< 申命記 7 >

1 「耶和華-你上帝領你進入要得為業之地,從你面前趕出許多國民,就是赫人、革迦撒人、亞摩利人、迦南人、比利洗人、希未人、耶布斯人,共七國的民,都比你強大。
Whanne thi Lord God hath lad thee in to the lond, in to which thou schalt entre to welde, and hath do awey many folkis bifor thee, Ethei, and Gergesei, and Ammorrey, Canenei, and Pherezei, Euey, and Jebusei; seuene folkis, of myche gretter noumbre than thou art, and strengere than thou;
2 耶和華-你上帝將他們交給你擊殺,那時你要把他們滅絕淨盡,不可與他們立約,也不可憐恤他們。
and thi Lord God hath bitake hem to thee, thou schalt smyte hem `til to deeth, thou schalt not make `with hem a boond of pees, nether thou schalt haue merci on hem,
3 不可與他們結親。不可將你的女兒嫁他們的兒子,也不可叫你的兒子娶他們的女兒;
nether thou schalt felowschipe mariagis with him; thou schalt not yyue thi douyter to the sone `of hym, nether thou schalt take his douytir to thi sone;
4 因為他必使你兒子轉離不跟從主,去事奉別神,以致耶和華的怒氣向你們發作,就速速地將你們滅絕。
for sche schal disceyue thi sone, that he sue not me, and that he serue more alien goddis; and the strong veniaunce of the Lord schal be wrooth, and schal do awei thee soone.
5 你們卻要這樣待他們:拆毀他們的祭壇,打碎他們的柱像,砍下他們的木偶,用火焚燒他們雕刻的偶像。
But rather thou schalt do these thingis to hem; destrie ye the auteris `of hem, and breke ye ymagis `of metal, and kitte ye doun wodis, and brenne ye grauun ymagis.
6 因為你歸耶和華-你上帝為聖潔的民;耶和華-你上帝從地上的萬民中揀選你,特作自己的子民。
For thou art an hooli puple to thi Lord God; thi Lord God chees thee, that thou be a special puple to hym, of alle puplis that ben on erthe.
7 「耶和華專愛你們,揀選你們,並非因你們的人數多於別民,原來你們的人數在萬民中是最少的。
Not for ye ouercamen in noumbre alle folkis, the Lord is ioyned to you, and chees yow, sithen ye ben fewere than alle puplis;
8 只因耶和華愛你們,又因要守他向你們列祖所起的誓,就用大能的手領你們出來,從為奴之家救贖你們脫離埃及王法老的手。
but for the Lord louede you, and kepte the ooth which he swoor to youre fadris; and he ledde you out in strong hond, and ayen bouyte you fro the hows of seruage, fro `the hows of Farao, kyng of Egipt.
9 所以,你要知道耶和華-你的上帝,他是上帝,是信實的上帝;向愛他、守他誡命的人守約,施慈愛,直到千代;
And thou schalt wite, that thi Lord God hym silf is a strong God, and feithful, and kepith couenaunt and mersi to hem that louen hym, and to hem that kepen hise comaundementis, in to a thousynde generaciouns;
10 向恨他的人當面報應他們,將他們滅絕。凡恨他的人必報應他們,決不遲延。
and yeldith anoon to hem that haten hym, so that he destrie hem, and differr no lengere; restorynge anoon to hem that that thei disseruen.
11 所以,你要謹守遵行我今日所吩咐你的誡命、律例、典章。」
Therfor kepe thou the comaundementis, and cerymonyes, and domes, whiche Y comaunde to thee to dai, that thou do.
12 「你們果然聽從這些典章,謹守遵行,耶和華-你上帝就必照他向你列祖所起的誓守約,施慈愛。
If aftir that thou herist these domes, thou kepist, and doist tho, thi Lord God schal kepe to thee couenaunt, and mersi, which he swoor to thi fadris.
13 他必愛你,賜福與你,使你人數增多,也必在他向你列祖起誓應許給你的地上賜福與你身所生的,地所產的,並你的五穀、新酒,和油,以及牛犢、羊羔。
And he schal loue thee, and schal multiplie thee, and he schal blesse the fruyt of thi wombe, and the fruyt of thi lond, thi wheete, and vindage, oile, and droues of beestis, and the flockis of thi scheep, on the lond for which he swoor to thi fadris, that he schulde yyue it to thee.
14 你必蒙福勝過萬民;你們的男女沒有不能生養的,牲畜也沒有不能生育的。
Thou schalt be blessid among alle puplis; noon bareyn of euer eithir kynde schal be at thee, as well in men, as in thi flockis.
15 耶和華必使一切的病症離開你;你所知道埃及各樣的惡疾,他不加在你身上,只加在一切恨你的人身上。
The Lord schal do awei fro thee all ache, `ether sorewe; and he schal not brynge to thee the worste siknessis of Egipt, whiche thou knewist, but to alle thin enemyes.
16 耶和華-你上帝所要交給你的一切人民,你要將他們除滅;你眼不可顧惜他們。你也不可事奉他們的神,因這必成為你的網羅。
And thou schalt `deuoure, that is, distrie, alle puplis, whiche thi Lord God schal yyue to thee; thin iye schal not spare hem, nethir thou schalt serue the goddis `of hem, lest thei ben in to the fallyng of thee.
17 「你若心裏說,這些國的民比我更多,我怎能趕出他們呢?
If thou seist in thin herte, These folkis ben mo than Y, hou may Y do awei hem?
18 你不要懼怕他們,要牢牢記念耶和華-你上帝向法老和埃及全地所行的事,
`nyle thou drede, but haue thou mynde, what thingis thi Lord God dide to Farao, and alle Egipcians;
19 就是你親眼所看見的大試驗、神蹟、奇事,和大能的手,並伸出來的膀臂,都是耶和華-你上帝領你出來所用的。耶和華-你上帝必照樣待你所懼怕的一切人民。
`he dide the gretteste veniaunces, whiche thin iyen sien, and miraclis and grete wondris, and the strong hond, and arm `holdun forth, that thi Lord God schulde lede thee out; so he schal do to alle puplis whiche thou dredist.
20 並且耶和華-你上帝必打發黃蜂飛到他們中間,直到那剩下而藏躲的人從你面前滅亡。
Ferthermore and thi Lord God schal sende venemouse flies in to hem, til he do awei, and destrye alle men, that fledden thee, and thei schulen not mowe be hid.
21 你不要因他們驚恐,因為耶和華-你上帝在你們中間是大而可畏的上帝。
Thou schalt not drede hem, for thi Lord is in the myddis of thee, grete God, and ferdful.
22 耶和華-你上帝必將這些國的民從你面前漸漸趕出;你不可把他們速速滅盡,恐怕野地的獸多起來害你。
He hym silf schal waste these naciouns in thi siyt, litil and litil, and bi partis; thou schalt not mow do awey `tho naciouns togidere, lest peraventure beestis of erthe be multiplied ayens thee;
23 耶和華-你上帝必將他們交給你,大大地擾亂他們,直到他們滅絕了;
and thi Lord God schal yyue hem in thi siyt, and he schal sle hem, til thei be doon awey outerly.
24 又要將他們的君王交在你手中,你就使他們的名從天下消滅。必無一人能在你面前站立得住,直到你將他們滅絕了。
And he schal bitake the kyngis `of hem in to thin hondis, and thou schalt destrie the names `of hem vndur heuene; noon schal mow ayenstonde thee, til thou al to-breke hem.
25 他們雕刻的神像,你們要用火焚燒;其上的金銀,你不可貪圖,也不可收取,免得你因此陷入網羅;這原是耶和華-你上帝所憎惡的。
Thou schalt brenne in fier the grauun ymagis `of hem; thou schalt not coueite the siluer and gold, of whiche tho ymagis ben maad, nether thou schalt take of tho ony thing to thee, lest thou offende therfor, for it is abhominacioun of thi Lord God.
26 可憎的物,你不可帶進家去;不然,你就成了當毀滅的,與那物一樣。你要十分厭惡,十分憎嫌,因為這是當毀滅的物。」
Nether thou schalt brynge ony thing of the idol in to thin hous, lest thou be maad cursid, as also that idol is; thou schalt wlate it as filthe, and thou schalt haue it as defoulyng, and filthis of abhomynacioun, for it is cursid.

< 申命記 7 >