< 以斯帖記 3 >

1 這事以後,亞哈隨魯王抬舉亞甲族哈米大他的兒子哈曼,使他高升,叫他的爵位超過與他同事的一切臣宰。
Aftir these thingis kyng Assuerus enhaunside Aaman, the sone of Amadathi, that was of the kynrede of Agag, and settide his trone aboue alle the princes whiche he hadde.
2 在朝門的一切臣僕都跪拜哈曼,因為王如此吩咐;惟獨末底改不跪不拜。
And alle the seruauntis of the kyng, that lyuyden in the yatis of the paleis, kneliden, and worschipiden Aaman; for the emperour hadde comaundid so to hem; Mardochee aloone bowide not the knees, nethir worschipide hym.
3 在朝門的臣僕問末底改說:「你為何違背王的命令呢?」
`To whom the children of the kyng seiden, that saten bifore at the yatis of the paleis, Whi kepist `thou not the comaundementis of the kyng, othere wise than othere men?
4 他們天天勸他,他還是不聽,他們就告訴哈曼,要看末底改的事站得住站不住,因他已經告訴他們自己是猶大人。
And whanne thei seiden ful ofte these thingis, and he nolde here, thei tolden to Aaman, `and wolden wite, whether he contynuede in sentence; for he hadde seid to hem, that he was a Jew.
5 哈曼見末底改不跪不拜,他就怒氣填胸。
And whanne Aaman hadde herd this thing, and hadde preued `bi experience, that Mardochee bowide not the kne to hym, nethir worschipide hym, he was ful wrooth,
6 他們已將末底改的本族告訴哈曼;他以為下手害末底改一人是小事,就要滅絕亞哈隨魯王通國所有的猶大人,就是末底改的本族。
and he ledde for nouyt to sette hise hondis on Mardochee aloone; for he hadde herd, that Mardochee was of the folc of Jewis, and more he wolde leese al the nacioun of Jewis, that weren in the rewme of Assuerus.
7 亞哈隨魯王十二年正月,就是尼散月,人在哈曼面前,按日日月月掣普珥,就是掣籤,要定何月何日為吉,擇定了十二月,就是亞達月。
In the firste monethe, whos nam is Nysan, in the tweluethe yeer of the rewme of Assuerus, lot was sent in to a vessel, which lot is seid in Ebrew phur, `bifor Aaman, in what dai and in what monethe the folk of Jewis ouyte to be slayn; and the tweluethe monethe yede out, which is clepid Adar.
8 哈曼對亞哈隨魯王說:「有一種民散居在王國各省的民中;他們的律例與萬民的律例不同,也不守王的律例,所以容留他們與王無益。
And Aaman seide to the king Assuerus, A puple is scaterid bi alle the prouynces of thi rewme, and is departid fro it silf togidere, and vsith newe lawis and cerymonyes, and ferthermore it dispisith also the comaundementis of the kyng; and thou knowest best, that it spedith not to thi rewme, `that it encreesse in malice bi licence.
9 王若以為美,請下旨意滅絕他們;我就捐一萬他連得銀子交給掌管國帑的人,納入王的府庫。」
If it plesith thee, `deme thou that it perisch, and Y schal paie ten thousynde of talentis to the keperis of thi tresour.
10 於是王從自己手上摘下戒指給猶大人的仇敵-亞甲族哈米大他的兒子哈曼。
Therfor the kyng took `fro his hond the ryng which he vside, and yaf it to Aaman, the sone of Amadathi, of the kynrede of Agag, to the enemy of Jewis.
11 王對哈曼說:「這銀子仍賜給你,這民也交給你,你可以隨意待他們。」
And the kyng seide to hym, The siluer, which thou bihiytist, be thin; do thou of the puple that, that plesith thee.
12 正月十三日,就召了王的書記來,照着哈曼一切所吩咐的,用各省的文字、各族的方言,奉亞哈隨魯王的名寫旨意,傳與總督和各省的省長,並各族的首領;又用王的戒指蓋印,
And the scryuens of the kyng weren clepid in the firste monethe Nysan, in the threttenthe dai of the same monethe; and it was writun, as Aaman hadde comaundid, to alle prynces of the kyng, and to domesmen of prouynces and of dyuerse folkis, that ech folk myyte rede and here, `for dyuersite of langagis, bi the name of kyng Assuerus. And lettris aseelid with
13 交給驛卒傳到王的各省,吩咐將猶大人,無論老少婦女孩子,在一日之間,十二月,就是亞達月十三日,全然剪除,殺戮滅絕,並奪他們的財為掠物。
the ring of the kyng weren sent bi the corouris of the kyng to alle hise prouynces, that thei schulden sle, and `do awei alle Jewis, fro a child to an eld man, litle children and wymmen, in o dai, that is, in the thrittenthe dai of the tweluethe monethe, which is clepid Adar; and that thei schulden take awei the goodis of Jewis.
14 抄錄這旨意,頒行各省,宣告各族,使他們預備等候那日。
Forsothe the sentence `in schort of the pistlis was this, that alle prouyncis schulden wite, and make hem redi to the forseid dai.
15 驛卒奉王命急忙起行,旨意也傳遍書珊城。王同哈曼坐下飲酒,書珊城的民卻都慌亂。
And the coroures, that weren sent, hastiden to fille the comaundement of the kyng; and anoon the comaundement hangide in Susa, `while the kyng and Aaman maden feeste, and `the while that alle Jewis wepten, that weren in the citee.

< 以斯帖記 3 >