< 以西結書 40 >

1 我們被擄掠第二十五年,耶路撒冷城攻破後十四年,正在年初,月之初十日,耶和華的靈降在我身上,他把我帶到以色列地。
In the fyue and twentithe yeer of oure passyng ouer, in the bigynnyng of the yeer, in the tenthe dai of the monethe, in the fourtenthe yeer after that the citee was smytun, in this same dai the hond of the Lord was maad on me, and he brouyte me thidur in the reuelaciouns of God.
2 在上帝的異象中帶我到以色列地,安置在至高的山上;在山上的南邊有彷彿一座城建立。
And he brouyte me in to the lond of Israel, and he leet me doun on a ful hiy hil, on which was as the bildyng of a citee goynge to the south;
3 他帶我到那裏,見有一人,顏色如銅,手拿麻繩和量度的竿,站在門口。
and he ledde me in thidur. And lo! a man, whos licnesse was as the licnesse of bras, and a coorde of flex was in his hond, and a reed of mesure in his hond; forsothe he stood in the yate.
4 那人對我說:「人子啊,凡我所指示你的,你都要用眼看,用耳聽,並要放在心上。我帶你到這裏來,特為要指示你;凡你所見的,你都要告訴以色列家。」
And the same man spak to me, Thou sone of man, se with thin iyen, and here with thin eeris, and sette thin herte on alle thingis, whiche Y schal schewe to thee, for thou art brouyt hidur, that tho be schewid to thee; telle thou alle thingis whiche thou seest to the hous of Israel.
5 我見殿四圍有牆。那人手拿量度的竿,長六肘,每肘是一肘零一掌。他用竿量牆,厚一竿,高一竿。
And lo! a wal withouteforth, in the cumpas of the hous on ech side; and in the hond of the man was a rehed of mesure of sixe cubitis and a spanne, that is, an handibreede; and he mat the breede of the bildyng with o rehed, and the hiynesse bi o rehed.
6 他到了朝東的門,就上門的臺階,量門的這檻,寬一竿;又量門的那檻,寬一竿。
And he cam to the yate that bihelde the weie of the eest, and he stiede bi degrees of it; and he mat the lyntil of the yate bi o rehed the breede, that is, o lyntil bi o rehed in breede;
7 又有衛房,每房長一竿,寬一竿,相隔五肘。門檻,就是挨着向殿的廊門檻,寬一竿。
and he mat o chaumbre bi o rehed in lengthe, and bi o rehed in breed, and fyue cubitis bitwixe chaumbris;
8 他又量向殿門的廊子,寬一竿。
and he mat the lyntil of the yate bisidis the porche of the yate with ynne, bi o rehed.
9 又量門廊,寬八肘,牆柱厚二肘;那門的廊子向着殿。
And he mat the porch of the yate of eiyte cubitis, and the frount therof bi twei cubitis; sotheli the porche of the yate was with ynne.
10 東門洞有衛房:這旁三間,那旁三間,都是一樣的尺寸;這邊的柱子和那邊的柱子,也是一樣的尺寸。
Certis the chaumbris of the yate at the weie of the eest weren thre on this side, and thre on that side; o mesure of thre, and o mesure of the frountis on euer ethir side.
11 他量門口,寬十肘,長十三肘。
And he mat the breede of the lyntel of the yate of ten cubitis, and the lengthe of the yate of threttene cubitis.
12 衛房前展出的境界:這邊一肘,那邊一肘;衛房這邊六肘,那邊六肘。
And he mat a margyn of a cubit bifor the chaumbris, and o cubit was the ende on ech side; forsothe the chaumbris weren of sixe cubitis on this side and on that side.
13 又量門洞,從這衛房頂的後檐到那衛房頂的後檐,寬二十五肘;衛房門與門相對。
And he mat the yate fro the roof of the chaumbre til to the roof therof, the breede of fyue and twenti cubitis, a dore ayens a dore.
14 又量廊子六十肘,牆柱外是院子,有廊為界,在門洞兩邊。
And he made frountes bi sixti cubitis, and at the frount an halle of the yate on ech side bi cumpas;
15 從大門口到內廊前,共五十肘。
and bifor the face of the yate that stretchith forth til to the face of the porche of the ynner yate, he mat fifti cubitis.
16 衛房和門洞兩旁柱間並廊子,都有嚴緊的窗櫺;裏邊都有窗櫺,柱上有雕刻的棕樹。
And he mat wyndows naraw with out and large with ynne, in the chaumbris and frountis of tho, that weren with ynne the yate on ech side bi cumpas. Sotheli in lijk maner also wyndows weren in the porchis bi cumpas with ynne; and the peynture of palm trees was grauun bifor the frountis.
17 他帶我到外院,見院的四圍有鋪石地;鋪石地上有屋子三十間。
And he ledde me out to the outermere halle, and lo! tresories, and pawment arayed with stoon in the halle bi cumpas; thretti tresories in the cumpas of the pawment;
18 鋪石地,就是矮鋪石地在各門洞兩旁,以門洞的長短為度。
and the pawment was bynethe in the front of the yatis, bi the lengthe of the yatis.
19 他從下門量到內院外,共寬一百肘,東面北面都是如此。
And he mat the breede fro the face of the lowere yate til to the frount of the ynnere halle with outforth, an hundrid cubitis at the eest, and at the north.
20 他量外院朝北的門,長寬若干。
And he mat bothe in lengthe and in breede the yate that bihelde the weie of the north, of the outermore halle.
21 門洞的衛房,這旁三間,那旁三間。門洞的柱子和廊子,與第一門的尺寸一樣。門洞長五十肘,寬二十五肘。
And he mat the chaumbris therof, thre on this side, and thre on that side, and the frount therof, and the porche therof, bi the mesure of the formere yate; the lengthe therof of fifti cubitis, and the breede therof of fyue and twenti cubitis.
22 其窗櫺和廊子,並雕刻的棕樹,與朝東的門尺寸一樣。登七層臺階上到這門,前面有廊子。
Sotheli the wyndows therof, and the porche, and the grauyngis, weren bi the mesure of the yate that bihelde to the eest; and the stiyng therof was of seuene degrees, and a porche was bifore it.
23 內院有門與這門相對,北面東面都是如此。他從這門量到那門,共一百肘。
And the yate of the ynnere halle was ayens the yate of the north, and ayens the eest yate; and he mat fro the yate til to the yate an hundrid cubitis.
24 他帶我往南去,見朝南有門,又照先前的尺寸量門洞的柱子和廊子。
And he ledde me out to the weie of the south, and lo! the yate that bihelde to the south; and he mat the frount therof, and the porche therof, bi the formere mesuris;
25 門洞兩旁與廊子的周圍都有窗櫺,和先量的窗櫺一樣。門洞長五十肘,寬二十五肘。
and the wyndows therof, and the porchis in cumpas, as othere wyndows; the lengthe of fifti cubitis, and the breede of fyue and twenti cubitis.
26 登七層臺階上到這門,前面有廊子;柱上有雕刻的棕樹,這邊一棵,那邊一棵。
And bi seuene degrees me stiede to it, and `an halle was bifor the yatis therof; and palme trees weren grauun, oon in this side, and another in that side in the frount therof.
27 內院朝南有門。從這門量到朝南的那門,共一百肘。
And the yate of the ynnere halle was in the weie of the south; and he mat fro the yate til to the yate in the weie of the south, an hundrid cubitis.
28 他帶我從南門到內院,就照先前的尺寸量南門。
And he ledde me in to the ynnere halle, to the south yate; and he mat the yate bi the formere mesuris;
29 衛房和柱子,並廊子都照先前的尺寸。門洞兩旁與廊子的周圍都有窗櫺。門洞長五十肘,寬二十五肘。
the chaumbre therof, and the frount therof, and the porche therof bi the same mesuris; and he mat the wyndows therof, and the porche therof in cumpas; fifti cubitis of lengthe, and fyue and twenti cubitis of breede.
30 周圍有廊子,長二十五肘,寬五肘。
And he mat the halle bi cumpas, the lengthe of fyue and twenti cubitis, and the breede therof of fyue cubitis.
31 廊子朝着外院,柱上有雕刻的棕樹。登八層臺階上到這門。
And the porche therof was to the outermere halle, and the palm trees therof in the frount; and eiyte degrees weren, bi whiche me stiede thorouy it.
32 他帶我到內院的東面,就照先前的尺寸量東門。
And he ledde me in to the ynnere halle, bi the eest weie; and he mat the yate by the formere mesures;
33 衛房和柱子,並廊子都照先前的尺寸。門洞兩旁與廊子的周圍都有窗櫺。門洞長五十肘,寬二十五肘。
the chaumbre therof, and the frount therof, and the porchis therof, as aboue; and he mat the wyndows therof, and the porchis therof in cumpas; the lengthe of fifti cubitis, and the breede of fyue and twenti cubitis; and the porche therof,
34 廊子朝着外院。門洞兩旁的柱子都有雕刻的棕樹。登八層臺階上到這門。
that is, of the outermore halle; and palme trees grauun in the frount therof, on this side and on that side; and in eiyte degrees was the stiyng therof.
35 他帶我到北門,就照先前的尺寸量那門,
And he ledde me in to the yate that bihelde to the north; and he mat bi the formere mesuris;
36 就是量衛房和柱子,並廊子。門洞周圍都有窗櫺;門洞長五十肘,寬二十五肘。
the chaumbre therof, and the frount therof, and the porche therof, and the wyndows therof bi cumpas; the lengthe of fifti cubitis, and the breede of fyue and twenti cubitis.
37 廊柱朝着外院。門洞兩旁的柱子都有雕刻的棕樹。登八層臺階上到這門。
The porche therof bihelde to the outermore halle; and the grauyng of palm trees was in the frount therof, on this side and on that side; and in eiyte degrees was the stiyng therof.
38 門洞的柱旁有屋子和門;祭司在那裏洗燔祭牲。
And bi alle tresories a dore was in the frountis of yatis; and there thei waischiden brent sacrifice.
39 在門廊內,這邊有兩張桌子,那邊有兩張桌子,在其上可以宰殺燔祭牲、贖罪祭牲,和贖愆祭牲。
And in the porche of the yate weren twei boordis on this side, and twei boordis on that side, that brent sacrifice be offrid on tho, `bothe for synne and for trespasse.
40 上到朝北的門口,這邊有兩張桌子,門廊那邊也有兩張桌子。
And at the outermore side, which stieth to the dore of the yate that goith to the north, weren twei boordis; and at `the tother side, bifor the porche of the yate, weren twei boordis.
41 門這邊有四張桌子,那邊有四張桌子,共八張;在其上祭司宰殺犧牲。
Foure boordis on this side, and foure boordis on that side; bi the sidis of the yate weren eiyte boordis, on whiche thei offriden.
42 為燔祭牲有四張桌子,是鑿過的石頭做成的,長一肘半,寬一肘半,高一肘。祭司將宰殺燔祭牲和平安祭牲所用的器皿放在其上。
Forsothe foure boordis to brent sacrifice weren bildid of square stoonys, in the lengthe of o cubit and an half, and in the breed of o cubit and an half, and in the hiythe of o cubit; on whiche boordis thei schulen sette vessels, in whiche brent sacrifice and slayn sacrifice is offrid.
43 有鉤子,寬一掌,釘在廊內的四圍。桌子上有犧牲的肉。
And the brenkis of tho boordis ben of oon handibreede, and ben bowid ayen with ynne bi cumpas; forsothe on the boordis weren fleischis of offryng.
44 在北門旁,內院裏有屋子,為歌唱的人而設。這屋子朝南;在南門旁,又有一間朝北。
And with out the ynnere yate weren tresories of chauntours, in the ynnere halle, that was in the side of the yate biholdynge to the north; and the faces of tho weren ayens the south weie; oon of the side of the eest yate, that bihelde to the weie of the north.
45 他對我說:「這朝南的屋子是為看守殿宇的祭司;
And he seide to me, This treserie, that biholdith the south weie, is of the prestis that waken in the kepyngis of the temple,
46 那朝北的屋子是為看守祭壇的祭司。這些祭司是利未人中撒督的子孫,近前來事奉耶和華的。」
Sotheli the tresorye that biholdith to the weie of the north, schal be of the preestis that waken to the seruice of the auter; these ben the sones of Sadoch, whiche of the sones of Leuy neiyen to the Lord, for to mynystre to hym.
47 他又量內院,長一百肘,寬一百肘,是見方的。祭壇在殿前。
And he mat the halle, the lengthe of an hundrid cubitis, and the breede of an hundrid cubitis, bi square, and the auter bifore the face of the temple.
48 於是他帶我到殿前的廊子,量廊子的牆柱。這面厚五肘,那面厚五肘。門兩旁,這邊三肘,那邊三肘。
And he ledde me in to the porche of the temple; and he mat the porche bi fyue cubitis on this side, and bi fyue cubitis on that side; and he mat the breede of the yate, of thre cubitis on this side, and of thre cubitis on that side.
49 廊子長二十肘,寬十一肘。上廊子有臺階。靠近牆柱又有柱子,這邊一根,那邊一根。
But he mat the lengthe of the porche of twenti cubitis, and the breede of eleuene cubitis, and bi eiyte degrees me stiede to it; and pileris weren in the frountis, oon on this side, and `another on that side.

< 以西結書 40 >