< 出埃及記 21 >

1 「你在百姓面前所要立的典章是這樣:
These ben the domes, whiche thou schalt sette forth to hem.
2 你若買希伯來人作奴僕,他必服事你六年;第七年他可以自由,白白地出去。
If thou biest an Ebrew seruaunt, he schal serue thee sixe yeer; in the seuenthe yeer he schal go out fre,
3 他若孤身來就可以孤身去;他若有妻,他的妻就可以同他出去。
with out prijs; with what maner clooth he entride, with siche clooth go he out; if he entride hauynge a wijf, and the wijf schal go out to gidere.
4 他主人若給他妻子,妻子給他生了兒子或女兒,妻子和兒女要歸主人,他要獨自出去。
But if the lord of the servaunt yaf a wijf to hym, and sche childide sones and douytris, the womman and hir children schulen be hir lordis; sotheli the seruaunt schal go out with his owne clooth.
5 倘或奴僕明說:『我愛我的主人和我的妻子兒女,不願意自由出去。』
That if the seruaunt seith, Y loue my lord, and wijf, and children, Y schal not go out fre;
6 他的主人就要帶他到審判官那裏,又要帶他到門前,靠近門框,用錐子穿他的耳朵,他就永遠服事主人。
the lord brynge hym to goddis, that is, iugis; and he schal be set to the dore, and postis; and the lord schal perse his eere with a nal, and he schal be seruaunt to hym til in to the world.
7 「人若賣女兒作婢女,婢女不可像男僕那樣出去。
If ony man sillith his douyter in to seruauntesse, sche schal not go out as handmaidis weren wont to go out;
8 主人選定她歸自己,若不喜歡她,就要許她贖身;主人既然用詭詐待她,就沒有權柄賣給外邦人。
if sche displesith in the iyen of hir lord, to whom sche was bitakun, he schal delyuere hir; sotheli he schal not haue power to sille hir to an alien puple, if he forsakith hir.
9 主人若選定她給自己的兒子,就當待她如同女兒。
Forsothe if he weddith hir to his sonne, he schal do to hir `bi the custom of douytris;
10 若另娶一個,那女子的吃食、衣服,並好合的事,仍不可減少。
that if he takith another womman to hym, he schal puruey to the damysele weddingis, and clothis, and he schal not denye the prijs of chastite.
11 若不向她行這三樣,她就可以不用錢贖,白白地出去。」
If he doith not these thre, sche schal go out freli without money.
12 「打人以致打死的,必要把他治死。
He that smytith a man, and wole sle, die bi deeth;
13 人若不是埋伏着殺人,乃是上帝交在他手中,我就設下一個地方,他可以往那裏逃跑。
forsothe if a man settide not aspies, but God `bitook hym in to hise hondis, Y schal ordeyne a place to thee, whidur he owith to fle.
14 人若任意用詭計殺了他的鄰舍,就是逃到我的壇那裏,也當捉去把他治死。
If ony man sleeth his neiybore bi biforecastyng, and bi aspies, drawe thou hym awey fro myn auter, that he die.
15 「打父母的,必要把他治死。
He that smytith his fadir, ether modir, die by deeth.
16 「拐帶人口,或是把人賣了,或是留在他手下,必要把他治死。
He that cursith his fadir, ether modir, die bi deeth.
17 「咒罵父母的,必要把他治死。
He that stelith a man, and sillith hym, if he is conuyt of the gilt, die bi deeth.
18 「人若彼此相爭,這個用石頭或是拳頭打那個,尚且不至於死,不過躺臥在床,
If men chiden, and the tother smyte his neiybore with a stoon, ether with the fist, and he is not deed, but liggith in the bed,
19 若再能起來扶杖而出,那打他的可算無罪;但要將他耽誤的工夫用錢賠補,並要將他全然醫好。
if he risith, and goith forth on his staf, he that smoot schal be innocent; so netheles that he restore hise trauelis, and costis in lechis.
20 「人若用棍子打奴僕或婢女,立時死在他的手下,他必要受刑。
He that smytith his seruaunt, ether handmayde, with a yerde, and thei ben deed in hise hondis, schal be gilti of cryme.
21 若過一兩天才死,就可以不受刑,因為是用錢買的。
Sotheli if the seruaunt ouerlyueth o dai, ether tweyne, he schal not be suget to peyne, `that is of deeth, for the seruaunt is his catel.
22 「人若彼此爭鬥,傷害有孕的婦人,甚至墜胎,隨後卻無別害,那傷害她的,總要按婦人的丈夫所要的,照審判官所斷的,受罰。
If men chiden, and a man smytith a womman with childe, and sotheli makith the child deed borun, but the womman ouerlyueth, he schal be suget to the harm, as myche as the `hosebonde of the womman axith, and the iugis demen.
23 若有別害,就要以命償命,
But if the deeth of hir sueth,
24 以眼還眼,以牙還牙,以手還手,以腳還腳,
he schal yelde lijf for lijf, iye for iye, tooth for tooth, hond for hond, foot for foot,
25 以烙還烙,以傷還傷,以打還打。
brennyng for brennyng, wounde `with schedyng of blood for wounde `with schedyng of blood, `a wan wounde for a wan wounde.
26 「人若打壞了他奴僕或是婢女的一隻眼,就要因他的眼放他去得以自由。
If a man smytith the iye of his seruaunt, ethir of handmaide, and makith hem oon iyed, he schal delyuere hem fre for `the iye which he puttide out.
27 若打掉了他奴僕或是婢女的一個牙,就要因他的牙放他去得以自由。」
Also if he smytith out a tooth fro his seruaunt, ethir handmaide, in lijk maner he schal delyuere hem fre.
28 「牛若觸死男人或是女人,總要用石頭打死那牛,卻不可吃牠的肉;牛的主人可算無罪。
If an oxe smytith with horn a man, ether a womman, and thei ben deed, the oxe schal be oppressid with stoonus, and hise fleischis schulen not be etun, and the lord of the oxe schal be innocent.
29 倘若那牛素來是觸人的,有人報告了牛主,他竟不把牛拴着,以致把男人或是女人觸死,就要用石頭打死那牛,牛主也必治死。
That if the oxe was `a pultere with horn fro yisterdai and the thridde dai ago, and men warneden `the lord of hym, nether the lord closide hym, and he sleeth a man, ethir womman, bothe the oxe schal be oppressid with stoonus, and thei schulen sle `the lord of hym;
30 若罰他贖命的價銀,他必照所罰的贖他的命。
that if prijs is put to the lord, he schal yyue for his lijf what euer he is axide.
31 牛無論觸了人的兒子或是女兒,必照這例辦理。
And if he smytith with horn a son, and a douytir, he schal be suget to lijk sentence.
32 牛若觸了奴僕或是婢女,必將銀子三十舍客勒給他們的主人,也要用石頭把牛打死。
If the oxe asailith a seruaunt, and handmaide, the lord of the oxe schal yyue thretti siclis of siluer to `his lord; forsothe the oxe schal be oppressid with stoonus.
33 「人若敞着井口,或挖井不遮蓋,有牛或驢掉在裏頭,
If ony man openeth a cisterne, and diggith, and hilith it not, and an oxe ether asse fallith in to it,
34 井主要拿錢賠還本主人,死牲畜要歸自己。
the lord of the cisterne schal yelde the prijs of the werk beestis; forsothe that that is deed schal be his.
35 「這人的牛若傷了那人的牛,以至於死,他們要賣了活牛,平分價值,也要平分死牛。
If another mannus oxe woundith the oxe of another man, and he is deed, thei schulen sille the quyke oxe, and thei schulen departe the prijs; forsothe thei schulen departe bitwixe hem the karkeis of the deed oxe.
36 人若知道這牛素來是觸人的,主人竟不把牛拴着,他必要以牛還牛,死牛要歸自己。」
Forsothe if his lord wiste, that the oxe was a puttere fro yistirdai and the thridde dai ago, and kepte not him, he schal yelde oxe for oxe, and he schal take the hool carkeys.

< 出埃及記 21 >