< 以賽亞書 22 >

1 論異象谷的默示: 有甚麼事使你這滿城的人都上房頂呢?
The burden of the valley of vision. What aileth thee nowe that thou art wholy gone vp vnto the house toppes?
2 你這滿處吶喊、大有喧嘩的城, 歡樂的邑啊, 你中間被殺的並不是被刀殺, 也不是因打仗死亡。
Thou that art full of noise, a citie full of brute, a ioyous citie: thy slaine men shall not bee slaine with sworde, nor die in battell.
3 你所有的官長一同逃跑, 都為弓箭手所捆綁。 你中間一切被找到的都一同被捆綁; 他們本是逃往遠方的。
All thy princes shall flee together from the bowe: they shalbe bound: all that shall be found in thee, shall be bound together, which haue fled from farre.
4 所以我說:你們轉眼不看我, 我要痛哭。 不要因我眾民的毀滅, 就竭力安慰我。
Therefore said I, Turne away from me: I wil weepe bitterly: labour not to comfort mee for the destruction of the daughter of my people.
5 因為主-萬軍之耶和華使「異象谷」 有潰亂、踐踏、煩擾的日子。 城被攻破, 哀聲達到山間。
For it is a day of trouble, and of ruine, and of perplexitie by the Lord God of hostes in the valley of vision, breaking downe the citie: and a crying vnto the mountaines.
6 以攔帶着箭袋, 還有坐戰車的和馬兵; 吉珥揭開盾牌。
And Elam bare the quiuer in a mans charet with horsemen, and Kir vncouered the shield.
7 你嘉美的谷遍滿戰車, 也有馬兵在城門前排列。
And thy chiefe valleis were full of charets, and the horsemen set themselues in aray against the gate.
8 他去掉猶大的遮蓋。 那日,你就仰望林庫內的軍器。
And hee discouered the couering of Iudah: and thou didest looke in that day to the armour of the house of the forest.
9 你們看見大衛城的破口很多,便聚積下池的水,
And ye haue seene the breaches of the citie of Dauid: for they were many, and ye gathered the waters of the lower poole.
10 又數點耶路撒冷的房屋,將房屋拆毀,修補城牆,
And yee nombred the houses of Ierusalem, and the houses haue yee broken downe to fortifie the wall,
11 又在兩道城牆中間挖一個聚水池可盛舊池的水,卻不仰望做這事的主,也不顧念從古定這事的。
And haue also made a ditche betweene the two walles, for the waters of the olde poole, and haue not looked vnto the maker thereof, neither had respect vnto him that formed it of olde.
12 當那日,主-萬軍之耶和華叫人哭泣哀號, 頭上光禿,身披麻布。
And in that day did the Lord God of hosts call vnto weeping and mourning, and to baldnes and girding with sackecloth.
13 誰知,人倒歡喜快樂, 宰牛殺羊,吃肉喝酒,說: 我們吃喝吧!因為明天要死了。
And beholde, ioy and gladnes, slaying oxen and killing sheepe, eating flesh, and drinking wine, eating and drinking: for to morowe we shall die.
14 萬軍之耶和華親自默示我說: 這罪孽直到你們死,斷不得赦免! 這是主-萬軍之耶和華說的。
And it was declared in ye eares of the Lord of hostes. Surely this iniquitie shall not be purged from you, til ye die, saith the Lord God of hostes.
15 主-萬軍之耶和華這樣說:「你去見掌銀庫的,就是家宰舍伯那,對他說:
Thus sayeth the Lord God of hostes, Goe, get thee to that treasurer, to Shebna, the steward of the house, and say,
16 『你在這裏做甚麼呢?有甚麼人竟在這裏鑿墳墓,就是在高處為自己鑿墳墓,在磐石中為自己鑿出安身之所?
What haste thou to doe here? and whome hast thou here? that thou shouldest here hewe thee out a sepulchre, as he that heweth out his sepulchre in an hie place, or that graueth an habitation for him selfe in a rocke?
17 看哪,耶和華必像大有力的人,將你緊緊纏裹,竭力拋去。
Beholde, the Lord wil carie thee away with a great captiuitie, and will surely couer thee.
18 他必將你滾成一團,拋在寬闊之地,好像拋球一樣。你這主人家的羞辱,必在那裏坐你榮耀的車,也必在那裏死亡。
He wil surely rolle and turne thee like a bal in a large countrey: there shalt thou die, and there the charets of thy glory shalbe the shame of thy lordes house.
19 我必趕逐你離開官職;你必從你的原位撤下。』
And I wil driue thee from thy station, and out of thy dwelling will he destroy thee.
20 「到那日,我必召我僕人希勒家的兒子以利亞敬來,
And in that day will I call my seruant Eliakim the sonne of Hilkiah,
21 將你的外袍給他穿上,將你的腰帶給他繫緊,將你的政權交在他手中。他必作耶路撒冷居民和猶大家的父。
And with thy garments will I clothe him, and with thy girdle will I strengthen him: thy power also will I commit into his hande, and hee shalbe a father of the inhabitats of Ierusalem, and of the house of Iudah.
22 我必將大衛家的鑰匙放在他肩頭上。他開,無人能關;他關,無人能開。
And the key of the house of Dauid will I lay vpon his shoulder: so hee shall open, and no man shall shut: and he shall shut, and no man shall open.
23 我必將他安穩,像釘子釘在堅固處;他必作為他父家榮耀的寶座。
And I will fasten him as a naile in a sure place, and hee shall be for the throne of glorie to his fathers house.
24 他父家所有的榮耀,連兒女帶子孫,都掛在他身上,好像一切小器皿,從杯子到酒瓶掛上一樣。
And they shall hang vpon him all the glorie of his fathers house, euen of the nephewes and posteritie all small vessels, from the vessels of the cuppes, euen to all the instruments of musike.
25 萬軍之耶和華說:當那日,釘在堅固處的釘子必壓斜,被砍斷落地;掛在其上的重擔必被剪斷。因為這是耶和華說的。」
In that day, sayeth the Lord of hostes, shall the naile, that is fastned in the sure place, depart and shall be broken, and fall: and the burden, that was vpon it, shall bee cut off: for the Lord hath spoken it.

< 以賽亞書 22 >