< 以西結書 18 >

1 耶和華的話又臨到我說:
And the word of the Lord was maad to me,
2 「你們在以色列地怎麼用這俗語說『父親吃了酸葡萄,兒子的牙酸倒了』呢?」
and he seide, What is it, that ye turnen a parable among you in to this prouerbe, in the lond of Israel, and seien, Fadris eeten a bittir grape, and the teeth of sones ben an egge, ether astonyed?
3 主耶和華說:「我指着我的永生起誓,你們在以色列中,必不再有用這俗語的因由。
Y lyue, seith the Lord God, this parable schal no more be in to a prouerbe to you in Israel.
4 看哪,世人都是屬我的;為父的怎樣屬我,為子的也照樣屬我;犯罪的,他必死亡。
Lo! alle soulis ben myne; as the soule of the fadir, so and the soule of the sone is myn. Thilke soule that doith synne, schal die.
5 「人若是公義,且行正直與合理的事:
And if a man is iust, and doith doom and riytfulnesse,
6 未曾在山上吃過祭偶像之物,未曾仰望以色列家的偶像,未曾玷污鄰舍的妻,未曾在婦人的經期內親近她,
etith not in hillis, and reisith not hise iyen to the idols of the hous of Israel; and defoulith not the wijf of his neiybore, and neiyeth not to a womman defoulid with vncleene blood;
7 未曾虧負人,乃將欠債之人的當頭還給他;未曾搶奪人的物件,卻將食物給飢餓的人吃,將衣服給赤身的人穿;
and makith not a man sori, yeldith the wed to the dettour, rauyschith no thing bi violence, yyueth his breed to the hungri, and hilith a nakid man with a cloth;
8 未曾向借錢的弟兄取利,也未曾向借糧的弟兄多要,縮手不作罪孽,在兩人之間,按至理判斷;
leeneth not to vsure, and takith not more; turneth awei his hond fro wickidnesse, and makith trewe dom bitwixe man and man;
9 遵行我的律例,謹守我的典章,按誠實行事-這人是公義的,必定存活。這是主耶和華說的。
and goith in my comaundementis, and kepith my domes, that he do treuthe; this is a iust man, he schal lyue in lijf, seith the Lord God.
10 「他若生一個兒子,作強盜,是流人血的,不行以上所說之善,反行其中之惡,乃在山上吃過祭偶像之物,並玷污鄰舍的妻,
That if he gendrith a sone, a theef, shedinge out blood,
and doith oon of thes thingis, and sotheli not doing alle these thingis, but etinge in hillis, and defoulynge the wijf of his neiybore;
12 虧負困苦和窮乏的人,搶奪人的物,未曾將當頭還給人,仰望偶像,並行可憎的事,
makynge soreuful a nedy man and pore, rauyschynge raueyns, not yeldinge a wed, reisynge hise iyen to idols, doynge abhomynacioun; yiuynge to vsure, and takynge more;
13 向借錢的弟兄取利,向借糧的弟兄多要-這人豈能存活呢?他必不能存活。他行這一切可憎的事,必要死亡,他的罪必歸到他身上。
whether he schal lyue? he schal not lyue; whanne he hath do alle these abhomynable thingis, he schal die bi deth, his blood schal be in hym.
14 「他若生一個兒子,見父親所犯的一切罪便懼怕,不照樣去做;
That if he gendrith a sone, which seeth alle the synnes of his fadir, whiche he dide, and dredith, and doith noon lijk tho;
15 未曾在山上吃過祭偶像之物,未曾仰望以色列家的偶像,未曾玷污鄰舍的妻,
etith not on hillis, and reisith not hise iyen to the idols of the hous of Israel; and defoulith not the wijf of his neiybore,
16 未曾虧負人,未曾取人的當頭,未曾搶奪人的物件,卻將食物給飢餓的人吃,將衣服給赤身的人穿,
and makith not sori a man, witholdith not a wed, and rauyschith not raueyn, yyueth his breed to the hungri, and hilith the nakid with a cloth;
17 縮手不害貧窮人,未曾向借錢的弟兄取利,也未曾向借糧的弟兄多要;他順從我的典章,遵行我的律例,就不因父親的罪孽死亡,定要存活。
turneth a wei his hond fro the wrong of a pore man, takith not vsure and ouerhabundaunce, `that is, no thing more than he lente, and doith my domes, and goith in my comaundementis; this sone schal not die in the wickidnesse of his fadir, but he schal lyue in lijf.
18 至於他父親;因為欺人太甚,搶奪弟兄,在本國的民中行不善,他必因自己的罪孽死亡。
For his fadir made fals caleng, and dide violence to his brother, and wrouyte yuel in the myddis of his puple, lo! he is deed in his wickidnesse.
19 「你們還說:『兒子為何不擔當父親的罪孽呢?』兒子行正直與合理的事,謹守遵行我的一切律例,他必定存活。
And ye seien, Whi berith not the sone the wickidnesse of the fadir? That is to seie, for the sone wrouyte doom and riytfulnesse, he kepte alle my comaundementis, and dide tho, he schal lyue in lijf.
20 惟有犯罪的,他必死亡。兒子必不擔當父親的罪孽,父親也不擔當兒子的罪孽。義人的善果必歸自己,惡人的惡報也必歸自己。
Thilke soule that doith synne, schal die; the sone schal not bere the wickidnesse of the fadir, and the fadir schal not bere the wickednesse of the sone; the riytfulnesse of a iust man schal be on hym, and the wickidnesse of a wickid man schal be on hym.
21 「惡人若回頭離開所做的一切罪惡,謹守我一切的律例,行正直與合理的事,他必定存活,不致死亡。
Forsothe if a wickid man doith penaunce of alle hise synnes whiche he wrouyte, and kepith alle myn heestis, and doith dom and riytfulnesse, he schal lyue bi lijf, and schal not die.
22 他所犯的一切罪過都不被記念,因所行的義,他必存活。
Y schal not haue mynde of alle his wickidnessis whiche he wrouyte; he schal lyue in his riytfulnesse which he wrouyte.
23 主耶和華說:惡人死亡,豈是我喜悅的嗎?不是喜悅他回頭離開所行的道存活嗎?
Whether the deth of the wickid man is of my wille, seith the Lord God, and not that he be conuertid fro his weies, and lyue?
24 義人若轉離義行而作罪孽,照着惡人所行一切可憎的事而行,他豈能存活嗎?他所行的一切義都不被記念;他必因所犯的罪、所行的惡死亡。
Forsothe if a iust man turneth awey hym silf fro his riytfulnesse, and doith wickidnesse bi alle hise abhomynaciouns, which a wickid man is wont to worche, whether he schal lyue? Alle hise riytfulnessis whiche he dide, schulen not be had in mynde; in his trespassyng bi which he trespasside, and in his synne which he synnede, he schal die in tho.
25 「你們還說:『主的道不公平!』以色列家啊,你們當聽,我的道豈不公平嗎?你們的道豈不是不公平嗎?
And ye seiden, The weie of the Lord is not euene. Therfor, the hous of Israel, here ye, whether my weie is not euene, and not more youre weies ben schrewid?
26 義人若轉離義行而作罪孽死亡,他是因所作的罪孽死亡。
For whanne a riytful man turneth awei hym silf fro his riytfulnesse, and doith wickidnesse, he schal die in it, he schal die in the vnriytwisnesse which he wrouyte.
27 再者,惡人若回頭離開所行的惡,行正直與合理的事,他必將性命救活了。
And whanne a wickid man turneth awei him silf fro his wickidnesse which he wrouyte, and doith dom and riytfulnesse, he schal quykene his soule.
28 因為他思量,回頭離開所犯的一切罪過,必定存活,不致死亡。
For he biholdinge and turnynge awei hym silf fro alle hise wickidnessis which he wrouyte, schal lyue in lijf, and schal not die.
29 以色列家還說:『主的道不公平!』以色列家啊,我的道豈不公平嗎?你們的道豈不是不公平嗎?」
And the sones of Israel seien, The weie of the Lord is not euene. Whether my weies ben not euene, ye hous of Israel, and not more youre weies ben schrewid?
30 所以主耶和華說:「以色列家啊,我必按你們各人所行的審判你們。你們當回頭離開所犯的一切罪過。這樣,罪孽必不使你們敗亡。
Therfor, thou hous of Israel, Y schal deme ech man bi hise weies, seith the Lord God. Turne ye togidere, and do ye penaunce for alle youre wickidnessis, and wickidnesse schal not be to you in to falling.
31 你們要將所犯的一切罪過盡行拋棄,自做一個新心和新靈。以色列家啊,你們何必死亡呢?
Caste awei fro you alle youre trespassingis, bi whiche ye trespassiden, and make ye a newe herte and a newe spirit to you, and whi schulen ye die, the hous of Israel?
32 主耶和華說:我不喜悅那死人之死,所以你們當回頭而存活。」
For Y nyle the deeth of hym that dieth, seith the Lord God; turne ye ayen, and lyue ye.

< 以西結書 18 >