< 以西結書 28 >

1 耶和華的話又臨到我說:
A message from the Lord came to me, saying,
2 「人子啊,你對泰爾君王說,主耶和華如此說: 因你心裏高傲,說:我是神; 我在海中坐神之位。 你雖然居心自比神, 也不過是人,並不是神!
“Son of man, tell the ruler of Tyre this is what the Lord God says: You are so proud of yourself, saying, ‘I'm a god! I sit on my throne like a god in the middle of the sea.’ But you're only a man. You're not a god, even though you think you are one.
3 看哪,你比但以理更有智慧, 甚麼祕事都不能向你隱藏。
You even think you're wiser than Daniel and there's no secret that's hidden from you!
4 你靠自己的智慧聰明得了金銀財寶, 收入庫中。
Yes, you have used your wisdom and cleverness to make yourself rich, collecting plenty of gold and silver for your treasury.
5 你靠自己的大智慧和貿易增添資財, 又因資財心裏高傲。
You became wealthy through your superb trading skills, but your wealth only made you proud.
6 所以主耶和華如此說: 因你居心自比神,
So this is what the Lord God says: Because you think that you're a god,
7 我必使外邦人, 就是列國中的強暴人臨到你這裏; 他們必拔刀砍壞你用智慧得來的美物, 褻瀆你的榮光。
watch as I bring foreigners to attack you. They are more cruel than any other nation. They will use their swords to destroy you and your wonderful wisdom; they will humble your proud glory.
8 他們必使你下坑; 你必死在海中, 與被殺的人一樣。
They will drag you down into the grave. You will die horribly out there in the sea.
9 在殺你的人面前你還能說「我是神」嗎? 其實你在殺害你的人手中, 不過是人,並不是神。
Are you still going to claim, ‘I'm a god,’ to those who are killing you? You'll just be another human victim, not a god, in the eyes of your attackers.
10 你必死在外邦人手中, 與未受割禮的人一樣, 因為這是主耶和華說的。」
You will be killed like some vile person by these foreigners. I myself have spoken, declares the Lord God.”
11 耶和華的話臨到我說:
Another message from the Lord came to me, saying,
12 「人子啊,你為泰爾王作起哀歌,說主耶和華如此說: 你無所不備, 智慧充足,全然美麗。
“Son of man, sing a funeral song for the king of Tyre and tell him this is what the Lord God says: Once you were complete and perfect, full of wisdom and flawless in beauty.
13 你曾在伊甸上帝的園中, 佩戴各樣寶石, 就是紅寶石、紅璧璽、金鋼石、 水蒼玉、紅瑪瑙、碧玉、 藍寶石、綠寶石、紅玉,和黃金; 又有精美的鼓笛在你那裏, 都是在你受造之日預備齊全的。
You were there in Eden, God's garden. You wore all kinds of precious stones: carnelian, topaz, and amethyst; beryl, onyx, and jasper; lapis lazuli, turquoise, and emerald. They were placed in gold mountings and settings using skilled craftsmanship, and were made on the day when you were created.
14 你是那受膏遮掩約櫃的基路伯; 我將你安置在上帝的聖山上; 你在發光如火的寶石中間往來。
I gave you the position of guardian cherub, and I anointed you. You lived on God's holy mountain and you walked among the stones of fire.
15 你從受造之日所行的都完全, 後來在你中間又察出不義。
You were innocent in everything you did from the day you were created until you were found to be doing evil.
16 因你貿易很多, 就被強暴的事充滿,以致犯罪, 所以我因你褻瀆聖地, 就從上帝的山驅逐你。 遮掩約櫃的基路伯啊, 我已將你從發光如火的寶石中除滅。
You were so busy with all your trading schemes that they destroyed you inside, leading you to sin and filling you with violence. So I sent you away in disgrace from God's mountain, and I removed you from your position as guardian cherub from your place among the stones of fire.
17 你因美麗心中高傲, 又因榮光敗壞智慧, 我已將你摔倒在地, 使你倒在君王面前, 好叫他們目睹眼見。
You became proud because of your beauty, you ruined your wisdom because you thought you were so wonderful. So I threw you down to the ground and I made sure kings saw what happened to you.
18 你因罪孽眾多, 貿易不公, 就褻瀆你那裏的聖所。 故此,我使火從你中間發出,燒滅你, 使你在所有觀看的人眼前變為地上的爐灰。
By all your sins and your dishonest trading you have made your sanctuaries unclean. So I had fire come from inside you, and it burned you up. I turned you into ashes on the ground as everybody there watched.
19 各國民中,凡認識你的, 都必為你驚奇。 你令人驚恐, 不再存留於世,直到永遠。」
All who know you among the nations are horrified at what happened to you. Disaster has brought you down and you're finished forever.”
20 耶和華的話臨到我說:
A message from the Lord came to me, saying,
21 「人子啊,你要向西頓預言攻擊她,
“Son of man, face towards Sidon and prophesy against her.
22 說主耶和華如此說: 西頓哪,我與你為敵, 我必在你中間得榮耀。 我在你中間施行審判、顯為聖的時候, 人就知道我是耶和華。
Tell them this is what the Lord God says: Watch out, Sidon, for I'm condemning you, and I will be vindicated by what happens to you. People will know that I am the Lord when I punish her and show my holy character through her experience.
23 我必使瘟疫進入西頓, 使血流在她街上。 被殺的必在其中仆倒, 四圍有刀劍臨到她, 人就知道我是耶和華。」
I'm going to send a disease to plague her, and have people killed in her streets. Those who are killed will fall inside the city as the enemy attacks with swords from every side. Then they will know that I am the Lord.
24 「四圍恨惡以色列家的人,必不再向他們作刺人的荊棘,傷人的蒺藜,人就知道我是主耶和華。」
The people of Israel will no longer have to put up with these people who are thorns in their side, painful brambles and sharp thorns who treat Israel with contempt. Then they will know that I am the Lord God.
25 主耶和華如此說:「我將分散在萬民中的以色列家招聚回來,向他們在列邦人眼前顯為聖的時候,他們就在我賜給我僕人雅各之地,仍然居住。
This is what the Lord God says: When I bring back the people of Israel from the nations where they've been scattered. I will show my holy character through them as everyone watches. Then they will live in their own country, which I gave to my servant Jacob.
26 他們要在這地上安然居住。我向四圍恨惡他們的眾人施行審判以後,他們要蓋造房屋,栽種葡萄園,安然居住,就知道我是耶和華-他們的上帝。」
They will live there in safety, building houses and planting vineyards. They will live there in safety when I punish all those around them who treat them with contempt. Then they will know that I am the Lord their God.”

< 以西結書 28 >