< 以斯帖記 4 >

1 末底改知道所做的這一切事,就撕裂衣服,穿麻衣,蒙灰塵,在城中行走,痛哭哀號。
And whanne Mardochee hadde herd these thingis, he to-rente hise clothis, and he was clothid in a sak, and spreynt aische on the heed, and he criede with greet vois in the street of the myddis of the citee, and schewide the bitternesse of his soule,
2 到了朝門前停住腳步,因為穿麻衣的不可進朝門。
and he yede with this yellyng `til to the yatis of the paleis; for it was not leueful a man clothid with a sak to entre in to the halle of the kyng.
3 王的諭旨所到的各省各處,猶大人大大悲哀,禁食哭泣哀號,穿麻衣躺在灰中的甚多。
Also in alle prouynces, citees, and places, to which the cruel sentence of the king was comun, was greet weilyng, fastyng, yellyng, and wepyng anentis the Jewis, and many Jewis vsiden sak and aische for bed.
4 王后以斯帖的宮女和太監來把這事告訴以斯帖,她甚是憂愁,就送衣服給末底改穿,要他脫下麻衣,他卻不受。
Sotheli the dameselis and onest seruauntis and chast of Hester entriden, and telden to hir; which thing sche herde, and was astonyed; and sche sente a cloth to Mardochee, that whanne the sak was takun a wei, he schulde clothe hym therynne; which cloth he nolde take.
5 以斯帖就把王所派伺候她的一個太監,名叫哈他革召來,吩咐他去見末底改,要知道這是甚麼事,是甚麼緣故。
And aftir that Athac, the onest seruaunt and chast, `was clepid, whom the kyng hadde youe a mynystre to hir, sche comaundide, that he schulde go to Mardochee, and lerne of hym, whi he dide this thing.
6 於是哈他革出到朝門前的寬闊處見末底改。
And Athac yede out, and yede to Mardochee stondynge in the street of the citee, bifor the dore of the paleis;
7 末底改將自己所遇的事,並哈曼為滅絕猶大人應許捐入王庫的銀數都告訴了他;
which schewide to Athac alle thingis that bifelden, hou Aaman hadde bihiyt to bryng siluer in to tresours of the kyng for the deeth of Jewis.
8 又將所抄寫傳遍書珊城要滅絕猶大人的旨意交給哈他革,要給以斯帖看,又要給她說明,並囑咐她進去見王,為本族的人在王面前懇切祈求。
Also he yaf to Athac the copie of the comaundement, that hangide in Susa, to schewe to the queen, and to moneste hir for to entre to the kyng, and to biseche hym for hir puple.
9 哈他革回來,將末底改的話告訴以斯帖;
And Athac yede ayen, and telde to Hester alle thingis, whiche Mardochee hadde seid.
10 以斯帖就吩咐哈他革去見末底改,說:
And sche answeryde to hym, and seide, that he schulde seie to Mardochee, Alle the seruauntis of the kyng,
11 「王的一切臣僕和各省的人民都知道有一個定例:若不蒙召,擅入內院見王的,無論男女必被治死;除非王向他伸出金杖,不得存活。現在我沒有蒙召進去見王已經三十日了。」
and alle prouyncis that ben vndur his lordschip, knowen, that whether a man ether a womman not clepid entrith in to the ynnere halle of the kyng, he schal be slayn anoon with outen ony tariyng, no but in hap the kyng holdith forth the goldun yerde `to hym for `the signe of merci, and he mai lyue so; therfor hou mai Y entre to the kyng, which am not clepid to hym now bi thritti daies?
12 人就把以斯帖這話告訴末底改。
And whanne Mardochee hadde herd `this thing, he sente efte to Hester,
13 末底改託人回覆以斯帖說:「你莫想在王宮裏強過一切猶大人,得免這禍。
and seide, Gesse thou not, that thou schalt delyuer oonli thi lijf, for thou art in the hows of the kyng, bifor alle Jewis;
14 此時你若閉口不言,猶大人必從別處得解脫,蒙拯救;你和你父家必致滅亡。焉知你得了王后的位分不是為現今的機會嗎?」
for if thou art stille now, Jewis schulen be delyuered bi another occasioun, and thou and the hows of thi fadir schulen perische; and who knowith, whether herfor thou camist to the rewme, that thou schuldist be maad redi in sich a tyme?
15 以斯帖就吩咐人回報末底改說:
And eft Hester sente these wordis to Mardochee,
16 「你當去招聚書珊城所有的猶大人,為我禁食三晝三夜,不吃不喝;我和我的宮女也要這樣禁食。然後我違例進去見王,我若死就死吧!」
Go thou, and gadere togidere alle Jewis, whiche thou fyndist in Susa, and preie ye for me; ete ye not, nether drynke ye in thre daies and thre nyytis, and Y with myn handmaydis schal fast in lijk maner; and thanne Y not clepid schal entre to the kyng, and Y schal do ayens the lawe, and Y schal bitake me to deth and to perel.
17 於是末底改照以斯帖一切所吩咐的去行。
Therfor Mardochee yede, and dide alle thingis, whiche Hester hadde comaundid to hym.

< 以斯帖記 4 >