< 出埃及記 15 >

1 那時,摩西和以色列人向耶和華唱歌說: 我要向耶和華歌唱,因他大大戰勝, 將馬和騎馬的投在海中。
Thanne Moises song, and the sones of Israel, this song to the Lord; and thei seiden, Synge we to the Lord, for he is magnefied gloriousli; he castide doun the hors and the stiere in to the see.
2 耶和華是我的力量,我的詩歌, 也成了我的拯救。 這是我的上帝,我要讚美他, 是我父親的上帝,我要尊崇他。
My strengthe and my preisyng is the Lord; and he is maad to me in to heelthe. This is my God, and Y schal glorifie hym; the God of my fadir, and Y schal enhaunse hym.
3 耶和華是戰士; 他的名是耶和華。
The Lord is as a man fiyter, his name is Almiyti;
4 法老的車輛、軍兵,耶和華已拋在海中; 他特選的軍長都沉於紅海。
he castide doun in to the see the charis of Farao, and his oost. Hise chosun princis weren drenchid in the reed see;
5 深水淹沒他們; 他們如同石頭墜到深處。
the depe watris hiliden hem; thei yeden doun in to the depthe as a stoon.
6 耶和華啊,你的右手施展能力,顯出榮耀; 耶和華啊,你的右手摔碎仇敵。
Lord, thi riythond is magnyfied in strengthe; Lord, thi riythond smoot the enemye.
7 你大發威嚴,推翻那些起來攻擊你的; 你發出烈怒如火,燒滅他們像燒碎詡一樣。
And in the mychilnesse of thi glorie thou hast put doun alle myn aduersaries; thou sentist thin ire, that deuouride hem as stobil.
8 你發鼻中的氣,水便聚起成堆, 大水直立如壘, 海中的深水凝結。
And watris weren gaderid in the spirit of thi woodnesse; flowinge watir stood, depe watris weren gaderid in the middis of the see.
9 仇敵說:我要追趕,我要追上; 我要分擄物,我要在他們身上稱我的心願。 我要拔出刀來,親手殺滅他們。
The enemy seide, Y schal pursue, and Y schal take; Y schal departe spuylis, my soule schal be fillid. I schal drawe out my swerde; myn hond schal sle hem.
10 你叫風一吹,海就把他們淹沒; 他們如鉛沉在大水之中。
Thi spirit blew, and the see hilide hem; thei weren drenchid as leed in grete watris.
11 耶和華啊,眾神之中,誰能像你? 誰能像你-至聖至榮, 可頌可畏,施行奇事?
Lord, who is lijk thee in stronge men, who is lijk thee? thou art greet doere in hoolynesse; ferdful, and preisable, and doynge myraclis.
12 你伸出右手, 地便吞滅他們。
Thou heldist forth thin hond, and the erthe deuouride hem;
13 你憑慈愛領了你所贖的百姓; 你憑能力引他們到了你的聖所。
thou were ledere in thi merci to thy puple, which thou ayen bouytist; and thou hast bore hym in thi strengthe to thin holi dwellyng place.
14 外邦人聽見就發顫; 疼痛抓住非利士的居民。
Puplis stieden, and weren wroothe; sorewis helden the dwelleris of Filistiym.
15 那時,以東的族長驚惶, 摩押的英雄被戰兢抓住, 迦南的居民心都消化了。
Thanne the pryncis of Edom weren disturblid; tremblyng held the stronge men of Moab.
16 驚駭恐懼臨到他們。 耶和華啊,因你膀臂的大能, 他們如石頭寂然不動, 等候你的百姓過去, 等候你所贖的百姓過去。
Alle the dwelleris of Canaan `weren starke; inward drede falle on hem, and outward drede in the greetnesse of thin arm. Be thei maad vnmouable as a stoon, til thi puple passe, Lord; til this thi puple passe, whom thou weldidist.
17 你要將他們領進去,栽於你產業的山上- 耶和華啊,就是你為自己所造的住處; 主啊,就是你手所建立的聖所。
Thou schalt brynge hem in, and thou schalt plaunte in the hil of thin eritage; in the moost stidefast dwellyng place which thou hast wrouyt, Lord; Lord, thi seyntuarie, which thin hondis made stidefast.
18 耶和華必作王,直到永永遠遠!
The Lord schal `regne in to the world and ferthere.
19 法老的馬匹、車輛,和馬兵下到海中,耶和華使海水回流,淹沒他們;惟有以色列人在海中走乾地。
Forsothe Farao, `a ridere, entride with his charis and knyytis in to the see, and the Lord brouyte the watris of the se on hem; sotheli the sones of Israel yeden bi the drie place, in the myddis of the see.
20 亞倫的姊姊,女先知米利暗,手裏拿着鼓;眾婦女也跟她出去拿鼓跳舞。
Therfore Marie, profetesse, the `sistir of Aaron, took a tympan in hir hond, and alle the wymmen yeden out aftir hyr with tympans and cumpanyes;
21 米利暗應聲說: 你們要歌頌耶和華,因他大大戰勝, 將馬和騎馬的投在海中。
to whiche sche song bifore, and seide, Synge we to the Lord, for he is magnyfied gloriousli; he castide doun in to the see the hors and the stiere of hym.
22 摩西領以色列人從紅海往前行,到了書珥的曠野,在曠野走了三天,找不着水。
Forsothe Moises took Israel fro the reed see, and thei yeden out in to the deseert of Sur, and thei yeden thre daies bi the wildirnesse, and thei founden not watir.
23 到了瑪拉,不能喝那裏的水;因為水苦,所以那地名叫瑪拉。
And thei camen in to Marath, and thei miyten not drynk the watris of Marath, for tho weren bittere; wherfor and he puttide a couenable name to the place, and clepide it Mara, that is, bitternesse.
24 百姓就向摩西發怨言,說:「我們喝甚麼呢?」
And the puple grutchide ayens Moises, and seide, What schulen we drynke?
25 摩西呼求耶和華,耶和華指示他一棵樹。他把樹丟在水裏,水就變甜了。 耶和華在那裏為他們定了律例、典章,在那裏試驗他們;
And Moises criede to the Lord, which schewide to hym a tre; and whanne he hadde put that tre in to watris, tho weren turned in to swetnesse. There the Lord ordeynede comaundementis and domes to the puple, and there he asayede the puple,
26 又說:「你若留意聽耶和華-你上帝的話,又行我眼中看為正的事,留心聽我的誡命,守我一切的律例,我就不將所加與埃及人的疾病加在你身上,因為我-耶和華是醫治你的。」
and seide, If thou schalt here the vois of thi Lord God, and schalt do that that is riytful byfore hym, and schalt obeie to his comaundementis, and schalt kepe alle hise heestis, Y schal not brynge yn on thee al the syknesse, which Y puttide in Egipt, for Y am thi Lord Sauyour.
27 他們到了以琳,在那裏有十二股水泉,七十棵棕樹;他們就在那裏的水邊安營。
Forsothe the sones of Israel camen in to Helym, where weren twelue wellis of watris, and seuenti palm trees, and thei settiden tentis bisidis the watris.

< 出埃及記 15 >