< 以賽亞書 41 >

1 眾海島啊,當在我面前靜默; 眾民當重新得力, 都要近前來才可以說話, 我們可以彼此辯論。
[Yahweh says], “You [people who live on] [APO] islands in the ocean, be silent in front of me [while I ask you some questions]! Then you can be courageous and talk to me. We will meet together and decide [which one of us is right].
2 誰從東方興起一人, 憑公義召他來到腳前呢? 耶和華將列國交給他, 使他管轄君王, 把他們如灰塵交與他的刀, 如風吹的碎稭交與他的弓。
Who has urged this king to come from the east? Who has enabled his [army] to righteously defeat many nations and to trample their kings under their feet? With their swords they cut [their enemies] into tiny pieces [HYP]; with their arrows they cause their enemies to scatter like [SIM] the wind scatters chaff.
3 他追趕他們, 走他所未走的道, 坦然前行。
Even though they march through areas where they have not gone previously, they pursue [their enemies] and continue to march, and nothing stops them.
4 誰行做成就這事, 從起初宣召歷代呢? 就是我-耶和華! 我是首先的, 也與末後的同在。
Who has enabled rulers to do [DOU] mighty things like that? Who has done that throughout all generations? It is I, Yahweh; I was the first [one to do things like that], and I will be the last one [to do them].”
5 海島看見就都害怕; 地極也都戰兢, 就近前來。
[People who live on] [PRS] islands in the ocean are afraid while they watch. People in remote areas tremble and gather together.
6 他們各人幫助鄰舍, 各人對弟兄說:壯膽吧!
They encourage each other and say to each other, “Be strong!'
7 木匠勉勵銀匠, 用鎚打光的勉勵打砧的, 論銲工說,銲得好; 又用釘子釘穩,免得偶像動搖。
The craftsmen encourage those who make things from gold, and the men who flatten metal encourage those who hammer metal (on an anvil/into shape). They all say, “The idol has been well made!” And then they carefully nail down the idol in order that it will not topple over!
8 惟你以色列-我的僕人, 雅各-我所揀選的, 我朋友亞伯拉罕的後裔,
[Yahweh says], “[You people of] Israel [are like] my servants; you are [descendants of] Jacob, whom I chose; [you are] descendants of Abraham, who [I said is] my friend.
9 你是我從地極所領來的, 從地角所召來的, 且對你說:你是我的僕人; 我揀選你,並不棄絕你。
I summoned you from very distant places [DOU] on the earth, and I said ‘I [want you to] serve me; I have chosen you, and I will not reject you.’
10 你不要害怕,因為我與你同在; 不要驚惶,因為我是你的上帝。 我必堅固你,我必幫助你; 我必用我公義的右手扶持你。
Do not be afraid, because I will (be with/help) you. Do not be discouraged, because I am your God. I will enable you to be strong, and I will help you; I will hold you up with my powerful arm by which you will be rescued.
11 凡向你發怒的必都抱愧蒙羞; 與你相爭的必如無有,並要滅亡。
It is certain that all those who are angry with you [Israeli people] will be disgraced [DOU]. Those who oppose you will be wiped out; they will all die.
12 與你爭競的,你要找他們也找不着; 與你爭戰的必如無有,成為虛無。
If you search for those who tried to conquer you, you will not find them, [because they will all have disappeared]. Those who attacked you will not exist [any more].
13 因為我耶和華- 你的上帝必攙扶你的右手, 對你說:不要害怕! 我必幫助你。
[It will be as though] I will hold you up by your right hand. I am Yahweh, your God, and I say to you, ‘Do not be afraid, [because] I will help you.’
14 你這蟲雅各和你們以色列人, 不要害怕! 耶和華說:我必幫助你。 你的救贖主就是以色列的聖者。
Although you people of Israel [DOU] [think that you are as insignificant as] worms, do not be afraid [of your enemies], because I will help you. I am Yahweh, the one who rescues you; I am the Holy One of Israel.
15 看哪,我已使你成為 有快齒打糧的新器具; 你要把山嶺打得粉碎, 使岡陵如同糠詷。
[I will cause] you to be like [MET] a (threshing sledge/big piece of metal that has sharp teeth for separating grain from chaff). You will tear [your enemies to bits], causing them to be like bits of chaff on the mountains.
16 你要把它簸揚,風要吹去; 旋風要把它颳散。 你倒要以耶和華為喜樂, 以以色列的聖者為誇耀。
You will toss them up into the air, and a strong wind will blow them away [DOU]. [When that happens], you will rejoice about what I [have done for you]; you will praise me, the Holy One of Israel.
17 困苦窮乏人尋求水卻沒有; 他們因口渴,舌頭乾燥。 我-耶和華必應允他們; 我-以色列的上帝必不離棄他們。
When poor and needy people need water and they have no water, and their tongues are very dry because they are very thirsty, I, Yahweh, will come and help them. I, the God to whom you Israeli people belong, will never abandon them.
18 我要在淨光的高處開江河, 在谷中開泉源; 我要使沙漠變為水池, 使乾地變為湧泉。
I will cause rivers to flow for them on the barren hills. I will give them fountains in the valleys. I will fill [HYP] the desert with pools of water. Water from springs will flow into rivers, and the rivers will flow across the dry ground.
19 我要在曠野種上香柏樹、 皂莢樹、番石榴樹,和野橄欖樹。 我在沙漠要把松樹、杉樹, 並黃楊樹一同栽植;
I will plant [trees] in the desert— cedar [trees], acacia [trees], myrtle [trees], olive [trees], cypress [trees], fir [trees], and pine [trees].
20 好叫人看見、知道、 思想、明白; 這是耶和華的手所做的, 是以色列的聖者所造的。
[I will do that] in order that people who see it will think about it, and they will know and understand [DOU] that it is [I], Yahweh, who have done it; it is what [I], the Holy One of Israel, have done.
21 耶和華對假神說: 你們要呈上你們的案件; 雅各的君說: 你們要聲明你們確實的理由。
[I], Yahweh, the true king of Israel say [to you nations], “Tell what your idols can do for you!
22 可以聲明,指示我們將來必遇的事, 說明先前的是甚麼事, 好叫我們思索,得知事的結局, 或者把將來的事指示我們。
Bring them here to tell us what is going to happen! Ask them to tell us what things happened long ago, in order that we may think about those things, and learn if those things that they predicted really happened. Or, ask them to tell us about the future, in order that we can know what will happen.
23 要說明後來的事, 好叫我們知道你們是神。 你們或降福,或降禍, 使我們驚奇,一同觀看。
[Yes], those idols should tell us what will happen in the future. If they do that, we will know that they are really gods. Tell them to do something—either something good or something bad! Tell them to do something that will cause us to be amazed and afraid!
24 看哪,你們屬乎虛無; 你們的作為也屬乎虛空。 那選擇你們的是可憎惡的。
But [that is impossible, because] idols are absolutely worthless [HYP]; they can do nothing, and I detest those who decide [to worship] idols.”
25 我從北方興起一人; 他是求告我名的, 從日出之地而來。 他必臨到掌權的, 好像臨到灰泥, 彷彿窯匠踹泥一樣。
“[But] I have incited/urged a ruler who will come [with his army] from the north. I have summoned him to come from [his country, which is] east [of Israel], and I have given him my authority [MTY]. I will [enable his army to conquer other rulers]; they will trample those leaders like [SIM] a man who makes clay pots first tramples the clay.
26 誰從起初指明這事,使我們知道呢? 誰從先前說明,使我們說他不錯呢? 誰也沒有指明; 誰也沒有說明; 誰也沒有聽見你們的話。
(Who told you people long ago that this would happen?/No one told you people long ago that this would happen!) [RHQ] (Who predicted it, with the result that we can say, ‘What he predicted was correct!’?/No one predicted it, with the result that we can say, ‘What he predicted was correct!’) [RHQ] No one else said that it would happen.
27 我首先對錫安說: 看哪,我要將一位報好信息的賜給耶路撒冷。
I was the first one to tell [the people of] Jerusalem, ‘Listen to this! I have appointed a messenger to tell good news to you!’
28 我看的時候並沒有人; 我問的時候, 他們中間也沒有謀士可以回答一句。
None of your idols told you that [DOU]. And when I asked them questions, none of them was able to give me any answers.
29 看哪,他們和他們的工作都是虛空, 且是虛無。 他們所鑄的偶像都是風, 都是虛的。
Think about it: Those idols are all useless, worthless [DOU] things. They are [as meaningless as] [MET] the wind.”

< 以賽亞書 41 >