< 以西結書 21 >

1 耶和華的話臨到我說:
And the word of the Lord was maad to me,
2 「人子啊,你要面向耶路撒冷和聖所滴下預言,攻擊以色列地。
and he seide, Thou, sone of man, sette thi face to Jerusalem, and droppe thou to the seyntuaries, and profesie thou ayens the erthe of Israel.
3 對以色列地說,耶和華如此說:我與你為敵,並要拔刀出鞘,從你中間將義人和惡人一併剪除。
And thou schalt seie to the lond of Israel, The Lord God seith these thingis, Lo! Y to thee, and Y schal caste my swerd out of his schethe, and Y schal sle in thee a iust man and a wickid man.
4 我既要從你中間剪除義人和惡人,所以我的刀要出鞘,自南至北攻擊一切有血氣的;
Forsothe for that that Y haue slayn in thee a iust man and a wickid man, therfor my swerd schal go out of his schethe to ech man, fro the south til to the north;
5 一切有血氣的就知道我-耶和華已經拔刀出鞘,必不再入鞘。
that ech man wite, that Y the Lord haue drawe out my swerd fro his schethe, that schal not be clepid ayen.
6 人子啊,你要歎息,在他們眼前彎着腰,苦苦地歎息。
And thou, sone of man, weile in sorewe of leendis, and in bitternessis thou schalt weile bifore hem.
7 他們問你說:『為何歎息呢?』你就說:『因為有風聲、災禍要來。人心都必消化,手都發軟,精神衰敗,膝弱如水。看哪,這災禍臨近,必然成就。這是主耶和華說的。』」
And whanne thei schulen seie to thee, Whi weilist thou? thou schalt seie, For hering, for it cometh; and ech herte shal faile, and alle hondis schulen be aclumsid, and ech spirit schal be sike, and watris schulen flete doun bi alle knees; lo! it cometh, and it shal be don, seith the Lord God.
8 耶和華的話臨到我說:
And the word of the Lord was maad to me,
9 「人子啊,你要預言。耶和華吩咐我如此說: 有刀、有刀, 是磨快擦亮的;
and he seide, Sone of man, profesie thou; and thou schalt seie, The Lord God seith these thingis, Speke thou, The swerd, the swerd is maad scharp, and is maad briyt;
10 磨快為要行殺戮, 擦亮為要像閃電。 我們豈可快樂嗎?罰我子的杖藐視各樹。
it is maad scharp to sle sacrifices; it is maad briyt, that it schyne. Thou that mouest the ceptre of my sone, hast kit doun ech tree.
11 這刀已經交給人擦亮,為要應手使用。這刀已經磨快擦亮,好交在行殺戮的人手中。
And Y yaf it to be forbischid, that it be holdun with hond; this swerd is maad scharp, and this is maad briyt, that it be in the hond of the sleere.
12 人子啊,你要呼喊哀號,因為這刀臨到我的百姓和以色列一切的首領。他們和我的百姓都交在刀下,所以你要拍腿歎息。
Sone of man, crie thou, and yelle, for this swerd is maad in my puple, this in alle the duykis of Israel; thei that fledden ben youun to swerd with my puple. Therfor smite thou on thin hipe, for it is preuyd;
13 有試驗的事;若那藐視的杖歸於無有,怎麼樣呢?這是主耶和華說的。
and this whanne it hath distried the ceptre, and it schal not be, seith the Lord God.
14 「人子啊,你要拍掌預言。我-耶和華要使這刀,就是致死傷的刀,一連三次加倍刺人,進入他們的內屋,使大人受死傷的就是這刀。
Therfor, sone of man, profesie thou, and smyte thou hond to hond, and the swerd be doublid, and the swerd of sleeris be treblid; this is the swerd of greet sleyng, that schal make hem astonyed,
15 我設立這恐嚇人的刀,攻擊他們的一切城門,使他們的心消化,加增他們跌倒的事。哎!這刀造得像閃電,磨得尖利,要行殺戮。
and to faile in herte, and multiplieth fallingis. In alle the yatis of hem Y yaf disturbling of a swerd, scharp and maad briyt to schyne, gird to sleynge.
16 刀啊,你歸在右邊,擺在左邊;你面向哪方,就向那方殺戮。
Be thou maad scharp, go thou to the riyt side, ether to the left side, whidur euer the desir of thi face is.
17 我也要拍掌,並要使我的忿怒止息。這是我-耶和華說的。」
Certis and Y schal smyte with hond to hond, and Y schal fille myn indignacioun; Y the Lord spak.
18 耶和華的話又臨到我說:
And the word of the Lord was maad to me,
19 「人子啊,你要定出兩條路,好使巴比倫王的刀來。這兩條路必從一地分出來,又要在通城的路口上畫出一隻手來。
and he seide, And thou, sone of man, sette to thee twei weies, that the swerd of the king of Babiloyne come; bothe schulen go out of o lond, and bi the hond he schal take coniecting; he schal coniecte in the heed of the weie of the citee,
20 你要定出一條路,使刀來到亞捫人的拉巴;又要定出一條路,使刀來到猶大的堅固城耶路撒冷。
settinge a weye, that the swerd come to Rabath of the sones of Amon, and to Juda in to Jerusalem moost strong.
21 因為巴比倫王站在岔路那裏,在兩條路口上要占卜。他搖籤求問神像,察看犧牲的肝;
For the king of Babiloyne stood in the meeting of twey weies, in the heed of twei weies, and souyte dyuynyng, and medlide arowis; he axide idols, and took councel at entrails.
22 在右手中拿着為耶路撒冷占卜的籤,使他安設撞城錘,張口叫殺,揚聲吶喊,築壘造臺,以撞城錘,攻打城門。
Dyuynyng was maad to his riyt side on Jerusalem, that he sette engyns, that he opene mouth in sleyng, that he reise vois in yelling, that he sette engyns ayens the yatis, that he bere togidere erthe, that he bilde strengthinges.
23 據那些曾起誓的猶大人看來,這是虛假的占卜;但巴比倫王要使他們想起罪孽,以致將他們捉住。」
And he shal be as counceling in veyn goddis answer bifor the iyen of hem, and seruynge the reste of sabatis; but he schal haue mynde on wickidnesse, to take.
24 主耶和華如此說:「因你們的過犯顯露,使你們的罪孽被記念,以致你們的罪惡在行為上都彰顯出來;又因你們被記念,就被捉住。
Therfor the Lord God seith these thingis, For that that ye hadden mynde on youre wickidnesse, and schewiden youre trespassyngis, and youre synnes apperiden in alle youre thouytis, forsothe for that that ye hadden mynde, ye schulen be takun bi hond.
25 你這受死傷行惡的以色列王啊,罪孽的盡頭到了,受報的日子已到。
But thou, cursid wickid duyk of Israel, whos dai bifor determyned is comun in the tyme of wickidnesse,
26 主耶和華如此說:當除掉冠,摘下冕,景況必不再像先前;要使卑者升為高,使高者降為卑。
the Lord God seith these thingis, Do awei the mitre, take awei the coroun; whether it is not this that reiside the meke man, and made low the hiy man?
27 我要將這國傾覆,傾覆,而又傾覆;這國也必不再有,直等到那應得的人來到,我就賜給他。」
Wickidnesse, wickidnesse, wickidnesse Y schal putte it; and this schal not be doon til he come, whos the doom is, and Y schal bitake to hym.
28 「人子啊,要發預言說:主耶和華論到亞捫人和他們的凌辱,吩咐我如此說:有刀,有拔出來的刀,已經擦亮,為行殺戮,使他像閃電以行吞滅。
And thou, sone of man, profesie, and seie, The Lord God seith these thingis to the sones of Amon, and to the schenschipe of hem; and thou schalt seie, A! thou swerd, A! thou swerd, drawun out to sle, maad briyte, that thou sle and schyne,
29 人為你見虛假的異象,行謊詐的占卜,使你倒在受死傷之惡人的頸項上。他們罪孽到了盡頭,受報的日子已到。
whanne veyn thingis weren seien to thee, and leesingis weren dyuynyd, that thou schuldist be youun on the neckis of wickid men woundid, the dai of whiche bifore determyned schal come in the tyme of wickidnesse, turne thou ayen in to thi schethe,
30 你將刀收入鞘吧!在你受造之處、生長之地,我必刑罰你。
in to the place in which thou were maad. Y schal deme thee in the lond of thi birthe,
31 我必將我的惱恨倒在你身上,將我烈怒的火噴在你身上;又將你交在善於殺滅的畜類人手中。
and Y schal schede out myn indignacioun on thee; in the fier of my strong veniaunce Y schal blowe in thee, and Y schal yyue thee in to the hondis of vnwise men, and makinge deth.
32 你必當柴被火焚燒;你的血必流在國中。你必不再被記念,因為這是我-耶和華說的。」
Thou schalt be mete to fier, thi blood schal be in the middis of erthe; thou schalt be youun to foryetyng, for Y the Lord spak.

< 以西結書 21 >