< 創世記 40 >
1 這事以後,埃及王的酒政和膳長得罪了他們的主-埃及王,
Some time later, two of the king of Egypt’s officials did things that displeased him. One was his chief (drink-server/man who prepared the wine and served it to the king), and the other was his chief (baker/man who baked bread for the king).
The king became angry with both of them.
3 把他們下在護衛長府內的監裏,就是約瑟被囚的地方。
So he had them put in prison, in the house of the captain of the palace guards. That was the place where Joseph was being kept.
4 護衛長把他們交給約瑟,約瑟便伺候他們;他們有些日子在監裏。
The two men were in prison for a long time. And during that time the captain of the palace guards appointed Joseph to be their servant, to take care of their needs.
5 被囚在監之埃及王的酒政和膳長二人同夜各做一夢,各夢都有講解。
One night while the king’s drink-server and his baker were there in the prison, each of them had a dream. Each dream had a different meaning.
6 到了早晨,約瑟進到他們那裏,見他們有愁悶的樣子。
The next morning, when Joseph came to them, he saw that both of them were dejected/worried.
7 他便問法老的二臣,就是與他同囚在他主人府裏的,說:「你們今日為甚麼面帶愁容呢?」
So he asked them, “Why do you look so sad today?”
8 他們對他說:「我們各人做了一夢,沒有人能解。」約瑟說:「解夢不是出於上帝嗎?請你們將夢告訴我。」
One of them answered, “We both had dreams last night, but there is no one who can tell us the meaning of the dreams.” Joseph said to them, “God is the only one who can [RHQ] tell the meaning of dreams. So tell me what you dreamed, and God will tell me the meaning.”
9 酒政便將他的夢告訴約瑟說:「我夢見在我面前有一棵葡萄樹,
So the king’s chief drink-server told his dream to Joseph. He said, “In my dream I saw a grapevine in front of me.
10 樹上有三根枝子,好像發了芽,開了花,上頭的葡萄都成熟了。
On the vine there were three branches. After the branches budded, they blossomed, and then they produced clusters of grapes.
11 法老的杯在我手中,我就拿葡萄擠在法老的杯裏,將杯遞在他手中。」
I was holding the king’s cup, so I took the grapes and squeezed the juice into the cup. Then I gave the cup to the king to drink the juice.”
12 約瑟對他說:「你所做的夢是這樣解:三根枝子就是三天;
[God immediately told Joseph what the dream meant]. So Joseph said to him, “This is the meaning of your dream: The three branches of the vine represent three days.
13 三天之內,法老必提你出監,叫你官復原職,你仍要遞杯在法老的手中,和先前作他的酒政一樣。
Within three days the king will release you from prison. He will let you do the work that you did before. You will take cups of wine to the king as you did before, when you were his drink-server.
14 但你得好處的時候,求你記念我,施恩與我,在法老面前提說我,救我出這監牢。
But when you are out of prison and everything goes well for you, please do not forget me.
15 我實在是從希伯來人之地被拐來的;我在這裏也沒有做過甚麼,叫他們把我下在監裏。」
People took me away forcefully from the land where my fellow Hebrews live. [I did nothing wrong there], and also while I have been here in Egypt, I have done nothing for which I deserved to be put in prison. So be kind to me and tell the king about me, so that he will release me from this prison!”
16 膳長見夢解得好,就對約瑟說:「我在夢中見我頭上頂着三筐白餅;
When the chief baker heard that the meaning of the dream of the king’s drink-server was very favorable, he said to Joseph, “I also had a dream. In the dream I was surprised to see three baskets of bread stacked on my head.
17 極上的筐子裏有為法老烤的各樣食物,有飛鳥來吃我頭上筐子裏的食物。」
In the top basket there were many kinds of baked goods for the king, but birds were eating them from the top basket that was on my head!”
18 約瑟說:「你的夢是這樣解:三個筐子就是三天;
God again told Joseph what the dream meant, so he said, “The three baskets also represent three days.
19 三天之內,法老必斬斷你的頭,把你掛在木頭上,必有飛鳥來吃你身上的肉。」
Within three days the king will command that your head be cut off. Then your body will be hung on a tree, and vultures will come and eat your flesh.”
20 到了第三天,是法老的生日,他為眾臣僕設擺筵席,把酒政和膳長提出監來,
The third day after that was the (king’s birthday/day they celebrated when the king became one year older). On that day the king invited all his officials to celebrate his birthday. During the celebration, while they were all gathered there, the king summoned his chief drink-server and chief baker from the prison.
He said that his chief drink-server could have his previous job again, so that again he took cups of wine to the king.
But he commanded that the chief baker should be killed by being hanged, just as Joseph had said would happen when he told the two men the meaning of their dreams.
But the chief drink-server did not think about Joseph. He forgot to do what Joseph asked him to do.