< 以斯帖記 5 >

1 第三日,以斯帖穿上朝服,進王宮的內院,對殿站立。王在殿裏坐在寶座上,對着殿門。
Forsothe in the thridde dai Hester was clothid in `the kyngis clothis, and stood in the porche of the kyngis hows, that was `the ynnere ayens the kyngis halle; and he sat on his trone, in the consistorie of the paleis, ayens the dore of the hows.
2 王見王后以斯帖站在院內,就施恩於她,向她伸出手中的金杖;以斯帖便向前摸杖頭。
And whanne he hadde seyn Hester, the queen, stondynge, sche pleside hise iyen, and he helde forth ayens hir the goldun yerde, which he helde in the hond; and sche neiyide, and kisside the hiynesse of his yerde.
3 王對她說:「王后以斯帖啊,你要甚麼?你求甚麼,就是國的一半也必賜給你。」
And the king seide to hir, Hester, the queen, what `wolt thou? what is thin axyng? Yhe, thouy thou axist the half part of my rewme, it schal be youun to thee.
4 以斯帖說:「王若以為美,就請王帶着哈曼今日赴我所預備的筵席。」
And sche answeride, If it plesith the kyng, Y biseche, that thou come to me to dai, and Aaman with thee, to the feeste, which Y haue maad redi.
5 王說:「叫哈曼速速照以斯帖的話去行。」於是王帶着哈曼赴以斯帖所預備的筵席。
And anoon the king seide, Clepe ye Aaman soone, that he obeie to the wille of Hester. Therfor the kyng and Aaman camen to the feeste, which the queen hadde maad redi to hem.
6 在酒席筵前,王又問以斯帖說:「你要甚麼,我必賜給你;你求甚麼,就是國的一半也必為你成就。」
And the king seide to hir, aftir that he hadde drunk wiyn plenteuousli, What axist thou, that it be youun to thee, and for what thing axist thou? Yhe, thouy thou axist the half part of my rewme, thou schalt gete.
7 以斯帖回答說:「我有所要,我有所求。
To whom Hester answeride, My axyng and preieris ben these.
8 我若在王眼前蒙恩,王若願意賜我所要的,准我所求的,就請王帶着哈曼再赴我所要預備的筵席。明日我必照王所問的說明。」
If Y haue founde grace in the siyt of the kyng, and if it plesith the kyng, that he yyue to me that, that Y axe, and that he fille myn axyng, the kyng and Aaman come to the feeste, which Y haue maad redi to hem; and to morewe Y schal opene my wille to the kyng.
9 那日哈曼心中快樂,歡歡喜喜地出來;但見末底改在朝門不站起來,連身也不動,就滿心惱怒末底改。
Therfor Aaman yede out glad and swift `in that dai. And whanne he hadde seyn Mardochee sittynge bifor the yatis of the paleys, and not oneli to haue not rise to hym, but sotheli nether moued fro the place of his sittyng, he was ful wrooth;
10 哈曼暫且忍耐回家,叫人請他朋友和他妻子細利斯來。
and `whanne the ire was dissymelid, he turnede ayen in to his hows, and he clepide togidire `to him silf frendis, and Zares, his wijf;
11 哈曼將他富厚的榮耀、眾多的兒女,和王抬舉他使他超乎首領臣僕之上,都述說給他們聽。
and he declaride to hem the greetnesse of his richessis, and the cumpeny of children, and with hou greet glorie the kyng hadde enhaunsid hym aboue alle hise princis and seruauntis.
12 哈曼又說:「王后以斯帖預備筵席,除了我之外不許別人隨王赴席。明日王后又請我隨王赴席;
And he seide after these thinges, Also the queen Hester clepide noon other man with the kyng to the feeste, outakun me, anentis `which queen Y schal ete also to morewe with the kyng.
13 只是我見猶大人末底改坐在朝門,雖有這一切榮耀,也與我無益。」
And whanne Y haue alle these thingis, Y gesse that Y haue no thing, as long as Y se Mardochee, Jew, sittynge bifor the `kyngis yatis.
14 他的妻細利斯和他一切的朋友對他說:「不如立一個五丈高的木架,明早求王將末底改掛在其上,然後你可以歡歡喜喜地隨王赴席。」哈曼以這話為美,就叫人做了木架。
And Zares, his wijf, and othere frendis answeriden to hym, Comaunde thou an hiy beem to be maad redi, hauynge fifti cubitis of heiythe; and seie thou eerly to the kyng, that Mardochee be hangid theronne; and so thou schalt go glad with the kyng to the feeste. And the counsel plesyde him, and he comaundide an hiy cros to be maad redi.

< 以斯帖記 5 >