkith in herte.
12 滅命的都來到曠野中一切淨光的高處; 耶和華的刀從地這邊直到地那邊盡行殺滅。 凡有血氣的都不得平安。
Alle distrieris of the lond camen on alle the weies of desert, for the swerd of the Lord schal deuoure fro the laste part of the lond `til to the laste part therof; no pees is to al fleisch.
13 他們種的是麥子, 收的是荊棘; 勞勞苦苦卻毫無益處。 因耶和華的烈怒, 你們必為自己的土產羞愧。
Thei sowiden wheete, and repiden thornes; thei token erytage, and it schal not profite to hem. Ye schulen be schent of youre fruytis, for the wraththe of the stronge veniaunce of the Lord.
14 耶和華如此說:「一切惡鄰,就是佔據我使百姓以色列所承受產業的,我要將他們拔出本地,又要將猶大家從他們中間拔出來。
The Lord seith these thingis ayens alle my worst neiyboris, that touchen the eritage which Y departide to my puple Israel, Lo! Y schal drawe hem out of her lond, and Y schal drawe the hous of Juda out of the myddis of hem.
15 我拔出他們以後,我必轉過來憐憫他們,把他們再帶回來,各歸本業,各歸故土。
And whanne Y schal drawe out thilke Jewis, Y schal conuerte, and haue merci on hem; and Y schal lede hem ayen, a man to his eritage, and a man in to his lond.
16 他們若殷勤學習我百姓的道,指着我的名起誓說:『我指着永生的耶和華起誓』,正如他們從前教我百姓指着巴力起誓,他們就必建立在我百姓中間。
And it schal be, if thei `that ben tauyt lernen the weies of my puple, that thei swere in my name, The Lord lyueth, as thei tauyten my puple to swere in Baal, thei schulen be bildid in the myddis of my puple.
17 他們若是不聽,我必拔出那國,拔出而且毀滅。這是耶和華說的。」
That if thei heren not, Y schal drawe out that folk by drawyng out and perdicioun, seith the Lord.

< 耶利米書 12 >