< 申命記 9 >

1 「以色列啊,你當聽!你今日要過約旦河,進去趕出比你強大的國民,得着廣大堅固、高得頂天的城邑。
Here thou, Israel; thou schalt passe Jordan to dai, that thou welde mooste naciouns, and strengere than thou; grete citees, and wallid `til to heuene;
2 那民是亞衲族的人,又大又高,是你所知道的;也曾聽見有人指着他們說:『誰能在亞衲族人面前站立得住呢?』
a greet puple, and hiy; the sones of Enachym, whiche thi silf `siest, and herdist, whiche no man may ayenstonde in the contrarie part.
3 你今日當知道,耶和華-你的上帝在你前面過去,如同烈火,要滅絕他們,將他們制伏在你面前。這樣,你就要照耶和華所說的趕出他們,使他們速速滅亡。
Therfor thou schalt wite to dai, that thi Lord God hym silf schal passe bifor thee; he is a fier deuourynge and wastynge, that schal al to breke hem, and schal do awei, and destrie bifor thi face swiftli, as he spak to thee.
4 「耶和華-你的上帝將這些國民從你面前攆出以後,你心裏不可說:『耶和華將我領進來得這地是因我的義。』其實,耶和華將他們從你面前趕出去是因他們的惡。
Seie thou not in thin herte, whanne thi Lord God hath do hem awey in thi siyt, For my riytfulnesse the Lord brouyte me yn, that Y schulde welde this lond; sithen these naciouns ben doon awey for her wickidnessis.
5 你進去得他們的地,並不是因你的義,也不是因你心裏正直,乃是因這些國民的惡,耶和華-你的上帝將他們從你面前趕出去,又因耶和華要堅定他向你列祖亞伯拉罕、以撒、雅各起誓所應許的話。
For not for thi riytfulnessis, and equyte of thin herte thou schalt entre that thou welde the lond `of hem; but for thei diden wickidli, thei weren doon awey, whanne thou entridist, and that the Lord schulde fille his word which he bihiyte vndur an ooth to thi fadris, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
6 「你當知道,耶和華-你上帝將這美地賜你為業,並不是因你的義;你本是硬着頸項的百姓。
Therfor wite thou that not for thi riytfulnesses thi Lord God yaf to thee this beste lond in to possessioun, sithen thou art a puple of hardeste nol.
7 你當記念不忘,你在曠野怎樣惹耶和華-你上帝發怒。自從你出了埃及地的那日,直到你們來到這地方,你們時常悖逆耶和華。
Haue thou mynde, and foryete not, hou in the wildirnesse thou terridist thi Lord God to greet wraththe; fro that dai in which thou yedist out of Egipt `til to this place, thou striuedist euere ayens the Lord.
8 你們在何烈山又惹耶和華發怒;他惱怒你們,要滅絕你們。
For whi also in Oreb thou terridist hym, and he was wrooth, and wolde do thee awei, whanne Y stiede in to the hil,
9 我上了山,要領受兩塊石版,就是耶和華與你們立約的版。那時我在山上住了四十晝夜,沒有吃飯,也沒有喝水。
that Y schulde take two tablis of stoon, the tablis of couenaunt which the Lord made with you, and Y continuede in the hil fourti daies and nyytis, and Y eet not breed, and Y drank not watir.
10 耶和華把那兩塊石版交給我,是上帝用指頭寫的。版上所寫的是照耶和華在大會的日子、在山上、從火中對你們所說的一切話。
And the Lord yaf to me, twey tablis of stoon, euer either wrytun with Goddis fyngur, and conteynynge alle the wordis whiche he spak to you in the hil, fro the myddis of the fier, whanne the cumpany of puple was gaderid togidere.
11 過了四十晝夜,耶和華把那兩塊石版,就是約版,交給我。
And whanne fourti daies and so many nyytis hadden passid, the Lord yaf to me twei tablis of stoon, tablis of boond of pees;
12 對我說:『你起來,趕快下去!因為你從埃及領出來的百姓已經敗壞了自己;他們快快地偏離了我所吩咐的道,為自己鑄成了偶像。』
and he seide to me, Rise thou, and go doun for hennys soone, for thi puple, which thou leddist out of Egipt, han forsake swiftli the weie which thou schewidist to hem, and thei han maad to hem a yotun calf.
13 「耶和華又對我說:『我看這百姓是硬着頸項的百姓。
And eft the Lord seide to me, `Y se that this puple is of hard nol;
14 你且由着我,我要滅絕他們,將他們的名從天下塗抹,使你的後裔比他們成為更大更強的國。』
suffre thou me, that I alto breke hym, and do awey the name `of hym fro vndur heuene; and Y schal ordeyne thee on a folk which is grettere and strongere than this folk.
15 於是我轉身下山,山被火燒着,兩塊約版在我兩手之中。
And whanne Y cam doun fro the hil brennynge, and helde with euer either hond twei tablis of boond of pees, and Y seiy,
16 我一看見你們得罪了耶和華-你們的上帝,鑄成了牛犢,快快地偏離了耶和華所吩咐你們的道,
that ye hadde synned to youre Lord God, and hadden maad to you a yotun calf, and hadden forsake swiftli the weie of God which he schewide to you,
17 我就把那兩塊版從我手中扔下去,在你們眼前摔碎了。
Y castide doun the tablis fro myn hondis, and brak tho tablis in youre siyt.
18 因你們所犯的一切罪,行了耶和華眼中看為惡的事,惹他發怒,我就像從前俯伏在耶和華面前四十晝夜,沒有吃飯,也沒有喝水。
And Y felde doun bifor the Lord as `biforto, in fourti daies and fourti nyytis, and Y eet not breed, `and drank not watir, for alle youre synnes whiche ye diden ayens the Lord, and terriden hym to `greet wraththe;
19 我因耶和華向你們大發烈怒,要滅絕你們,就甚害怕;但那次耶和華又應允了我。
for Y dredde the indignacioun and yre of hym, by which he was stirid ayens you, and wolde do you awey. And the Lord herde me also in this tyme.
20 耶和華也向亞倫甚是發怒,要滅絕他;那時我又為亞倫祈禱。
Also the Lord was wrooth greteli ayens Aaron, and wolde alto breke hym, and Y preiede in lijk maner for hym.
21 我把那叫你們犯罪所鑄的牛犢用火焚燒,又搗碎磨得很細,以致細如灰塵,我就把這灰塵撒在從山上流下來的溪水中。
`Forsothe Y took youre synne which ye maden, that is, the calf, and brente it in fier, and Y alto brak in gobetis, and droof outerli in to dust, and castide forth in to the stronde, that cam doun fro the hil.
22 「你們在他備拉、瑪撒、基博羅‧哈他瓦又惹耶和華發怒。
Also in the brennyng, and in the temptacioun at the watris of ayenseiyng, and in the Sepulcris of Coueytise, ye terriden the Lord;
23 耶和華打發你們離開加低斯‧巴尼亞,說:『你們上去得我所賜給你們的地。』那時你們違背了耶和華-你們上帝的命令,不信服他,不聽從他的話。
and whanne Y sente you fro Cades Barne, and seide, `Stye ye, and welde the lond which Y yaf to you, and ye dispisiden the comaundement of youre Lord God, and ye bileueden not to him, nether ye wolden here his vois;
24 自從我認識你們以來,你們常常悖逆耶和華。
but euere ye weren rebel, fro the day in which Y bigan to knowe you.
25 「我因耶和華說要滅絕你們,就在耶和華面前照舊俯伏四十晝夜。
And Y lay byfore the Lord fourti daies and fourti nyytis, in whiche Y bisouyte hym mekeli, that he schulde not `do awey you, as he manaasside.
26 我祈禱耶和華說:『主耶和華啊,求你不要滅絕你的百姓。他們是你的產業,是你用大力救贖的,用大能從埃及領出來的。
And Y preiede, and seide, Lord God, distrye not thi puple, and thin eritage, which thou `ayen bouytist in thi greetnesse, which thou leddist out of Egipt in strong hond.
27 求你記念你的僕人亞伯拉罕、以撒、雅各,不要想念這百姓的頑梗、邪惡、罪過,
Haue thou mynde of thi seruauntis, of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; biholde thou not the hardnesse of this puple, and the wickidnesse, and the synne therof,
28 免得你領我們出來的那地之人說,耶和華因為不能將這百姓領進他所應許之地,又因恨他們,所以領他們出去,要在曠野殺他們。
lest perauenture the dwelleris of the lond, out of which thou leddist vs, seien, The Lord myyte not bryng hem in to the lond which he bihiyte to hem, and he hatide hem; therfor he ledde hem out that he schulde sle hem in wildirnesse;
29 其實他們是你的百姓,你的產業,是你用大能和伸出來的膀臂領出來的。』」
and thei ben thi puple and thin eritage, which thou leddist out in thi greet strengthe, and in thin arm holdun forth.

< 申命記 9 >