< 創世記 41 >

1 過了兩年,法老做夢,夢見自己站在河邊,
And two yeeres after, Pharaoh also dreamed, and beholde, he stoode by a riuer,
2 有七隻母牛從河裏上來,又美好又肥壯,在蘆荻中吃草。
And loe, there came out of the riuer seuen goodly kine and fatfleshed, and they fedde in a medowe:
3 隨後又有七隻母牛從河裏上來,又醜陋又乾瘦,與那七隻母牛一同站在河邊。
And loe, seuen other kine came vp after the out of the riuer, euill fauoured and leane fleshed, and stoode by the other kine vpon the brinke of the riuer.
4 這又醜陋又乾瘦的七隻母牛吃盡了那又美好又肥壯的七隻母牛。法老就醒了。
And the euilfauoured and leane fleshed kine did eate vp the seuen welfauoured and fatte kine: so Pharaoh awoke.
5 他又睡着,第二回做夢,夢見一棵麥子長了七個穗子,又肥大又佳美,
Againe he slept, and dreamed the second time: and beholde, seuen eares of corne grewe vpon one stalke, ranke and goodly.
6 隨後又長了七個穗子,又細弱又被東風吹焦了。
And loe, seuen thinne eares, and blasted with the east winde, sprang vp after them:
7 這細弱的穗子吞了那七個又肥大又飽滿的穗子。法老醒了,不料是個夢。
And the thinne eares deuoured the seuen ranke and full eares. then Pharaoh awaked, and loe, it was a dreame.
8 到了早晨,法老心裏不安,就差人召了埃及所有的術士和博士來;法老就把所做的夢告訴他們,卻沒有人能給法老圓解。
Nowe when the morning came, his spirit was troubled: therefore he sent and called all the soothsayers of Egypt, and all the wise men thereof, and Pharaoh tolde them his dreames: but none coulde interprete them to Pharaoh.
9 那時酒政對法老說:「我今日想起我的罪來。
Then spake the chiefe butler vnto Pharaoh, saying, I call to minde my faultes this day.
10 從前法老惱怒臣僕,把我和膳長下在護衛長府內的監裏。
Pharaoh being angrie with his seruantes, put me in ward in the chiefe stewards house, both me and the chiefe baker.
11 我們二人同夜各做一夢,各夢都有講解。
Then we dreamed a dreame in one night, both I, and he: we dreamed eche man according to the interpretation of his dreame.
12 在那裏同着我們有一個希伯來的少年人,是護衛長的僕人,我們告訴他,他就把我們的夢圓解,是按着各人的夢圓解的。
And there was with vs a yong man, an Ebrew, seruant vnto the chiefe steward, whome when we told, he declared our dreames to vs, to euery one he declared according to his dreame.
13 後來正如他給我們圓解的成就了:我官復原職,膳長被掛起來了。」
And as he declared vnto vs, so it came to passe: for he restored me to mine office, and hanged him.
14 法老遂即差人去召約瑟,他們便急忙帶他出監,他就剃頭,刮臉,換衣裳,進到法老面前。
Then sent Pharaoh, and called Ioseph, and they brought him hastily out of prison, and he shaued him, and chaunged his rayment, and came to Pharaoh.
15 法老對約瑟說:「我做了一夢,沒有人能解;我聽見人說,你聽了夢就能解。」
Then Pharaoh sayde to Ioseph, I haue dreamed a dreame, and no man can interprete it, and I haue hearde say of thee, that when thou hearest a dreame, thou canst interprete it.
16 約瑟回答法老說:「這不在乎我,上帝必將平安的話回答法老。」
And Ioseph answered Pharaoh, saying, Without me God shall answere for the wealth of Pharaoh.
17 法老對約瑟說:「我夢見我站在河邊,
And Pharaoh sayde vnto Ioseph, In my dreame, beholde, I stoode by the banke of the riuer:
18 有七隻母牛從河裏上來,又肥壯又美好,在蘆荻中吃草。
And lo, there came vp out of the riuer seuen fat fleshed, and welfauoured kine, and they fedde in the medowe.
19 隨後又有七隻母牛上來,又軟弱又醜陋又乾瘦,在埃及遍地,我沒有見過這樣不好的。
Also loe, seuen other kine came vp after them, poore and very euilfauoured, and leanefleshed: I neuer sawe the like in all the lande of Egypt, for euilfauoured.
20 這又乾瘦又醜陋的母牛吃盡了那以先的七隻肥母牛,
And the leane and euilfauoured kine did eate vp the first seuen fat kine.
21 吃了以後卻看不出是吃了,那醜陋的樣子仍舊和先前一樣。我就醒了。
And when they had eaten them vp, it could not be knowen that they had eaten them, but they were still as euilfauoured, as they were at the beginning: so did I awake.
22 我又夢見一棵麥子,長了七個穗子,又飽滿又佳美,
Moreouer I sawe in my dreame, and beholde, seuen eares sprang out of one stalke, full and faire.
23 隨後又長了七個穗子,枯槁細弱,被東風吹焦了。
And lo, seuen eares, withered, thinne, and blasted with the East winde, sprang vp after them.
24 這些細弱的穗子吞了那七個佳美的穗子。我將這夢告訴了術士,卻沒有人能給我解說。」
And the thinne eares deuoured the seuen good eares. Nowe I haue tolde the soothsayers, and none can declare it vnto me.
25 約瑟對法老說:「法老的夢乃是一個。上帝已將所要做的事指示法老了。
Then Ioseph answered Pharaoh, Both Pharaohs dreames are one. God hath shewed Pharaoh, what he is about to doe.
26 七隻好母牛是七年,七個好穗子也是七年;這夢乃是一個。
The seuen good kine are seuen yeres, and the seuen good eares are seuen yeeres: this is one dreame.
27 那隨後上來的七隻又乾瘦又醜陋的母牛是七年,那七個虛空、被東風吹焦的穗子也是七年,都是七個荒年。
Likewise the seuen thinne and euilfauoured kine, that came out after them, are seuen yeeres: and the seuen emptie eares blasted with the East winde, are seuen yeeres of famine.
28 這就是我對法老所說,上帝已將所要做的事顯明給法老了。
This is the thing which I haue saide vnto Pharaoh, that God hath shewed vnto Pharaoh, what he is about to doe.
29 埃及遍地必來七個大豐年,
Beholde, there come seuen yeeres of great plentie in all the land of Egypt.
30 隨後又要來七個荒年,甚至在埃及地都忘了先前的豐收,全地必被饑荒所滅。
Againe, there shall arise after them seuen yeeres of famine, so that all the plentie shall be forgotten in the land of Egypt, and the famine shall consume the land:
31 因那以後的饑荒甚大,便不覺得先前的豐收了。
Neither shall the plentie bee knowen in the land, by reason of this famine that shall come after: for it shalbe exceeding great.
32 至於法老兩回做夢,是因上帝命定這事,而且必速速成就。
And therefore the dreame was doubled vnto Pharaoh the second time, because the thing is established by God, and God hasteth to performe it.
33 所以,法老當揀選一個有聰明有智慧的人,派他治理埃及地。
Nowe therefore let Pharaoh prouide for a man of vnderstanding and wisedome, and set him ouer the land of Egypt.
34 法老當這樣行,又派官員管理這地。當七個豐年的時候,征收埃及地的五分之一,
Let Pharaoh make and appoynt officers ouer the lande, and take vp the fift part of the land of Egypt in the seuen plenteous yeeres.
35 叫他們把將來豐年一切的糧食聚斂起來,積蓄五穀,收存在各城裏做食物,歸於法老的手下。
Also let them gather all the foode of these good yeeres that come, and lay vp corne vnder the hand of Pharaoh for foode, in the cities, and let them keepe it.
36 所積蓄的糧食可以防備埃及地將來的七個荒年,免得這地被饑荒所滅。」
So the foode shall be for the prouision of the lande, against the seuen yeeres of famine, which shalbe in the lande of Egypt, that the land perish not by famine.
37 法老和他一切臣僕都以這事為妙。
And the saying pleased Pharaoh and all his seruants.
38 法老對臣僕說:「像這樣的人,有上帝的靈在他裏頭,我們豈能找得着呢?」
Then saide Pharaoh vnto his seruants, Can we finde such a man as this, in whom is the Spirit of God?
39 法老對約瑟說:「上帝既將這事都指示你,可見沒有人像你這樣有聰明有智慧。
The Pharaoh said to Ioseph, For as much as God hath shewed thee all this, there is no man of vnderstanding, or of wisedome like vnto thee.
40 你可以掌管我的家;我的民都必聽從你的話。惟獨在寶座上我比你大。」
Thou shalt be ouer mine house, and at thy word shall all my people be armed, onely in the kings throne will I be aboue thee.
41 法老又對約瑟說:「我派你治理埃及全地。」
Moreouer Pharaoh said to Ioseph, Behold, I haue set thee ouer all the land of Egypt.
42 法老就摘下手上打印的戒指,戴在約瑟的手上,給他穿上細麻衣,把金鍊戴在他的頸項上,
And Pharaoh tooke off his ring from his hand, and put it vpon Iosephs hand, and arayed him in garments of fine linnen, and put a golden cheyne about his necke.
43 又叫約瑟坐他的副車,喝道的在前呼叫說:「跪下。」這樣,法老派他治理埃及全地。
So he set him vpon the best charet that hee had, saue one: and they cryed before him, Abrech, and placed him ouer all the land of Egypt.
44 法老對約瑟說:「我是法老,在埃及全地,若沒有你的命令,不許人擅自辦事。」
Againe Pharaoh saide vnto Ioseph, I am Pharaoh, and without thee shall no man lift vp his hand or his foote in all the land of Egypt.
45 法老賜名給約瑟,叫撒發那忒‧巴內亞,又將安城的祭司波提非拉的女兒亞西納給他為妻。約瑟就出去巡行埃及地。
And Pharaoh called Iosephs name Zaphnath-paaneah: and he gaue him to wife Asenath the daughter of Poti-pherah prince of On. then went Ioseph abrode in the land of Egypt.
46 約瑟見埃及王法老的時候年三十歲。他從法老面前出去,遍行埃及全地。
And Ioseph was thirtie yeere old when he stood before Pharaoh king of Egypt: and Ioseph departing from the presence of Pharaoh, went throughout all the land of Egypt.
47 七個豐年之內,地的出產極豐極盛,
And in the seuen plenteous yeres the earth brought foorth store.
48 約瑟聚斂埃及地七個豐年一切的糧食,把糧食積存在各城裏;各城周圍田地的糧食都積存在本城裏。
And hee gathered vp all the foode of the seuen plenteous yeeres, which were in the lande of Egypt, and layde vp foode in the cities: the foode of the fielde, that was round about euery citie, layde he vp in the same.
49 約瑟積蓄五穀甚多,如同海邊的沙,無法計算,因為穀不可勝數。
So Ioseph gathered wheate, like vnto the sand of the sea in multitude out of measure, vntill he left numbring: for it was without number.
50 荒年未到以前,安城的祭司波提非拉的女兒亞西納給約瑟生了兩個兒子。
Now vnto Ioseph were borne two sonnes (before the yeeres of famine came) which Asenath the daughter of Poti-pherah prince of On bare vnto him.
51 約瑟給長子起名叫瑪拿西,因為他說:「上帝使我忘了一切的困苦和我父的全家。」
And Ioseph called the name of the first borne Manasseh: for God, said he, hath made me forget all my labour and al my fathers houshold.
52 他給次子起名叫以法蓮,因為他說:「上帝使我在受苦的地方昌盛。」
Also hee called the name of the second, Ephraim: For God, sayde he hath made me fruitfull in the land of mine affliction.
53 埃及地的七個豐年一完,
So the seuen yeeres of the plentie that was in the land of Egypt were ended.
54 七個荒年就來了。正如約瑟所說的,各地都有饑荒;惟獨埃及全地有糧食。
Then began the seuen yeeres of famine to come, according as Ioseph had saide: and the famine was in all landes, but in all the land of Egypt was bread.
55 及至埃及全地有了饑荒,眾民向法老哀求糧食,法老對他們說:「你們往約瑟那裏去,凡他所說的,你們都要做。」
At the length all the lande of Egypt was affamished, and the people cryed to Pharaoh for bread. And Pharaoh said vnto all the Egyptians, Goe to Ioseph: what he sayth to you, doe ye.
56 當時饑荒遍滿天下,約瑟開了各處的倉,糶糧給埃及人;在埃及地饑荒甚大。
When the famine was vpon all the land, Ioseph opened all places, wherein the store was, and solde vnto the Egyptians: for the famine waxed sore in the land of Egypt.
57 各地的人都往埃及去,到約瑟那裏糴糧,因為天下的饑荒甚大。
And all countries came to Egypt to bye corne of Ioseph, because the famine was sore in all landes.

< 創世記 41 >