< 創世記 45 >

1 約瑟在左右站着的人面前情不自禁,吩咐一聲說:「人都要離開我出去!」約瑟和弟兄們相認的時候並沒有一人站在他面前。
Joseph myyte no lengere absteyne hym silf, while many men stoden bifore; wherfor he comaundide that alle men schulden go out, and that noon alien were present in the knowyng of Joseph and hise britheren.
2 他就放聲大哭;埃及人和法老家中的人都聽見了。
And Joseph reiside the vois with wepyng, which Egipcians herden, and al the hows of Farao.
3 約瑟對他弟兄們說:「我是約瑟。我的父親還在嗎?」他弟兄不能回答,因為在他面前都驚惶。
And he seide to hise britheren, Y am Joseph; lyueth my fadir yit? The brithren myyten not answere, and weren agast bi ful myche drede.
4 約瑟又對他弟兄們說:「請你們近前來。」他們就近前來。他說:「我是你們的兄弟約瑟,就是你們所賣到埃及的。
To whiche he seide mekeli, Neiye ye to me. And whanne thei hadden neiyed nyy, he seide, Y am Joseph youre brother, whom ye selden in to Egipt;
5 現在,不要因為把我賣到這裏自憂自恨。這是上帝差我在你們以先來,為要保全生命。
nyle ye drede, nether seme it to be hard to you, that ye seelden me in to these cuntreis; for God hath sent me bifore you in to Egipt for youre helthe.
6 現在這地的饑荒已經二年了,還有五年不能耕種,不能收成。
For it is twei yeer that hungur bigan `to be in the lond, yit fyue yeer suen, in whiche me schal not mow ere, nether repe;
7 上帝差我在你們以先來,為要給你們存留餘種在世上,又要大施拯救,保全你們的生命。
and God bifor sente me, that ye be reserued on erthe, and moun haue metis to lyue.
8 這樣看來,差我到這裏來的不是你們,乃是上帝。他又使我如法老的父,作他全家的主,並埃及全地的宰相。
Y was sent hidur not bi youre counsel, but bi Goddis wille, which made me as the fadir of Farao, and the lord of al his hows, and prince in al the lond of Egipt.
9 你們要趕緊上到我父親那裏,對他說:『你兒子約瑟這樣說:上帝使我作全埃及的主,請你下到我這裏來,不要耽延。
Haste ye, and `stie ye to my fadir, and ye schulen seie to hym, Thi sone Joseph sendith these thingis; God hath maad me lord of al the lond of Egipt; come doun to me, and tarie not, and dwelle in the lond of Gessen;
10 你和你的兒子孫子,連牛群羊群,並一切所有的,都可以住在歌珊地,與我相近。
and thou schalt be bisidis me, thou, and thi sones, and the sones of thi sones, thi scheep, and thi grete beestis, and alle thingis whiche thou weldist,
11 我要在那裏奉養你;因為還有五年的饑荒,免得你和你的眷屬,並一切所有的,都敗落了。』
and there Y schal fede thee; for yit fyue yeer of hungur ben residue, lest bothe thou perische, and thin hows, and alle thingis whiche thou weldist.
12 況且你們的眼和我兄弟便雅憫的眼都看見是我親口對你們說話。
Lo! youre iyen, and the iyen of my brother Beniamyn seen, that my mouth spekith to you;
13 你們也要將我在埃及一切的榮耀和你們所看見的事都告訴我父親,又要趕緊地將我父親搬到我這裏來。」
telle ye to my fadir al my glorie, and alle thingis whiche ye sien in Egipt; haste ye, and brynge ye hym to me.
14 於是約瑟伏在他兄弟便雅憫的頸項上哭,便雅憫也在他的頸項上哭。
And whanne he hadde biclippid, and hadde feld in to the necke of Beniamyn, his brother, he wepte, the while also Benjamin wepte in lijk maner on the necke of Joseph.
15 他又與眾弟兄親嘴,抱着他們哭,隨後他弟兄們就和他說話。
And Joseph kisside alle hise britheren, and wepte on alle; aftir whiche thingis thei weren hardi to speke to hym.
16 這風聲傳到法老的宮裏,說:「約瑟的弟兄們來了。」法老和他的臣僕都很喜歡。
And it was herd, and pupplischid bi famouse word in the halle of the kyng, The britheren of Joseph ben comun. And Farao ioiede, and al his meynee;
17 法老對約瑟說:「你吩咐你的弟兄們說:『你們要這樣行:把馱子抬在牲口上,起身往迦南地去。
and Farao seide to Joseph, that he schulde comaunde hise britheren, and `seie, Charge youre beestis, and go ye in to the lond of Canaan,
18 將你們的父親和你們的眷屬都搬到我這裏來,我要把埃及地的美物賜給你們,你們也要吃這地肥美的出產。
and take ye fro thennus youre fadir, and kynrede, and come ye to me; and Y schal yyue to you alle the goodis of Egipt, that ye ete the merow of the lond.
19 現在我吩咐你們要這樣行:從埃及地帶着車輛去,把你們的孩子和妻子,並你們的父親都搬來。
Comaunde thou also, that thei take waynes of the lond of Egipt to the cariage of her litle children, and wyues, and seie thou, `Take ye youre fadir, and haste ye comynge soone,
20 你們眼中不要愛惜你們的家具,因為埃及全地的美物都是你們的。』」
nether leeue ye ony thing of the purtenaunce of youre hows, for alle the richessis of Egipt schulen be youre.
21 以色列的兒子們就如此行。約瑟照着法老的吩咐給他們車輛和路上用的食物,
The sones of Israel diden, as it was comaundid to hem; to whiche Joseph yaf waynes, bi the comaundement of Farao, and metis in the weie;
22 又給他們各人一套衣服,惟獨給便雅憫三百銀子,五套衣服;
and he comaundide twei stoolis to be brouyt forth to ech; forsothe he yaf to Beniamyn thre hundrid platis of siluer, with fyue the beste stoolis;
23 送給他父親公驢十匹,馱着埃及的美物,母驢十匹,馱着糧食與餅和菜,為他父親路上用。
and sente to his fadir so myche of siluer, and of cloothis, and he addide to hem ten male assis, that schulden bere of alle richessis of Egipt, and so many femal assis, berynge wheete and looues in the weie.
24 於是約瑟打發他弟兄們回去,又對他們說:「你們不要在路上相爭。」
Therfor he lefte hise britheren, and seide to hem goynge forth, Be ye not wrooth in the weie.
25 他們從埃及上去,來到迦南地、他們的父親雅各那裏,
Whiche stieden fro Egipt, and camen in to the lond of Canaan, to her fadir Jacob;
26 告訴他說:「約瑟還在,並且作埃及全地的宰相。」雅各心裏冰涼,因為不信他們。
and telden to hym, and seiden, Joseph, thi sone, lyueth, and he is lord in al the lond of Egipt. And whanne this was herd, Jacob wakide as of a greuouse sleep; netheles he bileuyde not to hem.
27 他們便將約瑟對他們說的一切話都告訴了他。他們父親雅各又看見約瑟打發來接他的車輛,心就甦醒了。
Thei telden ayenward al the ordre of the thing; and whanne Jacob hadde seyn the waynes, and alle thingis whiche Joseph hadde sent, his spirit lyuede ayen,
28 以色列說:「罷了!罷了!我的兒子約瑟還在,趁我未死以先,我要去見他一面。」
and he seide, It suffisith to me, if Joseph my sone lyueth yit, Y schal go and `Y schal se hym bifore that Y die.

< 創世記 45 >