< 申命記 29 >

1 這是耶和華在摩押地吩咐摩西與以色列人立約的話,是在他和他們於何烈山所立的約之外。
These ben the wordis of boond of pees, which the Lord comaundide to Moyses, that he schulde smyte with the sones of Israel in the lond of Moab, outakun that bond of pees, which he couenauntide with hem in Oreb.
2 摩西召了以色列眾人來,對他們說:「耶和華在埃及地,在你們眼前向法老和他眾臣僕,並他全地所行的一切事,你們都看見了,
And Moises clepid al Israel, and seide to hem, Ye sien alle thingis whiche the Lord dide bifor you in the lond of Egipt, to Farao and alle hise seruauntis, and to al his lond;
3 就是你親眼看見的大試驗和神蹟,並那些大奇事。
the greet temptaciouns whiche thin iyen sien, `tho signes, and grete wondris.
4 但耶和華到今日沒有使你們心能明白,眼能看見,耳能聽見。
And the Lord yaf not to you an herte vndurstondynge, and iyen seynge, and eeris that moun here, til in to present dai.
5 我領你們在曠野四十年,你們身上的衣服並沒有穿破,腳上的鞋也沒有穿壞。
He ledde you bi fourti yeer thoruy deseert; youre clothis weren not brokun, nether the schoon of youre feet weren waastid bi eldnesse;
6 你們沒有吃餅,也沒有喝清酒濃酒。這要使你們知道,耶和華是你們的上帝。
ye eetun not breed, ye drunken not wyn and sidur, that ye schulden wite that he is youre Lord God.
7 你們來到這地方,希實本王西宏、巴珊王噩都出來與我們交戰,我們就擊殺了他們,
And ye camen to this place; and Seon, the kyng of Esebon yede out, and Og, the kyng of Basan, and camen to us to batel. And we han smyte hem,
8 取了他們的地給呂便支派、迦得支派,和瑪拿西半支派為業。
and we token awey the lond `of hem, and we yauen `the lond to possessioun, to Ruben, and to Gad, and to the half lynage of Manasses.
9 所以你們要謹守遵行這約的話,好叫你們在一切所行的事上亨通。
Therfor kepe ye the wordis of this couenaunt, and fille ye tho, that ye vndirstonde all thingis whiche ye schulen do.
10 「今日,你們的首領、族長、長老、官長、以色列的男丁,你們的妻子兒女,和營中寄居的,以及為你們劈柴挑水的人,都站在耶和華-你們的上帝面前,
Alle ye stonden to day bifor youre Lord God, youre princes, and lynagis, and the grettere men in birthe, and techeris, al the puple of Israel,
fre children, and youre wyues, and comelyngis that dwellen with thee in castels, outakun the heweris of stonus, and outakun hem that beren watris;
12 為要你順從耶和華-你上帝今日與你所立的約,向你所起的誓。
that thou go in the boond of pees of thi Lord God, and in the ooth which thi Lord God smytith with thee,
13 這樣,他要照他向你所應許的話,又向你列祖亞伯拉罕、以撒、雅各所起的誓,今日立你作他的子民,他作你的上帝。
that he reise thee in to a puple to hym silf, and that he be thi Lord God, as he spak to thee, and as he swoor to thi fadris, to Abraham, Ysaac, and Jacob.
14 我不但與你們立這約,起這誓,
And not to you aloone Y smyte this loond of pees, and conferme these othis,
15 凡與我們一同站在耶和華-我們上帝面前的,並今日不在我們這裏的人,我也與他們立這約,起這誓。
but to alle men, present and absent.
16 「我們曾住過埃及地,也從列國經過;這是你們知道的。
For ye witen hou we dwelliden in the lond of Egipt, and how we passiden bi the myddis of naciouns; whiche ye passiden,
17 你們也看見他們中間可憎之物,並他們木、石、金、銀的偶像。
and siyen abhomynaciouns and filthis, that is, idols `of hem, tre and stoon, siluer and gold, whiche thei worschipiden.
18 惟恐你們中間,或男或女,或族長或支派長,今日心裏偏離耶和華-我們的上帝,去事奉那些國的神;又怕你們中間有惡根生出苦菜和茵蔯來,
Lest perauenture among you be man ether womman, meyne ether lynage, whos herte is turned away to dai fro youre Lord God, that he go, and serue the goddis of tho folkis; and a roote buriounnynge galle and bitternesse be among you;
19 聽見這咒詛的話,心裏仍是自誇說:『我雖然行事心裏頑梗,連累眾人,卻還是平安。』
and whanne he hath herd the wordis of this ooth, he blesse hym silf in his herte, and seie, Pees schal be to me, and Y schal go in the schrewidnesse of myn herte; and lest the drunkun take the thirsti,
20 耶和華必不饒恕他;耶和華的怒氣與憤恨要向他發作,如煙冒出,將這書上所寫的一切咒詛都加在他身上。耶和華又要從天下塗抹他的名,
and the Lord forgyue not to hym, but thanne ful greetli his strong veniaunce be feers, and the feruour ayens that man, and alle the cursis that ben writun in this book `sitte on hym; and `the Lord do away his name vndur heuene,
21 也必照着寫在律法書上、約中的一切咒詛將他從以色列眾支派中分別出來,使他受禍。
and waaste hym in to perdicioun fro alle the lynagis of Israel, bi the cursis that ben conteyned in the book of this lawe and of boond of pees.
22 你們的後代,就是以後興起來的子孫,和遠方來的外人,看見這地的災殃,並耶和華所降與這地的疾病,
And the generacioun suynge schal seie, and the sones that schulen be borun aftirward, and pilgrimys that schulen come fro fer, seynge the veniauncis of that lond, and the sikenessis bi whiche the Lord turmentide that lond,
23 又看見遍地有硫磺,有鹽鹵,有火跡,沒有耕種,沒有出產,連草都不生長-好像耶和華在忿怒中所傾覆的所多瑪、蛾摩拉、押瑪、洗扁一樣-
brennynge `that lond with brymston and heete of the sunne, so that it be no more sowun, nether bringe forth ony grene thing, in to ensaumple of destriyng of Sodom and of Gommorre, of Adama and of Seboym, whiche the Lord destriede in his ire and stronge veniaunce.
24 所看見的人,連萬國人,都必問說:『耶和華為何向此地這樣行呢?這樣大發烈怒是甚麼意思呢?』
And alle folkis schulen seie, Whi dide the Lord so to this lond? What is the greet ire of his stronge veniaunce?
25 人必回答說:『是因這地的人離棄了耶和華-他們列祖的上帝,領他們出埃及地的時候與他們所立的約,
and thei schulen answere, For thei forsoken the couenaunt of the Lord, whiche he couenauntide with her fadris, whanne he ledde hem out of the lond of Egipt,
26 去事奉敬拜素不認識的別神,是耶和華所未曾給他們安排的。
and thei serueden alien goddis, and worschipiden hem, whiche thei knewen not, and to whiche thei weren not youun;
27 所以耶和華的怒氣向這地發作,將這書上所寫的一切咒詛都降在這地上。
therfor the strong veniaunce of the Lord was wrooth ayens this lond, that he brouyte yn on it alle the cursis that ben writun in this book;
28 耶和華在怒氣、忿怒、大惱恨中將他們從本地拔出來,扔在別的地上,像今日一樣。』
and he castide hem out of her lond, in ire and strong veniaunce, and in gretteste indignacioun; and he castide forth in to an alien lond, as it is preued to dai.
29 「隱祕的事是屬耶和華-我們上帝的;惟有明顯的事是永遠屬我們和我們子孫的,好叫我們遵行這律法上的一切話。」
Thingis ben hid of oure Lord God, `that is, in his biforknowing, whiche thingis ben schewid to us, and to oure sones with outen ende, that we do alle the wordis of this lawe.

< 申命記 29 >