< 加拉太書 4 >
1 我說那承受產業的,雖然是全業的主人,但為孩童的時候卻與奴僕毫無分別,
My point is this — As long as the heir is under age, there is no difference between him and a slave, though he is master of the whole estate.
2 乃在師傅和管家的手下,直等他父親預定的時候來到。
He is subject to the control of guardians and stewards, during the period for which his father has power to appoint them.
3 我們為孩童的時候,受管於世俗小學之下,也是如此。
And so is it with us; when we were under age, as it were, we were slaves to the puerile teaching of this world;
4 及至時候滿足,上帝就差遣他的兒子,為女子所生,且生在律法以下,
but, when the full time came, God sent his Son — born a woman’s child, born subject to Law —
5 要把律法以下的人贖出來,叫我們得着兒子的名分。
To ransom those who were subject to Law, so that we might take our position as sons.
6 你們既為兒子,上帝就差他兒子的靈進入你們的心,呼叫:「阿爸!父!」
And it is because you are sons that God sent into our hearts the Spirit of his Son, with the cry — ‘Abba, our Father.’
7 可見,從此以後,你不是奴僕,乃是兒子了;既是兒子,就靠着上帝為後嗣。
You, therefore, are no longer a slave, but a son; and, if a son, then an heir also, by God’s appointment.
8 但從前你們不認識上帝的時候,是給那些本來不是神的作奴僕;
Yet formerly, in your ignorance of God, you became slaves to ‘gods’ which were no gods.
9 現在你們既然認識上帝,更可說是被上帝所認識的,怎麼還要歸回那懦弱無用的小學,情願再給他作奴僕呢?
But now that you have found God — or, rather, have been found by him — how is it that you are turning back to that poor and feeble puerile teaching, to which yet once again you are wanting to become slaves?
You are scrupulous in keeping Days and Months and Seasons and Years!
11 我為你們害怕,惟恐我在你們身上是枉費了工夫。
You make me fear that the labour which I have spent on you may have been wasted.
12 弟兄們,我勸你們要像我一樣,因為我也像你們一樣。你們一點沒有虧負我。
I entreat you, Brothers, to become like me, as I became like you. You have never done me any wrong.
13 你們知道我頭一次傳福音給你們,是因為身體有疾病。
You remember that it was owing to bodily infirmity that on the first occasion I told you the Good News.
14 你們為我身體的緣故受試煉,沒有輕看我,也沒有厭棄我,反倒接待我,如同上帝的使者,如同基督耶穌。
And as for what must have tried you in my condition, it did not inspire you with scorn or disgust, but you welcomed me as if I had been an angel of God — or Christ Jesus himself!
15 你們當日所誇的福氣在哪裏呢?那時你們若能行,就是把自己的眼睛剜出來給我,也都情願。這是我可以給你們作見證的。
What has become then, of your blessings? For I can bear witness that, had it been possible, you would have torn out your eyes and given them to me!
Am I to think, then, that I have become your enemy by telling you the truth?
17 那些人熱心待你們,卻不是好意,是要離間你們,叫你們熱心待他們。
Certain people are seeking your favour, but with no honourable object. No, indeed, they want to isolate you, so that you will have to seek their favour.
18 在善事上,常用熱心待人原是好的,卻不單我與你們同在的時候才這樣。
It is always honourable to have your favour sought in an honourable cause, and not only when I am with you, my dear children —
19 我小子啊,我為你們再受生產之苦,直等到基督成形在你們心裏。
You for whom I am again enduring a mother’s pains, till a likeness to Christ shall have been formed in you.
20 我巴不得現今在你們那裏,改換口氣,因我為你們心裏作難。
But I could wish to be with you now and speak in a different tone, for I am perplexed about you.
21 你們這願意在律法以下的人,請告訴我,你們豈沒有聽見律法嗎?
Tell me, you who want to be still subject to Law — Why do not you listen to the Law?
22 因為律法上記着,亞伯拉罕有兩個兒子,一個是使女生的,一個是自主之婦人生的。
Scripture says that Abraham had two sons, one the child of the slave-woman and the other the child of the free woman.
23 然而,那使女所生的是按着血氣生的;那自主之婦人所生的是憑着應許生的。
But the child of the slave-woman was born in the course of nature, while the child of the free woman was born in fulfilment of a promise.
24 這都是比方:那兩個婦人就是兩約。一約是出於西奈山,生子為奴,乃是夏甲。
This story may be taken as an allegory. The women stand for two Covenants. One Covenant, given from Mount Sinai, produces a race of slaves and is represented by Hagar
25 這夏甲二字是指着阿拉伯的西奈山,與現在的耶路撒冷同類,因耶路撒冷和她的兒女都是為奴的。
(The word Hagar meaning in Arabia Mount Sinai) and it ranks with the Jerusalem of to-day, for she and her children are in slavery.
But the Jerusalem above is free, and she it is who is our mother.
27 因為經上記着: 不懷孕、不生養的,你要歡樂; 未曾經過產難的,你要高聲歡呼; 因為沒有丈夫的,比有丈夫的兒女更多。
For Scripture says — ‘Rejoice, thou barren one, who dost never bear, Break into shouts, thou who art never in labour, For many are the children of her who is desolate — aye, more than of her who has a husband.’
28 弟兄們,我們是憑着應許作兒女,如同以撒一樣。
As for ourselves, brothers, we, like Isaac, are children born in fulfilment of a promise.
29 當時,那按着血氣生的逼迫了那按着聖靈生的,現在也是這樣。
Yet at that time the child born in the course of nature persecuted the child born by the power of the Spirit; and it is the same now.
30 然而經上是怎麼說的呢?是說:「把使女和她兒子趕出去!因為使女的兒子不可與自主婦人的兒子一同承受產業。」
But what does the passage of Scripture say? ‘Send away the slave-woman and her son; for the slave’s son shall not be co-heir with the son of the free woman.’
31 弟兄們,這樣看來,我們不是使女的兒女,乃是自主婦人的兒女了。
And so, Brothers, we are not children of a slave, but of her who is free.