< 何西阿書 9 >

1 以色列啊,不要像外邦人歡喜快樂; 因為你行邪淫離棄你的上帝, 在各穀場上如妓女喜愛賞賜。
Israel, nyle thou be glad, nyle thou make ful out ioie as puplis; for thou hast do fornicacioun fro thi God. Thou louedist meede on alle the cornflooris of wheete.
2 穀場和酒醡都不夠以色列人使用; 新酒也必缺乏。
The cornfloor and pressour schal not feede hem, and wyn schal lie to hem.
3 他們必不得住耶和華的地; 以法蓮卻要歸回埃及, 必在亞述吃不潔淨的食物。
Thei schulen not dwelle in the lond of the Lord. Effraym turnede ayen in to Egipt, and eet defoulid thing among Assiriens.
4 他們必不得向耶和華奠酒, 即便奠酒也不蒙悅納。 他們的祭物必如居喪者的食物, 凡吃的必被玷污; 因他們的食物只為自己的口腹, 必不奉入耶和華的殿。
Thei schulen not offre wyn to the Lord, and thei schulen not plese hym. The sacrificis of hem ben as breed of mourneris; alle that schulen ete it schulen be defoulid. For the breed of hem is to the lijf of hem; thei schulen not entre in to the hous of the Lord.
5 在大會的日子, 到耶和華的節期,你們怎樣行呢?
What schulen ye do in the solempne dai, in the dai of the feeste of the Lord?
6 看哪,他們逃避災難; 埃及人必收殮他們的屍首, 摩弗人必葬埋他們的骸骨。 他們用銀子做的美物上必長蒺藜; 他們的帳棚中必生荊棘。
For lo! thei ben goon out fro distriyng. Egipt schal gadere hem togidere, Memphis schal birie hem. A nettle schal enherite the desirable siluer of hem, a clote schal be in the tabernaclis of hem.
7 以色列人必知道降罰的日子臨近, 報應的時候來到。 民說:作先知的是愚昧; 受靈感的是狂妄, 皆因他們多多作孽,大懷怨恨。
Daies of visitacioun ben comun, daies of yeldyng ben comun. Knowe ye, that Israel is a fool, a wood profete, a spiritual man, for the multitude of thi wickidnesse is also the multitude of woodnesse.
8 以法蓮曾作我上帝守望的; 至於先知,在他一切的道上作為捕鳥人的網羅, 在他上帝的家中懷怨恨。
The biholdere of Effraym with my God is a profete; a snare of fallyng is maad now on alle the weies of hym, woodnesse is in the hous of his God.
9 以法蓮深深地敗壞, 如在基比亞的日子一樣。 耶和華必記念他們的罪孽, 追討他們的罪惡。
Thei synneden deepli, as in the daies of Gabaa. The Lord schal haue mynde on the wickidnesse of hem, and schal visite the synnes of hem.
10 主說:我遇見以色列如葡萄在曠野; 我看見你們的列祖如無花果樹上春季初熟的果子。 他們卻來到巴力‧毗珥專拜那可羞恥的, 就成為可憎惡的, 與他們所愛的一樣。
Y foond Israel as grapis in desert, Y siy the fadris of hem as the firste applis of a fige tree, in the cop therof; but thei entriden to Belfegor, and weren alienyd in confusioun, and thei weren maad abhomynable as tho thingis whiche thei louyden.
11 至於以法蓮人,他們的榮耀必如鳥飛去, 必不生產,不懷胎,不成孕。
Effraym as a brid fley awei; the glorye of hem is of childberyng, and of the wombe, and of conseyuyng.
12 縱然養大兒女, 我卻必使他們喪子,甚至不留一個。 我離棄他們,他們就有禍了。
That if thei nurschen her sones, Y schal make hem with out children among men. But also wo to hem, whanne Y schal go awei fro hem.
13 我看以法蓮如泰爾栽於美地。 以法蓮卻要將自己的兒女帶出來, 交與行殺戮的人。
Y siy that Effraym was as Tire, foundid in fairnesse; and Effraym schal lede out hise sones to the sleere.
14 耶和華啊,求你加給他們- 加甚麼呢? 要使他們胎墜乳乾。
Lord, yyue thou to hem; what schalt thou yyue to hem? yyue thou to hem a wombe with out children, and drie tetis.
15 耶和華說:他們一切的惡事都在吉甲; 我在那裏憎惡他們。 因他們所行的惡, 我必從我地上趕出他們去, 不再憐愛他們; 他們的首領都是悖逆的。
Alle the wickidnessis of hem ben in Galgal, for there Y hadde hem hateful; for the malice of her fyndyngis. Y schal caste hem out of myn hous; Y schal not leie to, that Y loue hem. Alle the princes of hem goen awei.
16 以法蓮受責罰, 根本枯乾,必不能結果, 即或生產, 我必殺他們所生的愛子。
Effraym is smyten, the roote of hem is dried vp; thei schulen not make fruyt. That thouy thei gendren, Y schal sle the moost louyd thingis of her wombe.
17 我的上帝必棄絕他們, 因為他們不聽從他; 他們也必飄流在列國中。
My God schal caste hem awey, for thei herden not hym; and thei schulen be of vnstable dwellyng among naciouns.

< 何西阿書 9 >