< 以賽亞書 30 >

1 耶和華說: 禍哉!這悖逆的兒女。 他們同謀,卻不由於我, 結盟,卻不由於我的靈, 以致罪上加罪;
Wo! sones forsakeris, seith the Lord, that ye schulden make a councel, and not of me; and weue a web, and not bi my spirit, that ye schulden encreesse synne on synne.
2 起身下埃及去,並沒有求問我; 要靠法老的力量加添自己的力量, 並投在埃及的蔭下。
Whiche goen, to go doun in to Egipt, and ye axiden not my mouth; ye hopynge help in the strengthe of Farao, and ye hauynge trist in the schadewe of Egipt.
3 所以,法老的力量必作你們的羞辱; 投在埃及的蔭下,要為你們的慚愧。
And the strengthe of Farao schal be to you in to confusioun, and the trist of the schadewe of Egipt in to schenschipe.
4 他們的首領已在瑣安; 他們的使臣到了哈內斯。
For whi thi princes weren in Taphnys, and thi messangeris camen til to Anes.
5 他們必因那不利於他們的民蒙羞。 那民並非幫助,也非利益, 只作羞恥凌辱。
Alle thei weren schent on the puple, that myyten not profite to hem; thei weren not in to help, and in to ony profit, but in to schame and schenschip.
6 論南方牲畜的默示: 他們把財物馱在驢駒的脊背上, 將寶物馱在駱駝的肉鞍上, 經過艱難困苦之地, 就是公獅、母獅、蝮蛇、火焰的飛龍之地, 往那不利於他們的民那裏去。
The birthun of werk beestis of the south. In the lond of tribulacioun and of angwisch, a lionesse, and a lioun, of hem a serpent, and a cocatrice; thei weren berynge her richessis on the schuldris of werk beestis, and her tresours on the botche of camels, to a puple that myyte not profite to hem.
7 埃及的幫助是徒然無益的; 所以我稱她為「坐而不動的拉哈伯」。
For whi Egipt schal helpe in veyn, and idili. Therfor Y criede on this thing, It is pride oneli; ceesse thou.
8 現今你去, 在他們面前將這話刻在版上, 寫在書上, 以便傳留後世,直到永永遠遠。
Now therfor entre thou, and write to it on box, and write thou it diligentli in a book; and it schal be in the last dai in to witnessyng, til in to with outen ende.
9 因為他們是悖逆的百姓、說謊的兒女, 不肯聽從耶和華訓誨的兒女。
For it is a puple terrynge to wrathfulnesse, and sones lieris, sones that nylen here the lawe of God.
10 他們對先見說:不要望見不吉利的事, 對先知說:不要向我們講正直的話; 要向我們說柔和的話, 言虛幻的事。
Whiche seien to profetis, Nyle ye prophesie; and to biholderis, Nyle ye biholde to vs tho thingis that ben riytful; speke ye thingis plesynge to vs, se ye errouris to vs.
11 你們要離棄正道,偏離直路, 不要在我們面前再提說以色列的聖者。
Do ye awei fro me the weie, bowe ye awei fro me the path; the hooli of Israel ceesse fro oure face.
12 所以,以色列的聖者如此說: 因為你們藐視這訓誨的話, 倚賴欺壓和乖僻,以此為可靠的,
Therfor the hooli of Israel seith these thingis, For that that ye repreuiden this word, and hopiden on fals caleng, and on noise, and tristiden on it,
13 故此,這罪孽在你們身上, 好像將要破裂凸出來的高牆, 頃刻之間忽然坍塌;
therfor this wickidnesse schal be to you as a brekyng fallynge doun, and souyt in an hiy wal; for sudeynli while it is not hopid, the brekyng therof schal come.
14 要被打碎,好像把窯匠的瓦器打碎, 毫不顧惜, 甚至碎塊中找不到一片可用以從爐內取火, 從池中舀水。
And it schal be maad lesse, as a galoun of a pottere is brokun with ful strong brekyng; and a scherd schal not be foundun of the gobetis therof, in which scherd a litil fier schal be borun of brennyng, ethir a litil of watir schal be drawun of the diche.
15 主耶和華-以色列的聖者曾如此說: 你們得救在乎歸回安息; 你們得力在乎平靜安穩; 你們竟自不肯。
For whi the Lord God, the hooli of Israel, seith these thingis, If ye turnen ayen, and resten, ye schulen be saaf; in stilnesse and in hope schal be youre strengthe. And ye nolden.
16 你們卻說:不然,我們要騎馬奔走。 所以你們必然奔走; 又說:我們要騎飛快的牲口。 所以追趕你們的,也必飛快。
And ye seiden, Nai, but we schulen fle to horsis; therfor ye schulen fle. And we schulen stie on swifte horsis; therfor thei schulen be swiftere, that schulen pursue you.
17 一人叱喝,必令千人逃跑; 五人叱喝,你們都必逃跑; 以致剩下的,好像山頂的旗杆, 岡上的大旗。
A thousynde men schulen fle fro the face of the drede of oon; and ye schulen fle fro the face of drede of fyue, til ye be left as the mast of a schip in the cop of a munteyn, and as a signe on a litil hil.
18 耶和華必然等候,要施恩給你們; 必然興起,好憐憫你們。 因為耶和華是公平的上帝; 凡等候他的都是有福的!
Therfor the Lord abidith, that he haue mercy on you, and therfor he schal be enhaunsid sparynge you; for whi God is Lord of doom, blessid ben alle thei that abiden hym.
19 百姓必在錫安、在耶路撒冷居住;你不再哭泣。主必因你哀求的聲音施恩給你;他聽見的時候就必應允你。
Forsothe the puple of Sion schal dwelle in Jerusalem; thou wepynge schal not wepe, he doynge merci schal haue merci on thee; at the vois of thi cry, anoon as he herith, he schal answere to thee.
20 主雖然以艱難給你當餅,以困苦給你當水,你的教師卻不再隱藏;你眼必看見你的教師。
And the Lord schal yyue to thee streyt breed, and schort watir, and schal no more make thi techere to fle awei fro thee; and thin iyen schulen be seynge thi comaundour,
21 你或向左或向右,你必聽見後邊有聲音說:「這是正路,要行在其間。」
and thin eeris schulen here a word bihynde the bak of hym that monestith; This is the weie, go ye therynne, nether to the riyt half nether to the left half.
22 你雕刻偶像所包的銀子和鑄造偶像所鍍的金子,你要玷污,要拋棄,好像污穢之物,對偶像說:「去吧!」
And thou schalt defoule the platis of the grauun ymagis of thi siluer, and the cloth of the yotun ymage of thi gold; and thou schalt scatere tho, as the vnclennesse of a womman in vncleene blood; Go thou out, and thou schalt seie to it.
23 你將種子撒在地裏,主必降雨在其上,並使地所出的糧肥美豐盛。到那時,你的牲畜必在寬闊的草場吃草。
And reyn schal be youun to thi seed, where euere thou schalt sowe in erthe, and the breed of fruytis of erthe schal be moost plenteuouse and fat; in that dai a lomb schal be fed largeli in thi possessioun.
24 耕地的牛和驢駒必吃加鹽的料;這料是用木杴和杈子揚淨的。
And thi bolis and coltis of assis, that worchen the lond, schulen ete barli with chaf meynd togidere, as it is wyndewid in the cornfloor.
25 在大行殺戮的日子,高臺倒塌的時候,各高山岡陵必有川流河湧。
And strondis of rennynge watris schulen be on ech hiy munteyn, and on ech litil hil reisid, in the dai of sleyng of many men, whanne touris fallen doun.
26 當耶和華纏裹他百姓的損處,醫治他民鞭傷的日子,月光必像日光,日光必加七倍,像七日的光一樣。
And the liyt of the moone schal be as the liyt of the sunne, and the liyt of the sunne schal be seuenfold, as the liyt of seuene daies, in the dai in which the Lord schal bynde togidere the wounde of his puple, and schal make hool the smytynge of the wounde therof.
27 看哪,耶和華的名從遠方來, 怒氣燒起,密煙上騰。 他的嘴唇滿有忿恨; 他的舌頭像吞滅的火。
Lo! the name of the Lord cometh doun fro fer; his strong veniaunce is brennynge and greuouse to bere; hise lippis ben fillid of indignacioun, and his tunge is as fier deuouringe.
28 他的氣如漲溢的河水,直漲到頸項, 要用毀滅的篩籮篩淨列國, 並且在眾民的口中必有使人錯行的嚼環。
His spirit is as a stef streem, flowynge `til to the myddis of the necke, to leese folkis in to nouyt, and the bridil of errour, that was in the chekis of puplis.
29 你們必唱歌,像守聖節的夜間一樣,並且心中喜樂,像人吹笛,上耶和華的山,到以色列的磐石那裏。
Song schal be to you, as the vois of an halewid solempnyte; and gladnesse of herte, as he that goth with a pipe, for to entre in to the hil of the Lord, to the stronge of Israel.
30 耶和華必使人聽他威嚴的聲音,又顯他降罰的膀臂和他怒中的忿恨,並吞滅的火焰與霹雷、暴風、冰雹。
And the Lord schal make herd the glorie of his vois, and he schal schewe the ferdfulnesse of his arm in manassyng of strong veniaunce, and in flawme of fier brennynge; he schal hurtle doun in whirlewynd, and in stoon of hail.
31 亞述人必因耶和華的聲音驚惶;耶和華必用杖擊打他。
For whi Assur smytun with a yerde schal drede of the vois of the Lord;
32 耶和華必將命定的杖加在他身上;每打一下,人必擊鼓彈琴。打仗的時候,耶和華必掄起手來,與他交戰。
and the passyng of the yerd schal be foundid, which yerde the Lord schal make for to reste on hym. In tympans, and harpis, and in souereyn batels he schal ouercome hem.
33 原來陀斐特又深又寬,早已為王預備好了;其中堆的是火與許多木柴。耶和華的氣如一股硫磺火使他着起來。
For whi Tophet, that is, helle, deep and alargid, is maad redi of the kyng fro yistirdai; the nurschyngis therof ben fier and many trees; the blast of the Lord as a streem of brymstoon kyndlith it.

< 以賽亞書 30 >