< 申命記 23 >

1 「凡外腎受傷的,或被閹割的,不可入耶和華的會。
A geldyng whanne hise stoonys ben brokun, ethir kit awey, and his yerde is kit awei, schal not entre in to the chirche of the Lord.
2 「私生子不可入耶和華的會;他的子孫,直到十代,也不可入耶和華的會。
A child borun of hordom schal not entre in to the chirche of the Lord, `til to the tenthe generacioun.
3 「亞捫人或是摩押人不可入耶和華的會;他們的子孫,雖過十代,也永不可入耶和華的會。
Ammonytis and Moabitis, yhe aftir the tenthe generacioun, schulen not entre into the `chirche of the Lord with outen ende;
4 因為你們出埃及的時候,他們沒有拿食物和水在路上迎接你們,又因他們雇了美索不達米亞的毗奪人比珥的兒子巴蘭來咒詛你們。
for thei nolden come to you with breed and watir in the weie, whanne ye yeden out of Egipt; and for thei hireden ayens thee Balaam, the sone of Beor, fro Mesopotanye of Sirye, that he schulde curse thee;
5 然而耶和華-你的上帝不肯聽從巴蘭,卻使那咒詛的言語變為祝福的話,因為耶和華-你的上帝愛你。
and thi Lord God nolde here Balaam, and God turnede `the cursyng of Balaam in to thi blessyng, for he louyde thee.
6 你一生一世永不可求他們的平安和他們的利益。
Thou schalt not make pees with hem, nethir thou schalt seke goodis to hem, in alle the daies of thi lijf in to with outen ende.
7 「不可憎惡以東人,因為他是你的弟兄。不可憎惡埃及人,因為你在他的地上作過寄居的。
Thou schalt not `haue abhomynacioun of a man of Ydumye, for he is thi brothir, nethir of a man of Egipt, for thou were a comelyng in the lond of hym.
8 他們第三代子孫可以入耶和華的會。」
Thei that ben borun of hem, schulen entre in the thridde generacioun in to the `chirche of the Lord.
9 「你出兵攻打仇敵,就要遠避諸惡。
Whanne thou schalt go out `in to batel ayens thin enemyes, thou schalt kepe thee fro al yuel thing.
10 「你們中間,若有人夜間偶然夢遺,不潔淨,就要出到營外,不可入營;
If a man is among you, which is defoulid in `sleep of nyyt, he schal go out of `the castels;
11 到傍晚的時候,他要用水洗澡,及至日落了才可以入營。
and he schal not turne ayen bifore that he be waischun in watir at euentid, and aftir the goyng doun of the sunne he schal go ayen in to the castels.
12 「你在營外也該定出一個地方作為便所。
Thou schalt haue a place without the castels, to which thou schalt go out to nedeful thingis of kynde;
13 在你器械之中當預備一把鍬,你出營外便溺以後,用以鏟土,轉身掩蓋。
and thou schalt bere a litil stake in the girdil; and whanne thou hast sete, thou schalt digge `bi cumpas, and `thou schalt hile with erthe thingis `defied out,
14 因為耶和華-你的上帝常在你營中行走,要救護你,將仇敵交給你,所以你的營理當聖潔,免得他見你那裏有污穢,就離開你。」
where thou art releuyd. For thi Lord God goeth in the myddis of castels, that he diliuere thee, and bitake thin enemyes to thee, that thi castels be hooli, and no thing of filthe appere in tho, lest he forsake thee.
15 「若有奴僕脫了主人的手,逃到你那裏,你不可將他交付他的主人。
Thou schalt not bitake a seruaunt to his lord, which seruaunt fleeth to thee;
16 他必在你那裏與你同住,在你的城邑中,要由他選擇一個所喜悅的地方居住;你不可欺負他。
he schal dwelle with thee in the place that plesith hym, and he schal reste in oon of thi citees; and make thou not hym sori.
17 「以色列的女子中不可有妓女;以色列的男子中不可有孌童。
Noon hoore schal be of the douytris of Israel, nether a letchour of the sones of Israel.
18 娼妓所得的錢,或孌童所得的價,你不可帶入耶和華-你上帝的殿還願,因為這兩樣都是耶和華-你上帝所憎惡的。
Thou schalt not offre the hire of `an hoore hows, nether the prijs of a dogge, in the hows of thi Lord God, what euer thing it is that thou hast avowid; for euer eithir is abhomynacioun bifor thi Lord God.
19 「你借給你弟兄的,或是錢財或是糧食,無論甚麼可生利的物,都不可取利。
Thou schalt not leene to thi brothir to vsure money, neither fruytis,
20 借給外邦人可以取利,只是借給你弟兄不可取利。這樣,耶和華-你上帝必在你所去得為業的地上和你手裏所辦的一切事上賜福與你。
nethir ony othir thing, but to an alien. Forsothe thou schalt leene to thi brothir without vsure that that he nedith, that thi Lord God blesse thee in al thi werk, in the lond to which thou schalt entre to welde.
21 「你向耶和華-你的上帝許願,償還不可遲延;因為耶和華-你的上帝必定向你追討,你不償還就有罪。
Whanne thou makist auow to thi Lord God, thou schalt not tarie to yelde, for thi Lord God schal `requyre, ether axe, that; and if thou tariest, it schal be arretid to thee in to synne.
22 你若不許願,倒無罪。
If thou `nylt bihete, thou schalt be with out synne.
23 你嘴裏所出的,就是你口中應許甘心所獻的,要照你向耶和華-你上帝所許的願謹守遵行。
Forsothe thou schalt kepe, and `do that that yede out onys of thi lippis, as thou bihiytist to thi Lord God, and hast spoke with thin owne wille and thi mouth.
24 「你進了鄰舍的葡萄園,可以隨意吃飽了葡萄,只是不可裝在器皿中。
If thou entrist in to the vynere of thi neiybore, ete thou grapis, as myche as plesith thee; but bere thou not out with thee.
25 你進了鄰舍站着的禾稼,可以用手摘穗子,只是不可用鐮刀割取禾稼。」
If thou entrist in to `the corn of thi freend, thou schalt breke `eeris of corn, and frote togidere with `the hond; but thou schalt not repe with a sikil.

< 申命記 23 >