< 以斯拉記 1 >

1 波斯王塞魯士元年,耶和華為要應驗藉耶利米口所說的話,就激動波斯王塞魯士的心,使他下詔通告全國說:
In the firste yeer of Cirus, kyng of Persis, that the word of the Lord bi the mouth of Jeremye schulde be fillid, the Lord reiside the spirit of Cyrus, kyng of Persis; and he pupplischide a vois in al his rewme, ye, bi the scripture, and seide, Cirus,
2 「波斯王塞魯士如此說:『耶和華天上的上帝已將天下萬國賜給我,又囑咐我在猶大的耶路撒冷為他建造殿宇。
the kyng of Persis, seith these thingis, The Lord God of heuene yaf to me alle the rewmes of erthe, and he comaundide to me, that Y schulde bilde to hym an hows in Jerusalem, which is in Judee.
3 在你們中間凡作他子民的,可以上猶大的耶路撒冷,在耶路撒冷重建耶和華-以色列上帝的殿(只有他是上帝)。願上帝與這人同在。
Who is among you of al his puple? his God be with hym; stie he in to Jerusalem, which is in Judee, and bilde he the hows of the Lord God of Israel; he is God, which is in Jerusalem.
4 凡剩下的人,無論寄居何處,那地的人要用金銀、財物、牲畜幫助他,另外也要為耶路撒冷上帝的殿甘心獻上禮物。』」
And alle othere men, `that dwellen where euere in alle places, helpe hym; the men of her place helpe in siluer, and gold, and catel, and scheep, outakun that that thei offren wilfulli to the temple of God, which is in Jerusalem.
5 於是,猶大和便雅憫的族長、祭司、利未人,就是一切被上帝激動他心的人,都起來要上耶路撒冷去建造耶和華的殿。
And the princis of fadris of Juda and of Beniamyn risiden, and the preestis, and dekenes, and ech man whos spirit God reiside, for to stie to bilde the temple of the Lord, that was in Jerusalem.
6 他們四圍的人就拿銀器、金子、財物、牲畜、珍寶幫助他們,另外還有甘心獻的禮物。
And alle men that weren `in cumpas helpiden the hondis of hem, in vesselis of siluer, and of gold, `in catel, in purtenaunce of houshold, and in alle werk beestis, outakun these thingis which thei offriden bi fre wille.
7 塞魯士王也將耶和華殿的器皿拿出來,這器皿是尼布甲尼撒從耶路撒冷掠來、放在自己神之廟中的。
Forsothe kyng Cyrus brouyte forth the vessels of the temple of the Lord, whiche Nabugodonosor hadde take fro Jerusalem, and hadde set tho in the temple of his god.
8 波斯王塞魯士派庫官米提利達將這器皿拿出來,按數交給猶大的首領設巴薩。
Sotheli Cyrus, the kyng of Persis, brouyte forth tho bi the hond of Mytridatis, sone of Gazabar; and noumbride tho to Sasabazar, the prince of Juda.
9 器皿的數目記在下面:金盤三十個,銀盤一千個,刀二十九把,
And this is the noumbre of tho vessels; goldun violis, thritti; siluerne viols, a thousynde; `grete knyues, nyne and twenti; goldun cuppis, thritti; siluerne cuppis,
10 金碗三十個,銀碗之次的四百一十個,別樣的器皿一千件。
two thousynde foure hundrid and ten; othere vessels, a thousynde;
11 金銀器皿共有五千四百件。被擄的人從巴比倫上耶路撒冷的時候,設巴薩將這一切都帶上來。
alle the vessels of gold and siluere weren fyue thousynde foure hundrid. Sasabazar took alle vessels, with hem that stieden fro the transmygracioun of Babiloyne, in to Jerusalem.

< 以斯拉記 1 >