< 以西結書 35 >

1 耶和華的話又臨到我說:
MOREOVER the word of the Lord came unto me, saying,
2 「人子啊,你要面向西珥山發預言,攻擊它,
Son of man, set thy face against mount Seir, and prophesy against it,
3 對它說,主耶和華如此說:西珥山哪,我與你為敵,必向你伸手攻擊你,使你荒涼,令人驚駭。
And say unto it, Thus saith the Lord God; Behold, O mount Seir, I am against thee, and I will stretch out mine hand against thee, and I will make thee most desolate.
4 我必使你的城邑變為荒場,成為淒涼。你就知道我是耶和華。
I will lay thy cities waste, and thou shalt be desolate, and thou shalt know that I am the Lord.
5 因為你永懷仇恨,在以色列人遭災、罪孽到了盡頭的時候,將他們交與刀劍,
Because thou hast had a perpetual hatred, and hast shed the blood of the children of Israel by the force of the sword in the time of their calamity, in the time that their iniquity had an end:
6 所以主耶和華說:我指着我的永生起誓,我必使你遭遇流血的報應,罪必追趕你;你既不恨惡殺人流血,所以這罪必追趕你。
Therefore, as I live, saith the Lord God, I will prepare thee unto blood, and blood shall pursue thee: sith thou hast not hated blood, even blood shall pursue thee.
7 我必使西珥山荒涼,令人驚駭,來往經過的人我必剪除。
Thus will I make mount Seir most desolate, and cut off from it him that passeth out and him that returneth.
8 我必使西珥山滿有被殺的人。被刀殺的,必倒在你小山和山谷,並一切的溪水中。
And I will fill his mountains with his slain men: in thy hills, and in thy valleys, and in all thy rivers, shall they fall that are slain with the sword.
9 我必使你永遠荒涼,使你的城邑無人居住,你的民就知道我是耶和華。
I will make thee perpetual desolations, and thy cities shall not return: and ye shall know that I am the Lord.
10 「因為你曾說:『這二國這二邦必歸於我,我必得為業』(其實耶和華仍在那裏),
Because thou hast said, These two nations and these two countries shall be mine, and we will possess it; whereas the Lord was there:
11 所以主耶和華說:我指着我的永生起誓,我必照你的怒氣和你從仇恨中向他們所發的嫉妒待你。我審判你的時候,必將自己顯明在他們中間。
Therefore, as I live, saith the Lord God, I will even do according to thine anger, and according to thine envy which thou hast used out of thy hatred against them; and I will make myself known among them, when I have judged thee.
12 你也必知道我-耶和華聽見了你的一切毀謗,就是你攻擊以色列山的話,說:『這些山荒涼,是歸我們吞滅的。』
And thou shalt know that I am the Lord, and that I have heard all thy blasphemies which thou hast spoken against the mountains of Israel, saying, They are laid desolate, they are given us to consume.
13 你們也用口向我誇大,增添與我反對的話,我都聽見了。
Thus with your mouth ye have boasted against me, and have multiplied your words against me: I have heard them.
14 主耶和華如此說:全地歡樂的時候,我必使你荒涼。
Thus saith the Lord God; When the whole earth rejoiceth, I will make thee desolate.
15 你怎樣因以色列家的地業荒涼而喜樂,我必照你所行的待你。西珥山哪,你和以東全地必都荒涼。你們就知道我是耶和華。」
As thou didst rejoice at the inheritance of the house of Israel, because it was desolate, so will I do unto thee: thou shalt be desolate, O mount Seir, and all Idumea, even all of it: and they shall know that I am the Lord.

< 以西結書 35 >