< 創世記 34 >

1 利亞給雅各所生的女兒底拿出去,要見那地的女子們。
Forsothe Dyna, the douytir of Lya, yede out to se the wymmen of that cuntrey.
2 那地的主-希未人、哈抹的兒子示劍看見她,就拉住她,與她行淫,玷辱她。
And whanne Sichem, the sone of Emor Euey, the prince of that lond, hadde seyn hir, he louede hir, and rauyschide, and sclepte with hir, and oppresside the virgyn bi violence.
3 示劍的心繫戀雅各的女兒底拿,喜愛這女子,甜言蜜語地安慰她。
And his soule was boundun faste with hir, and he pleside hir sory with flateringis.
4 示劍對他父親哈抹說:「求你為我聘這女子為妻。」
And he yede to Emor,
5 雅各聽見示劍玷污了他的女兒底拿。那時他的兒子們正和群畜在田野,雅各就閉口不言,等他們回來。
his fadir, and seide, Take to me this damysel a wijf. And whanne Jacob hadde herd this thing, while the sones weren absent, and ocupied in the fedyng of scheep, he was stille, til thei camen ayen.
6 示劍的父親哈抹出來見雅各,要和他商議。
Sotheli whanne Emor, the fadir of Sichem, was gon out, `that he schulde speke to Jacob, lo!
7 雅各的兒子們聽見這事,就從田野回來,人人忿恨,十分惱怒;因示劍在以色列家做了醜事,與雅各的女兒行淫,這本是不該做的事。
hise sones camen fro the feeld. And whanne this thing that bifelde was herd, thei weren wroothe greetli; for he wrouyte a foul thing in Israel, and he hadde do a thing vnleueful in the defoulyng of the douyter of Jacob.
8 哈抹和他們商議說:「我兒子示劍的心戀慕這女子,求你們將她給我的兒子為妻。
And so Emor spak to hem, The soule of my sone Sichem cleuyde to youre douytir, yeue ye hir a wijf to hym,
9 你們與我們彼此結親;你們可以把女兒給我們,也可以娶我們的女兒。
and ioyne we weddyngis to gidere; yyue ye youre douytris to vs,
10 你們與我們同住吧!這地都在你們面前,只管在此居住,做買賣,置產業。」
and take ye oure douytris, and dwelle ye with vs; the lond is in youre power, tile ye, make ye marchaundise, and welde ye it.
11 示劍對女兒的父親和弟兄們說:「但願我在你們眼前蒙恩,你們向我要甚麼,我必給你們。
But also Sichem seide to the fadir and britheren of hir, Fynde Y grace bifor you, and what euer thingis ye ordeynen Y schal yyue;
12 任憑向我要多重的聘金和禮物,我必照你們所說的給你們;只要把女子給我為妻。」
encreesse ye the dower, and axe ye yiftis, Y schal yyue wilfull that that ye axen; oonli yyue ye this damysele a wijf to me.
13 雅各的兒子們因為示劍玷污了他們的妹子底拿,就用詭詐的話回答示劍和他父親哈抹,
The sones of Jacob answeriden in gile to Sichem and his fadir, and weren feerse for the defoulyng of maidenhod of the sistir,
14 對他們說:「我們不能把我們的妹子給沒有受割禮的人為妻,因為那是我們的羞辱。
We moun not do this that ye axen, nether we moun yyue oure sistir to a man vncircumcidid, which thing is vnleueful and abhomynable anentis vs.
15 惟有一件才可以應允:若你們所有的男丁都受割禮,和我們一樣,
But in this we schulen mowe be boundun in pees, if ye wole be lijk vs, and ech of male kynde be circumcidid in you,
16 我們就把女兒給你們,也娶你們的女兒;我們便與你們同住,兩下成為一樣的人民。
thanne we schulen yyue and take togidre oure douytris and youre; and we schulen dwelle with you, and we schulen be o puple.
17 倘若你們不聽從我們受割禮,我們就帶着妹子走了。」
Forsothe if ye nylen be circumcidid, we schulen take oure douytir, and schulen go a wei.
18 哈抹和他的兒子示劍喜歡這話。
The profryng of hem pleside Emor and Sichem,
19 那少年人做這事並不遲延,因為他喜愛雅各的女兒;他在他父親家中也是人最尊重的。
his sone, and the yong wexynge man dilaiede not, that ne he fillide anoon that that was axid, for he louede the damysele greetli, and he was noble in al `the hous of his fadir.
20 哈抹和他兒子示劍到本城的門口,對本城的人說:
And thei entriden in to the yate of the citee, and spaken to the puple,
21 「這些人與我們和睦,不如許他們在這地居住,做買賣;這地也寬闊,足可容下他們。我們可以娶他們的女兒為妻,也可以把我們的女兒嫁給他們。
These men ben pesible, and wolen dwelle with vs; make thei marchaundie in the loond, and tile thei it, which is large and brood, and hath nede to tileris; we schulen take her douytris to wyues, and we schulen yyue oure douytris to hem.
22 惟有一件事我們必須做,他們才肯應允和我們同住,成為一樣的人民:就是我們中間所有的男丁都要受割禮,和他們一樣。
O thing is, for which so greet good is dilaied; if we circumciden oure malis, and suen the custom of the folc,
23 他們的群畜、貨財,和一切的牲口豈不都歸我們嗎?只要依從他們,他們就與我們同住。」
bothe her substaunce, and scheep, and alle thingis which thei welden, schulen be oure; oneli assente we in this, that we dwelle to gidere, and make o puple.
24 凡從城門出入的人就都聽從哈抹和他兒子示劍的話;於是凡從城門出入的男丁都受了割禮。
And alle men assentiden, and alle malis weren circumcidid.
25 到第三天,眾人正在疼痛的時候,雅各的兩個兒子,就是底拿的哥哥西緬和利未,各拿刀劍,趁着眾人想不到的時候來到城中,把一切男丁都殺了,
And lo! in the thridde day, whanne the sorewe of woundis was moost greuous, twei sones of acob, Symeon and Leuy, britheren of Dyna, token swerdis, and entriden in to the citee booldeli; and whanne alle malis weren slayn,
26 又用刀殺了哈抹和他兒子示劍,把底拿從示劍家裏帶出來就走了。
thei killiden Emor and Sichem togidere, and token Dyna, her sistir, fro the hous of Sichem.
27 雅各的兒子們因為他們的妹子受了玷污,就來到被殺的人那裏,擄掠那城,
And whanne thei weren goon out, othere sones of Jacob felden in on the slayn men, and rifeliden the citee for the veniaunce of defoulyng of a virgyn.
28 奪了他們的羊群、牛群,和驢,並城裏田間所有的;
And thei wastiden the scheep of tho men, and droues of oxun, and assis, and alle thingis that weren in howsis and feeldis,
29 又把他們一切貨財、孩子、婦女,並各房中所有的,都擄掠去了。
and ledden prisoneris the litle children, and wyues of tho men.
30 雅各對西緬和利未說:「你們連累我,使我在這地的居民中,就是在迦南人和比利洗人中,有了臭名。我的人丁既然稀少,他們必聚集來擊殺我,我和全家的人都必滅絕。」
And whanne these thingis weren don hardili, Jacob seide to Symeon and Leuy, Ye han troblid me, and han maad me hateful to Cananeis and Fereseis, dwellers of this lond; we ben fewe, thei schulen be gaderid to gidere and schulen sle me, and Y schal be don a wey and myn hous.
31 他們說:「他豈可待我們的妹子如同妓女嗎?」
Symeon and Leuy answeriden, Whether thei ouyten mysuse oure sistir as an hoore?

< 創世記 34 >