< 以西結書 38 >

1 耶和華的話臨到我說:
And the word of the Lord was maad to me,
2 「人子啊,你要面向瑪各地的歌革,就是羅施、米設、土巴的王發預言攻擊他,
and he seide, Thou, sone of man, Sette thi face ayens Gog, and ayens the lond of Magog, the prince of the heed of Mosoch and of Tubal; and profesie thou of hym.
3 說主耶和華如此說:羅施、米設、土巴的王歌革啊,我與你為敵。
And thou schalt seie to hym, The Lord God seith these thingis, A! Gog, lo! Y to thee, prince of the heed of Mosoch and of Tubal;
4 我必用鉤子鉤住你的腮頰,調轉你,將你和你的軍兵、馬匹、馬兵帶出來,都披掛整齊,成了大隊,有大小盾牌,各拿刀劍。
and Y schal lede thee aboute, and Y schal sette a bridil in thi chekis, and Y schal leede out thee, and al thin oost, horsis, and horsmen, alle clothid with haburiouns, a greet multitude of men, takynge spere, and scheeld, and swerd.
5 波斯人、古實人,和弗人,各拿盾牌,頭上戴盔;
Perseis, Ethiopiens, and Libiens with hem, alle ben araied with scheeldis and helmes.
6 歌篾人和他的軍隊,北方極處的陀迦瑪族和他的軍隊,這許多國的民都同着你。
Gomer, and alle the cumpenyes of hym, the hous of Togorma, the sidis of the north, and al the strengthe therof, and many puplis ben with thee.
7 「那聚集到你這裏的各隊都當準備;你自己也要準備,作他們的大帥。
Make redi, and araye thee, and al thi multitude which is gaderid to thee, and be thou in to comaundement to hem.
8 過了多日,你必被差派。到末後之年,你必來到脫離刀劍從列國收回之地,到以色列常久荒涼的山上;但那從列國中招聚出來的必在其上安然居住。
Aftir many daies thou schalt be visitid, in the laste of yeeris thou schalt come to the lond, that turnede ayen fro swerd, and was gaderid of many puplis, to the hillis of Israel that weren desert ful ofte; this was led out of puplis, and alle men dwellide tristili ther ynne.
9 你和你的軍隊,並同着你許多國的民,必如暴風上來,如密雲遮蓋地面。」
Forsothe thou schalt stie, and schalt come as a tempest, and as a cloude, for to hile the lond, thou, and alle thi cumpanyes, and many puplis with thee.
10 主耶和華如此說:「到那時,你心必起意念,圖謀惡計,
The Lord God seith these thingis, In that dai wordis schulen stie on thin herte, and thou schalt thenke the worste thouyt;
11 說:『我要上那無城牆的鄉村,我要到那安靜的民那裏,他們都沒有城牆,無門、無閂,安然居住。
and schalt seie, Y schal stie to the lond with out wal, and Y schal come to hem that resten and dwellen sikirli; alle these dwellen with out wal, barris and yatis ben not to hem;
12 我去要搶財為擄物,奪貨為掠物,反手攻擊那從前荒涼、現在有人居住之地,又攻擊那住世界中間、從列國招聚、得了牲畜財貨的民。』
that thou rauysche spuylis, and asaile prei; that thou brynge in thin hond on hem that weren forsakun, and afterward restorid, and on the puple which is gaderid of hethene men, that bigan to welde, and to be enhabitere of the nawle of erthe.
13 示巴人、底但人、他施的客商,和其間的少壯獅子都必問你說:『你來要搶財為擄物嗎?你聚集軍隊要奪貨為掠物嗎?要奪取金銀,擄去牲畜、財貨嗎?要搶奪許多財寶為擄物嗎?』
Saba, and Dedan, and the marchauntis of Tharsis, and alle the liouns therof schulen seie to thee, Whether thou comest to take spuylis? Lo! to rauysche prey thou hast gaderid thi multitude, that thou take awei gold and siluer, and do awei purtenaunce of houshold and catel, and that thou rauysche preyes with out noumbre.
14 「人子啊,你要因此發預言,對歌革說,主耶和華如此說:到我民以色列安然居住之日,你豈不知道嗎?
Therfor profesie thou, sone of man; and thou schalt seie to Gog, The Lord God seith these thingis, Whether not in that dai, whanne my puple Israel schal dwelle tristili, thou schalt wite;
15 你必從本地,從北方的極處率領許多國的民來,都騎着馬,乃一大隊極多的軍兵。
and schalt come fro thi place, fro the sidis of the north, thou, and many puplis with thee, alle stieris of horsis, a greet cumpany, and an huge oost;
16 歌革啊,你必上來攻擊我的民以色列,如密雲遮蓋地面。末後的日子,我必帶你來攻擊我的地,到我在外邦人眼前,在你身上顯為聖的時候,好叫他們認識我。
and thou as a cloude schalt stie on my puple Israel, that thou hile the erthe? Thou schalt be in the laste daies, and Y schal brynge thee on my lond, that my folkis wite, whanne Y schal be halewid in thee, thou Gog, bifor the iyen of them.
17 主耶和華如此說:我在古時藉我的僕人以色列的先知所說的,就是你嗎?當日他們多年預言我必帶你來攻擊以色列人。」
The Lord God seith these thingis, Therfor thou art he of whom Y spak in elde daies, in the hond of my seruauntis, profetis of Israel, that profesieden in the daies of tho tymes, that Y schulde bringe thee on hem.
18 主耶和華說:「歌革上來攻擊以色列地的時候,我的怒氣要從鼻孔裏發出。
And it schal be, in that dai, in the dai of the comyng of Gog on the lond of Israel, seith the Lord God, myn indignacioun schal stie in my strong veniaunce, and in my feruour;
19 我發憤恨和烈怒如火說:那日在以色列地必有大震動,
Y spak in the fier of my wraththe.
20 甚至海中的魚、天空的鳥、田野的獸,並地上的一切昆蟲,和其上的眾人,因見我的面就都震動;山嶺必崩裂,陡巖必塌陷,牆垣都必坍倒。」
For in that dai schal be grete mouyng on the lond of Israel; and fischis of the see, and beestis of erthe, and briddis of the eir, and ech crepynge beeste which is mouyd on erthe, and alle men that ben on the face of erthe, schulen be mouyd fro my face; and hillis schulen be vndurturned, and heggis schulen falle doun, and ech wal schal falle doun in to erthe.
21 主耶和華說:「我必命我的諸山發刀劍來攻擊歌革;人都要用刀劍殺害弟兄。
And Y schal clepe togidere a swerd ayens hym in alle myn hillis, seith the Lord God; the swerd of ech man schal be dressid ayens his brother.
22 我必用瘟疫和流血的事刑罰他。我也必將暴雨、大雹與火,並硫磺降與他和他的軍隊,並他所率領的眾民。
And thanne Y schal deme hym bi pestilence, and blood, and greet reyn, and bi greet stoonys; Y schal reyn fier and brymstoon on hym, and on his oost, and on many puplis that ben with hym.
23 我必顯為大,顯為聖,在多國人的眼前顯現;他們就知道我是耶和華。」
And Y schal be magnefied, and Y shal be halewid, and Y shal be knowun bifore the iyen of many folkis; and thei schulen wite, that Y am the Lord.

< 以西結書 38 >