< 創世記 9 >

1 上帝賜福給挪亞和他的兒子,對他們說:「你們要生養眾多,遍滿了地。
And God blisside Noe and hise sones, and seide to hem, Encreesse ye, and be ye multiplied, and fille ye the erthe;
2 凡地上的走獸和空中的飛鳥都必驚恐,懼怕你們,連地上一切的昆蟲並海裏一切的魚都交付你們的手。
and youre drede and tremblyng be on alle vnresonable beestis of erthe, and on alle briddis of heuene, with alle thingis that ben moued in erthe; alle fischis of the see ben youun to youre hond.
3 凡活着的動物都可以作你們的食物。這一切我都賜給你們,如同菜蔬一樣。
And al thing which is moued and lyueth schal be to you in to mete; Y have youe to you alle thingis as greene wortis,
4 惟獨肉帶着血,那就是牠的生命,你們不可吃。
outakun that ye schulen not ete fleisch with blood,
5 流你們血、害你們命的,無論是獸是人,我必討他的罪,就是向各人的弟兄也是如此。
for Y schal seke the blood of youre lyues of the hoond of alle vnresonable beestis and of the hoond of man, of the hoond of man and of hys brother Y schal seke the lijf of man.
6 凡流人血的,他的血也必被人所流,因為上帝造人是照自己的形像造的。
Who euere schedith out mannus blood, his blood schal be sched; for man is maad to the ymage of God.
7 你們要生養眾多,在地上昌盛繁茂。」
Forsothe encreesse ye, and be ye multiplied, and entre ye on erthe, and fille ye it, Also the Lord seide thes thingis to Noe,
8 上帝曉諭挪亞和他的兒子說:
and to his sones with him, Lo!
9 「我與你們和你們的後裔立約,
Y schal make my couenaunt with you, and with your seed after you,
10 並與你們這裏的一切活物-就是飛鳥、牲畜、走獸,凡從方舟裏出來的活物-立約。
and to ech lyuynge soule which is with you, as wel in briddis as in werk beestis and smale beestis of erthe, and to alle thingis that yeden out of the schip, and to alle vnresonable beestis of erthe.
11 我與你們立約,凡有血肉的,不再被洪水滅絕,也不再有洪水毀壞地了。」
Y schal make my couenaunt with you, and ech fleisch schal no more be slayn of the watris of the greet flood, nethir the greet flood distriynge al erthe schal be more.
12 上帝說:「我與你們並你們這裏的各樣活物所立的永約是有記號的。
And God seide, This is the signe of boond of pees, which Y yyue bitwixe me and you, and to ech lyuynge soule which is with you, in to euerlastynge generaciouns.
13 我把虹放在雲彩中,這就可作我與地立約的記號了。
Y schal sette my bowe in the cloudis, and it schal be a signe of boond of pees bitwixe me and erthe;
14 我使雲彩蓋地的時候,必有虹現在雲彩中,
and whanne Y schal hile heuene with cloudis, my bowe schal appere in the cloudis,
15 我便記念我與你們和各樣有血肉的活物所立的約,水就再不氾濫、毀壞一切有血肉的物了。
and Y schal haue mynde of my boond of pees which Y made with you, and with ech soule lyuynge, that nurschith fleisch; and the watris of the greet flood schulen no more be to do awey al fleish.
16 虹必現在雲彩中,我看見,就要記念我與地上各樣有血肉的活物所立的永約。」
And my bowe schal be in the cloudis, and Y schal se it, and Y schal haue mynde of euerlastynge boond of pees, which is maad bitwixe God and man, and ech soul lyuynge of al fleisch which is on erthe.
17 上帝對挪亞說:「這就是我與地上一切有血肉之物立約的記號了。」
And God seide to Noe, This schal be a signe of boond of pees, which Y made bitwixe me and ech fleisch on erthe.
18 出方舟挪亞的兒子就是閃、含、雅弗。含是迦南的父親。
Therfore thei that yeden out of the schip weren Noe, Sem, Cham, and Japheth; forsothe Cham, thilke is the fadir of Chanaan.
19 這是挪亞的三個兒子,他們的後裔分散在全地。
These thre weren the sones of Noe, and al the kynde of men was sowun of hem on al erthe.
20 挪亞作起農夫來,栽了一個葡萄園。
And Noe, an erthe tiliere, bigan to tile the erthe, and he plauntide a viner,
21 他喝了園中的酒便醉了,在帳棚裏赤着身子。
and he drank wyn, and was drunkun; and he was nakid, and lay in his tabernacle.
22 迦南的父親含看見他父親赤身,就到外邊告訴他兩個弟兄。
And whanne Cham, the fadir of Chanaan, hadde seien this thing, that is, that the schameful membris of his fadir weren maad nakid, he telde to hise tweye britheren with out forth.
23 於是閃和雅弗拿件衣服搭在肩上,倒退着進去,給他父親蓋上;他們背着臉就看不見父親的赤身。
And sotheli Sem and Jafeth puttiden a mentil on her schuldris, and thei yeden bacward, and hileden the schameful membris of her fadir, and her faces weren turned awei, and thei sien not the priuy membris of her fadir.
24 挪亞醒了酒,知道小兒子向他所做的事,
And forsothe Noe wakide of the wyn, and whanne he hadde lerned what thingis his lesse sone hadde do to hym,
25 就說: 迦南當受咒詛, 必給他弟兄作奴僕的奴僕;
he seide, Cursid be the child Canaan, he schal be seruaunt of seruauntis to hise britheren.
26 又說: 耶和華-閃的上帝是應當稱頌的! 願迦南作閃的奴僕。
And Noe seide, Blessid be the Lord God of Sem,
27 願上帝使雅弗擴張, 使他住在閃的帳棚裏; 又願迦南作他的奴僕。
and Chanaan be the seruaunt to Sem; God alarge Jafeth, and dwelle in the tabernaclis of Sem, and Chanaan be seruaunt of hym.
28 洪水以後,挪亞又活了三百五十年。
Forsothe Noe lyuede aftir the greet flood thre hundrid and fifti yeer;
29 挪亞共活了九百五十歲就死了。
and alle the daies of hym weren fillid nyn hundrid and fifty yeer, and he was deed.

< 創世記 9 >