< 以賽亞書 13 >

1 亞摩斯的兒子以賽亞得默示,論巴比倫。
The birthun of Babiloyne, which birthun Ysaie, the sone of Amos, siy.
2 應當在淨光的山豎立大旗, 向群眾揚聲招手, 使他們進入貴冑的門。
Reise ye a signe on a myisti hil, and enhaunse ye vois; reise ye the hond, and duykis entre bi the yatis.
3 我吩咐我所挑出來的人; 我招呼我的勇士- 就是那矜誇高傲之輩, 為要成就我怒中所定的。
Y haue comaundid to myn halewid men, and Y clepid my stronge men in my wraththe, that maken ful out ioie in my glorie.
4 山間有多人的聲音, 好像是大國人民。 有許多國的民聚集鬨嚷的聲音; 這是萬軍之耶和華點齊軍隊,預備打仗。
The vois of multitude in hillis, as of many puplis; the vois of sown of kyngis, of hethene men gaderit togidere. The Lord of oostis comaundide to the chyualry of batel,
5 他們從遠方來, 從天邊來, 就是耶和華並他惱恨的兵器 要毀滅這全地。
to men comynge fro a fer lond. The Lord cometh fro the hiynesse of heuene, and the vessels of his strong veniaunce, that he distrie al the lond.
6 你們要哀號, 因為耶和華的日子臨近了! 這日來到, 好像毀滅從全能者來到。
Yelle ye, for the dai of the Lord is niy; as wastyng it schal come of the Lord.
7 所以,人手都必軟弱; 人心都必消化。
For this thing alle hondis schulen be vnmyyti, and eche herte of man schal faile,
8 他們必驚惶悲痛; 愁苦必將他們抓住。 他們疼痛,好像產難的婦人一樣, 彼此驚奇相看,臉如火焰。
and schal be al to-brokun. Gnawyngis and sorewis schulen holde Babiloyns; thei schulen haue sorewe, as they that trauelen of child. Ech man schal wondre at his neiybore; her cheris schulen be brent faces.
9 耶和華的日子臨到, 必有殘忍、忿恨、烈怒, 使這地荒涼, 從其中除滅罪人。
Lo! the dai of the Lord schal come, cruel, and ful of indignacioun, and of wraththe, and of woodnesse; to sette the lond into wildirnesse, and to al to-breke the synneris therof fro that lond.
10 天上的眾星群宿都不發光; 日頭一出就變黑暗; 月亮也不放光。
For whi the sterris of heuene and the schynyng of tho schulen not sprede abrood her liyt; the sunne is maade derk in his risyng, and the moone schal not schine in hir liyt.
11 我必因邪惡刑罰世界, 因罪孽刑罰惡人, 使驕傲人的狂妄止息, 制伏強暴人的狂傲。
And Y schal visite on the yuels of the world, and Y schal visite ayens wickid men the wickidnesse of hem; and Y schal make the pride of vnfeithful men for to reste, and Y schal make low the boost of stronge men.
12 我必使人比精金還少, 使人比俄斐純金更少。
A man of ful age schal be preciousere than gold, and a man schal be preciousere than pure gold and schynyng.
13 我-萬軍之耶和華在忿恨中發烈怒的日子, 必使天震動, 使地搖撼,離其本位。
On this thing I schal disturble heuene, and the erthe schal be moued fro his place; for the indignacioun of the Lord of oostis, and for the dai of wraththe of his strong veniaunce.
14 人必像被追趕的鹿, 像無人收聚的羊, 各歸回本族, 各逃到本土。
And it schal be as a doo fleynge, and as a scheep, and noon schal be that schal gadere togidere; ech man schal turne to his puple, and alle bi hem silf schulen fle to her lond.
15 凡被仇敵追上的必被刺死; 凡被捉住的必被刀殺。
Ech man that is foundun, schal be slayn; and ech man that cometh aboue, schal falle doun bi swerd.
16 他們的嬰孩必在他們眼前摔碎; 他們的房屋必被搶奪; 他們的妻子必被玷污。
The yonge children of them schulen be hurtlid doun bifore the iyen of them; her housis schulen be rauischid, and her wyues schulen be defoulid.
17 我必激動米底亞人來攻擊他們。 米底亞人不注重銀子, 也不喜愛金子。
Lo! Y schal reise on them Medeis, that seken not siluer, nethir wolen gold;
18 他們必用弓擊碎少年人, 不憐憫婦人所生的, 眼也不顧惜孩子。
but thei shulen sle litle children bi arowis, and thei schulen not haue merci on wombis yyuynge mylk, and the iye of them schal not spare on sones.
19 巴比倫素來為列國的榮耀, 為迦勒底人所矜誇的華美, 必像上帝所傾覆的所多瑪、蛾摩拉一樣。
And Babiloyne, thilke gloriouse citee in rewmes, noble in the pride of Caldeis, schal be destried, as God destried Sodom and Gomore.
20 其內必永無人煙, 世世代代無人居住。 阿拉伯人也不在那裏支搭帳棚; 牧羊的人也不使羊群臥在那裏。
It shall not be enhabitid til in to the ende, and it schal not be foundid til to generacioun and generacioun; a man of Arabie schal not sette tentis there, and scheepherdis schulen not reste there.
21 只有曠野的走獸臥在那裏; 咆哮的獸滿了房屋。 鴕鳥住在那裏; 野山羊在那裏跳舞。
But wielde beestis schulen reste there, and the housis of hem schulen be fillid with dragouns; and ostrichis schulen dwelle there, and heeri beestis schulen skippe there.
22 豺狼必在它宮中呼號; 野狗必在它華美殿內吼叫。 巴比倫受罰的時候臨近; 它的日子必不長久。
And bitouris schulen answere there in the housis therof, and fliynge serpentis in the templis of lust.

< 以賽亞書 13 >