< 申命記 33 >
This is the blessing that Moses the man of God pronounced upon the Israelites before his death.
2 他說:耶和華從西奈而來, 從西珥向他們顯現, 從巴蘭山發出光輝, 從萬萬聖者中來臨, 從他右手為百姓傳出烈火的律法。
He said: “The LORD came from Sinai and dawned upon us from Seir; He shone forth from Mount Paran and came with myriads of holy ones, with flaming fire at His right hand.
3 他疼愛百姓; 眾聖徒都在他手中。 他們坐在他的腳下, 領受他的言語。
Surely You love the people; all the holy ones are in Your hand, and they sit down at Your feet; each receives Your words—
the law that Moses gave us, the possession of the assembly of Jacob.
5 百姓的眾首領, 以色列的各支派, 一同聚會的時候, 耶和華在耶書崙中為王。
So the LORD became King in Jeshurun when the leaders of the people gathered, when the tribes of Israel came together.
Let Reuben live and not die, nor his men be few.”
7 為猶大祝福說: 求耶和華俯聽猶大的聲音, 引導他歸於本族; 他曾用手為自己爭戰, 你必幫助他攻擊敵人。
And concerning Judah he said: “O LORD, hear the cry of Judah and bring him to his people. With his own hands he defends his cause, but may You be a help against his foes.”
8 論利未說: 耶和華啊,你的土明和烏陵 都在你的虔誠人那裏。 你在瑪撒曾試驗他, 在米利巴水與他爭論。
Concerning Levi he said: “Give Your Thummim to Levi and Your Urim to Your godly one, whom You tested at Massah and contested at the waters of Meribah.
9 他論自己的父母說: 我未曾看見; 他也不承認弟兄, 也不認識自己的兒女。 這是因利未人遵行你的話, 謹守你的約。
He said of his father and mother, ‘I do not consider them.’ He disregarded his brothers and did not know his own sons, for he kept Your word and maintained Your covenant.
10 他們要將你的典章教訓雅各, 將你的律法教訓以色列。 他們要把香焚在你面前, 把全牲的燔祭獻在你的壇上。
He will teach Your ordinances to Jacob and Your law to Israel; he will set incense before You and whole burnt offerings on Your altar.
11 求耶和華降福在他的財物上, 悅納他手裏所辦的事。 那些起來攻擊他和恨惡他的人, 願你刺透他們的腰, 使他們不得再起來。
Bless his substance, O LORD, and accept the work of his hands. Smash the loins of those who rise against him, and of his foes so they can rise no more.”
12 論便雅憫說: 耶和華所親愛的必同耶和華安然居住; 耶和華終日遮蔽他,也住在他兩肩之中。
Concerning Benjamin he said: “May the beloved of the LORD rest secure in Him; God shields him all day long, and upon His shoulders he rests.”
13 論約瑟說: 願他的地蒙耶和華賜福, 得天上的寶物、甘露, 以及地裏所藏的泉水;
Concerning Joseph he said: “May his land be blessed by the LORD with the precious dew from heaven above and the deep waters that lie beneath,
with the bountiful harvest from the sun and the abundant yield of the seasons,
with the best of the ancient mountains and the bounty of the everlasting hills,
16 得地和其中所充滿的寶物, 並住荊棘中上主的喜悅。 願這些福都歸於約瑟的頭上, 歸於那與弟兄迥別之人的頂上。
with the choice gifts of the land and everything in it, and with the favor of Him who dwelt in the burning bush. May these rest on the head of Joseph and crown the brow of the prince of his brothers.
17 他為牛群中頭生的,有威嚴; 他的角是野牛的角, 用以牴觸萬邦,直到地極。 這角是以法蓮的萬萬, 瑪拿西的千千。
His majesty is like a firstborn bull, and his horns are like those of a wild ox. With them he will gore the nations, even to the ends of the earth. Such are the myriads of Ephraim, and such are the thousands of Manasseh.”
18 論西布倫說: 西布倫哪,你出外可以歡喜。 以薩迦啊,在你帳棚裏可以快樂。
Concerning Zebulun he said: “Rejoice, Zebulun, in your journeys, and Issachar, in your tents.
19 他們要將列邦召到山上, 在那裏獻公義的祭; 因為他們要吸取海裏的豐富, 並沙中所藏的珍寶。
They will call the peoples to a mountain; there they will offer sacrifices of righteousness. For they will feast on the abundance of the seas and the hidden treasures of the sand.”
20 論迦得說: 使迦得擴張的應當稱頌! 迦得住如母獅; 他撕裂膀臂,連頭頂也撕裂。
Concerning Gad he said: “Blessed is he who enlarges the domain of Gad! He lies down like a lion and tears off an arm or a head.
21 他為自己選擇頭一段地, 因在那裏有設立律法者的分存留。 他與百姓的首領同來; 他施行耶和華的公義 和耶和華與以色列所立的典章。
He chose the best land for himself, because a ruler’s portion was reserved for him there. He came with the leaders of the people; he administered the LORD’s justice and His ordinances for Israel.”
Concerning Dan he said: “Dan is a lion’s cub, leaping out of Bashan.”
23 論拿弗他利說: 拿弗他利啊,你足沾恩惠, 滿得耶和華的福, 可以得西方和南方為業。
Concerning Naphtali he said: “Naphtali is abounding with favor, full of the blessing of the LORD; he shall take possession of the sea and the south.”
24 論亞設說: 願亞設享受多子的福樂, 得他弟兄的喜悅, 可以把腳蘸在油中。
And concerning Asher he said: “May Asher be the most blessed of sons; may he be the most favored among his brothers and dip his foot in oil.
25 你的門閂是銅的,鐵的。 你的日子如何,你的力量也必如何。
May the bolts of your gate be iron and bronze, and may your strength match your days.”
26 耶書崙哪,沒有能比上帝的。 他為幫助你,乘在天空, 顯其威榮,駕行穹蒼。
“There is none like the God of Jeshurun, who rides the heavens to your aid, and the clouds in His majesty.
27 永生的上帝是你的居所; 他永久的膀臂在你以下。 他在你前面攆出仇敵, 說:毀滅吧。
The eternal God is your dwelling place, and underneath are the everlasting arms. He drives out the enemy before you, giving the command, ‘Destroy him!’
28 以色列安然居住; 雅各的本源獨居五穀新酒之地。 他的天也滴甘露。
So Israel dwells securely; the fountain of Jacob lives untroubled in a land of grain and new wine, where even the heavens drip with dew.
29 以色列啊,你是有福的! 誰像你這蒙耶和華所拯救的百姓呢? 他是你的盾牌,幫助你, 是你威榮的刀劍。 你的仇敵必投降你; 你必踏在他們的高處。
Blessed are you, O Israel! Who is like you, a people saved by the LORD? He is the shield that protects you, the sword in which you boast. Your enemies will cower before you, and you shall trample their high places.”