< 以斯帖記 7 >

1 王帶着哈曼來赴王后以斯帖的筵席。
Therfor the kyng and Aaman entriden to the feeste, to drynke with the queen.
2 這第二次在酒席筵前,王又問以斯帖說:「王后以斯帖啊,你要甚麼,我必賜給你;你求甚麼,就是國的一半也必為你成就。」
And the kyng seide to hir, yhe, in the secounde dai, aftir that he was hoot of the wiyn, Hester, what is thin axyng, that it be youun to thee, and what wolt thou be doon? Yhe, thouy thou axist the half part of my rewme, thou schalt gete.
3 王后以斯帖回答說:「我若在王眼前蒙恩,王若以為美,我所願的,是願王將我的性命賜給我;我所求的,是求王將我的本族賜給我。
To whom sche answeride, A! king, if Y haue founde grace in thin iyen, and if it plesith thee, yyue thou my lijf to me, for which Y preie, and my puple, for which Y biseche.
4 因我和我的本族被賣了,要剪除殺戮滅絕我們。我們若被賣為奴為婢,我也閉口不言;但王的損失,敵人萬不能補足。」
For Y and my puple ben youun, that we be defoulid, and stranglid, and that we perische; `and Y wolde, that we weren seeld in to seruauntis and seruauntessis, `and the yuel `were suffrable, and Y `were stille weilynge; but now oure enemy is, whos cruelte turneth `in to the kyng.
5 亞哈隨魯王問王后以斯帖說:「擅敢起意如此行的是誰?這人在哪裏呢?」
And kyng Assuerus answeride, and seide, Who is this, and of what power, that he be hardi to do these thingis?
6 以斯帖說:「仇人敵人就是這惡人哈曼!」 哈曼在王和王后面前就甚驚惶。
And Hester seide, Oure worste aduersarie and enemy is this Aaman. Which thing he herde, and was astonyde anoon, and `suffride not to bere the semelaunt of the kyng and of the queen.
7 王便大怒,起來離開酒席往御園去了。哈曼見王定意要加罪與他,就起來,求王后以斯帖救命。
Forsothe the kyng roos wrooth, and fro the place of the feeste he entride in to a gardyn biset with trees. And Aaman roos for to preie Hester, the queen, for his lijf; for he vndurstood yuel maad redi of the kyng to hym.
8 王從御園回到酒席之處,見哈曼伏在以斯帖所靠的榻上;王說:「他竟敢在宮內、在我面前凌辱王后嗎?」這話一出王口,人就蒙了哈曼的臉。
And whanne the kyng turnede ayen fro the gardyn `biset with wode, and hadde entrid in to the place of feeste he foond that Aaman felde doun on the bed, wherynne Hester lai. And the king seide, `Also he wole oppresse the queen, while Y am present, in myn hows. The word was not yit goon out of the kyngis mouth, and anoon thei hiliden his face.
9 伺候王的一個太監名叫哈波拿,說:「哈曼為那救王有功的末底改做了五丈高的木架,現今立在哈曼家裏。」王說:「把哈曼掛在其上。」
And Arbona seide, oon of the onest seruauntis and chast, that stoden in the seruyce of the kyng, Lo! the tre hauynge fifti cubitis of heiythe stondith in the hows of Aaman, which tre he hadde maad redi to Mardochee, that spak for the kyng. To whom the kyng seide, Hange ye Aaman in that tre.
10 於是人將哈曼掛在他為末底改所預備的木架上。王的忿怒這才止息。
Therfor Aaman was hangid in the iebat, which he hadde maad redi to Mardochee, and the ire of the kyng restide.

< 以斯帖記 7 >