< 創世記 22 >

1 這些事以後,上帝要試驗亞伯拉罕,就呼叫他說:「亞伯拉罕!」他說:「我在這裏。」
And aftir that these thingis weren don, God assaiede Abraham, and seide to hym, Abraham! Abraham! He answerde, Y am present.
2 上帝說:「你帶着你的兒子,就是你獨生的兒子,你所愛的以撒,往摩利亞地去,在我所要指示你的山上,把他獻為燔祭。」
God seide to him, Take thi `sone oon gendrid, whom thou louest, Ysaac; and go into the lond of visioun, and offre thou hym there in to brent sacrifice, on oon of the hillis whiche Y schal schewe to thee.
3 亞伯拉罕清早起來,備上驢,帶着兩個僕人和他兒子以撒,也劈好了燔祭的柴,就起身往上帝所指示他的地方去了。
Therfor Abraham roos bi niyt, and sadlide his asse, and ledde with hym twey yonge men, and Ysaac his sone; and whanne he hadde hewe trees in to brent sacrifice, he yede to the place which God hadde comaundid to him.
4 到了第三日,亞伯拉罕舉目遠遠地看見那地方。
Forsothe in the thridde dai he reiside hise iyen, and seiy a place afer;
5 亞伯拉罕對他的僕人說:「你們和驢在此等候,我與童子往那裏去拜一拜,就回到你們這裏來。」
and he seide to hise children, Abide ye here with the asse, Y and the child schulen go thidur; and aftir that we han worschipid, we schulen turne ayen to you.
6 亞伯拉罕把燔祭的柴放在他兒子以撒身上,自己手裏拿着火與刀;於是二人同行。
And he took the trees of brent sacrifice, and puttide on Ysaac his sone; forsothe he bar fier, and a swerd in hise hondis. And whanne thei tweyne yeden togidere, Isaac seide to his fadir, My fadir!
7 以撒對他父親亞伯拉罕說:「父親哪!」亞伯拉罕說:「我兒,我在這裏。」以撒說:「請看,火與柴都有了,但燔祭的羊羔在哪裏呢?」
And he answerde, What wolt thou, sone? He seide, Lo! fier and trees, where is the beeste of brent sacrifice?
8 亞伯拉罕說:「我兒,上帝必自己預備作燔祭的羊羔。」於是二人同行。
Abraham seide, My sone, God schal puruey to hym the beeste of brent sacrifice.
9 他們到了上帝所指示的地方,亞伯拉罕在那裏築壇,把柴擺好,捆綁他的兒子以撒,放在壇的柴上。
Therfor thei yeden to gidere, and camen to the place whiche God hadde schewid to hym, in which place Abraham bildide an auter, and dresside trees a boue; and whanne he hadde bounde to gidere Ysaac, his sone, he puttide Ysaac in the auter, on the heep of trees.
10 亞伯拉罕就伸手拿刀,要殺他的兒子。
And he helde forth his hond, and took the swerd to sacrifice his sone.
11 耶和華的使者從天上呼叫他說:「亞伯拉罕!亞伯拉罕!」他說:「我在這裏。」
And lo! an aungel of the Lord criede fro heuene, and seide, Abraham! Abraham!
12 天使說:「你不可在這童子身上下手。一點不可害他!現在我知道你是敬畏上帝的了;因為你沒有將你的兒子,就是你獨生的兒子,留下不給我。」
Which answerde, I am present. And the aungel seide to hym, Holde thou not forth thin honde on the child, nether do thou ony thing to him; now Y haue knowe that thou dredist God, and sparidist not thin oon gendrid sone for me.
13 亞伯拉罕舉目觀看,不料,有一隻公羊,兩角扣在稠密的小樹中。亞伯拉罕就取了那隻公羊來,獻為燔祭,代替他的兒子。
Abraham reiside hise iyen, and he seiy `bihynde his bak a ram cleuynge bi hornes among breris, which he took, and offride brent sacrifice for the sone.
14 亞伯拉罕給那地方起名叫「耶和華以勒」,直到今日人還說:「在耶和華的山上必有預備。」
And he clepide the name of that place, The Lord seeth; wherfore it is seyd, til to dai, The Lord schal see in the hil.
15 耶和華的使者第二次從天上呼叫亞伯拉罕說:
Forsothe the aungel of the Lord clepide Abraham the secounde tyme fro heuene,
16 「耶和華說:『你既行了這事,不留下你的兒子,就是你獨生的兒子,我便指着自己起誓說:
and seide, The Lord seith, Y haue swore bi my silf, for thou hast do this thing, and hast not sparid thin oon gendrid for me,
17 論福,我必賜大福給你;論子孫,我必叫你的子孫多起來,如同天上的星,海邊的沙。你子孫必得着仇敵的城門,
Y schal blesse thee, and Y schal multiplie thi seed as the sterris of heuene, and as grauel which is in the brynk of the see; thi seed schal gete the yatis of hise enemyes;
18 並且地上萬國都必因你的後裔得福,因為你聽從了我的話。』」
and alle the folkis of erthe schulen be blessid in thi seed, for thou obeiedist to my vois.
19 於是亞伯拉罕回到他僕人那裏,他們一同起身往別是巴去,亞伯拉罕就住在別是巴。
Abraham turnede ayen to hise children, and thei yeden to Bersabee to gidere, and he dwellide there.
20 這事以後,有人告訴亞伯拉罕說:「密迦給你兄弟拿鶴生了幾個兒子,
And so whanne these thingis weren don, it was teld to Abraham that also Melcha hadde bore sones to Nachor his brother;
21 長子是烏斯,他的兄弟是布斯和亞蘭的父親基母利,
Hus the firste gendrid, and Buz his brothir, and Chamuhel the fadir of Sireis,
22 並基薛、哈瑣、必達、益拉、彼土利(彼土利生利百加)。」
and Cased, and Asan, and Feldas,
23 這八個人都是密迦給亞伯拉罕的兄弟拿鶴生的。
and Jedlaf, and Batuhel, of whom Rebecca was borun; Melcha childide these eiyte to Nachor brother of Abraham.
24 拿鶴的妾名叫流瑪,生了提八、迦含、他轄,和瑪迦。
Forsothe his concubyn, Roma bi name, childide Thabee, and Gaon, and Thaas, and Maacha.

< 創世記 22 >