< 出埃及記 12 >

1 耶和華在埃及地曉諭摩西、亞倫說:
Also the Lord seide to Moises and Aaron in the lond of Egipt,
2 「你們要以本月為正月,為一年之首。
This monethe, the bigynnyng of monethis to you, schal be the firste in the monethis of the yeer.
3 你們吩咐以色列全會眾說:本月初十日,各人要按着父家取羊羔,一家一隻。
Speke ye to al the cumpanye of the sones of Israel, and seie ye to hem, In the tenthe dai of this monethe ech man take a lomb by hise meynees and housis;
4 若是一家的人太少,吃不了一隻羊羔,本人就要和他隔壁的鄰舍共取一隻。你們預備羊羔,要按着人數和飯量計算。
but if the noumbre is lesse, that it may not suffice to ete the lomb, he schal take his neiybore, which is ioyned to his hows, bi the noumbre of soulis, that moun suffice to the etyng of the lomb.
5 要無殘疾、一歲的公羊羔,你們或從綿羊裏取,或從山羊裏取,都可以。
Forsothe the lomb schal be a male of o yeer, without wem; bi which custom ye schulen take also a kide;
6 要留到本月十四日,在黃昏的時候,以色列全會眾把羊羔宰了。
and ye schulen kepe hym til to the fouretenthe dai of this monethe; and al the multitude of the sones of Israel schal offre hym at euentid.
7 各家要取點血,塗在吃羊羔的房屋左右的門框上和門楣上。
And thei schulen take of his blood, and schulen put on euer either post, and in lyntels, `ether hiyer threschfoldis, of the housis, in whiche thei schulen ete hym;
8 當夜要吃羊羔的肉;用火烤了,與無酵餅和苦菜同吃。
and in that niyt thei schulen ete fleischis, roostid with fier, and therf looues, with letusis of the feeld.
9 不可吃生的,斷不可吃水煮的,要帶着頭、腿、五臟,用火烤了吃。
Ye schulen not ete therof ony raw thing, nether sodun in watir, but roostid oneli by fier; ye schulen deuoure the heed with feet and entrailis therof;
10 不可剩下一點留到早晨;若留到早晨,要用火燒了。
nether ony thing therof schal abide til the morewtid; if ony thing is residue, ye schulen brenne in the fier.
11 你們吃羊羔當腰間束帶,腳上穿鞋,手中拿杖,趕緊地吃;這是耶和華的逾越節。
Forsothe thus ye schulen ete hym; ye schulen girde youre reynes, and ye schulen haue schoon in the feet, and ye schulen holde stauys in hondis, and ye schulen ete hastili; for it is fase, that is, the passyng of the Lord.
12 因為那夜我要巡行埃及地,把埃及地一切頭生的,無論是人是牲畜,都擊殺了,又要敗壞埃及一切的神。我是耶和華。
And Y schal passe thorou the lond of Egipt in that niyt, and Y schal smyte al the firste gendrid thing in the lond of Egipt, fro man til to beeste; and Y the Lord schal make domes in alle the goddis of Egipt.
13 這血要在你們所住的房屋上作記號;我一見這血,就越過你們去。我擊殺埃及地頭生的時候,災殃必不臨到你們身上滅你們。」
Forsothe blood schal be to you in to signe, in the housis in whiche ye schulen be; and Y schal se the blood, and Y schal passe you; nether a wounde distriynge schal be in you, whanne Y schal smyte the lond of Egipt.
14 「你們要記念這日,守為耶和華的節,作為你們世世代代永遠的定例。
Forsothe ye schulen haue this dai in to mynde, and `ye schulen make it solempne to the Lord in youre generaciouns bi euerlastynge worschipyng.
15 你們要吃無酵餅七日。頭一日要把酵從你們各家中除去;因為從頭一日起,到第七日為止,凡吃有酵之餅的,必從以色列中剪除。
In seuene daies ye schulen ete therf breed; in the firste dai no thing diyt with sour douy schal be in youre housis; who euer schal ete ony thing diyt with sour douy, fro the firste dai til the seuenthe dai, that soule schal perische fro Israel.
16 頭一日你們當有聖會,第七日也當有聖會。這兩日之內,除了預備各人所要吃的以外,無論何工都不可做。
The firste day schal be hooli and solempne, and the seuenthe dai schal be worschipful bi the same halewyng; ye schulen not do ony werk in tho daies, outakun these thingis that perteynen to mete;
17 你們要守無酵節,因為我正當這日把你們的軍隊從埃及地領出來。所以,你們要守這日,作為世世代代永遠的定例。
and ye schulen kepe therf breed. For in that same dai Y schal lede out of the lond of Egipt youre oost; and ye schulen kepe this dai in youre generaciouns bi euerlastynge custom.
18 從正月十四日晚上,直到二十一日晚上,你們要吃無酵餅。
In the first monethe, in the fouretenthe dai of the monethe, at euentid, ye schulen ete therf breed, til to the oon and twentithe dai of the same monethe at euentid.
19 在你們各家中,七日之內不可有酵;因為凡吃有酵之物的,無論是寄居的,是本地的,必從以色列的會中剪除。
In seuene dayes no thing `diyt with sour douy schal be foundun in youre housis; if ony etith ony thing diyt with sour dow, his soule schal perische fro the cumpeny of Israel, as wel of comelyngis, as of hem that ben borun in the lond.
20 有酵的物,你們都不可吃;在你們一切住處要吃無酵餅。」
Ye schulen not ete ony thing diyt with sour dow, and ye schulen ete therf breed in alle youre dwellyng placis.
21 於是,摩西召了以色列的眾長老來,對他們說:「你們要按着家口取出羊羔,把這逾越節的羊羔宰了。
Forsothe Moises clepide alle the eldre men of the sones of Israel, and seide to hem, Go ye, and take a beeste by youre meynees, and offre ye fase; and dippe ye a bundel of isope,
22 拿一把牛膝草,蘸盆裏的血,打在門楣上和左右的門框上。你們誰也不可出自己的房門,直到早晨。
in the blood which `is in the threisfold, and sprynge ye therof the lyntel, and euer either post; noon of you schal go out at the dore of his hows til the morewtid.
23 因為耶和華要巡行擊殺埃及人,他看見血在門楣上和左右的門框上,就必越過那門,不容滅命的進你們的房屋,擊殺你們。
For the Lord schal passe smytynge Egipcians; and whanne he schal se the blood in the lyntel, and in euer either post, he schal passe the dore of the hows; and he schal not suffre the smytere to entre in to youre housis, and to hirte.
24 這例,你們要守着,作為你們和你們子孫永遠的定例。
Kepe thou this word; it schal be a lawful thing to thee and to thi sones til in to with outen ende.
25 日後,你們到了耶和華按着所應許賜給你們的那地,就要守這禮。
And whanne ye schulen entre in to the lond which the Lord schal yyue to you, as he bihiyte, ye schulen kepe these cerymonyes;
26 你們的兒女問你們說:『行這禮是甚麼意思?』
and whanne youre sones schulen seie to you, What is this religioun? ye schulen seie to hem,
27 你們就說:『這是獻給耶和華逾越節的祭。當以色列人在埃及的時候,他擊殺埃及人,越過以色列人的房屋,救了我們各家。』」於是百姓低頭下拜。
It is the sacrifice of the passyng of the Lord, whanne he passide ouer the housis of the sones of Israel in Egipt, and smoot Egipcians, and delyueride oure housis. And the puple was bowid, and worschipide.
28 耶和華怎樣吩咐摩西、亞倫,以色列人就怎樣行。
And the sones of Israel yeden out, and diden as the Lord comaundide to Moises and to Aaron.
29 到了半夜,耶和華把埃及地所有的長子,就是從坐寶座的法老,直到被擄囚在監裏之人的長子,以及一切頭生的牲畜,盡都殺了。
Forsothe it was doon in the myddis of the nyyt, the Lord smoot al the firste gendrid thing in the lond of Egipt, fro the firste gendrid of Farao, that sat in the trone of hym, til to the first gendrid of the caitif womman, that was in the prisoun, and alle the first gendrid of beestis.
30 法老和一切臣僕,並埃及眾人,夜間都起來了。在埃及有大哀號,無一家不死一個人的。
And Farao roos in the nyyt, and alle hise seruauntis, and al Egipt; and a greet cry was maad in Egipt, for noon hows was, in which a deed man lay not.
31 夜間,法老召了摩西、亞倫來,說:「起來!連你們帶以色列人,從我民中出去,依你們所說的,去事奉耶和華吧!
And whanne Moises and Aaron weren clepid in the nyyt, Farao seide, Rise ye, go ye out fro my puple, bothe ye and the sones of Israel; go ye, offre ye to the Lord, as ye seien;
32 也依你們所說的,連羊群牛群帶着走吧!並要為我祝福。」
take ye youre scheep and greete beestis, as ye axiden; and go ye, and blesse ye me.
33 埃及人催促百姓,打發他們快快出離那地,因為埃及人說:「我們都要死了。」
And Egipcians constreyneden the puple to go out of the lond swiftli, and seiden, All we schulen die!
34 百姓就拿着沒有酵的生麵,把摶麵盆包在衣服中,扛在肩頭上。
Therfor the puple took meele spreynd togidere, bifor that it was diyt with sour douy; and boond in mentils, and puttide on her schuldris.
35 以色列人照着摩西的話行,向埃及人要金器、銀器,和衣裳。
And the sones of Israel diden as the Lord comaundide to Moises; and thei axiden of Egipcians siluerne vesselis and goldun, and ful myche clooth.
36 耶和華叫百姓在埃及人眼前蒙恩,以致埃及人給他們所要的。他們就把埃及人的財物奪去了。
Forsothe the Lord yaf grace to the puple bifor Egipcians, that the Egipcians lenten to hem; and thei maden bare Egipcians.
37 以色列人從蘭塞起行,往疏割去;除了婦人孩子,步行的男人約有六十萬。
And the sones of Israel yeden forth fro Ramasses in to Socoth, almest sixe hundrid thousind of foot men, with out litle children and wymmen;
38 又有許多閒雜人,並有羊群牛群,和他們一同上去。
but also comyn puple of malis and femalis vnnoumbrable stieden with hem; scheep, and oxun, and ful many beestis of diuerse kynde, stieden with hem.
39 他們用埃及帶出來的生麵烤成無酵餅。這生麵原沒有發起;因為他們被催逼離開埃及,不能耽延,也沒有為自己預備甚麼食物。
And thei bakiden meele, which spreynd to gidere `a while ago thei token fro Egipt, and maden therf looues bakun vnder the aischis; for the looues miyten not be diyt with sour dow, for Egipcians compelliden to go out, and suffriden not to make ony tariyng, nether it was leiser to make ony seew.
40 以色列人住在埃及共有四百三十年。
Forsothe the dwellyng of the sones of Israel, bi which thei dwelliden in Egipt, was of foure hundrid and thretti yeer;
41 正滿了四百三十年的那一天,耶和華的軍隊都從埃及地出來了。
and whanne tho weren fillid, al the oost of the Lord yede out of the lond of Egipt in the same dai.
42 這夜是耶和華的夜;因耶和華領他們出了埃及地,所以當向耶和華謹守,是以色列眾人世世代代該謹守的。
This nyyt is worthi to be kept in the worschipyng of the Lord, whanne he ladde hem out of the lond of Egipt; alle the sones of Israel owen to kepe this in her generaciouns.
43 耶和華對摩西、亞倫說:「逾越節的例是這樣:外邦人都不可吃這羊羔。
Also the Lord seide to Moises and Aaron, This is the religioun of fase; ech alien schal not ete therof;
44 但各人用銀子買的奴僕,既受了割禮就可以吃。
sotheli ech seruaunt bouyt schal be circumcidid, and so he schal ete;
45 寄居的和雇工人都不可吃。
a comelyng and hirid man schulen not ete therof;
46 應當在一個房子裏吃;不可把一點肉從房子裏帶到外頭去。羊羔的骨頭一根也不可折斷。
it schal be etun in oon hows; nether ye schulen bere out of the fleischis therof; nether ye schulen breke a boon therof.
47 以色列全會眾都要守這禮。
Ech company of the sones of Israel schal make that fase;
48 若有外人寄居在你們中間,願向耶和華守逾越節,他所有的男子務要受割禮,然後才容他前來遵守,他也就像本地人一樣;但未受割禮的,都不可吃這羊羔。
that if ony pilgrym wole passe into youre feith and worschipyng, and make fase of the Lord, ech male kynde of hym schal be circumcidid bifore, and thanne he schal make lawfuli, and he schal be to gidere as a man borun of the lond; forsothe if ony man is not circumcidid, he schal not ete therof.
49 本地人和寄居在你們中間的外人同歸一例。」
The same lawe schal be to a man borun of the lond, and to a comelyng, that takith youre feith, which is a pilgrym anentis you.
50 耶和華怎樣吩咐摩西、亞倫,以色列眾人就怎樣行了。
And alle the sones of Israel diden as the Lord comaundide to Moises and Aaron.
51 正當那日,耶和華將以色列人按着他們的軍隊,從埃及地領出來。
And in the same dai the Lord ladde out of `the lond of Egipt the sones of Israel, bi her cumpanies.

< 出埃及記 12 >