< 申命記 2 >

1 「此後,我們轉回,從紅海的路往曠野去,是照耶和華所吩咐我的。我們在西珥山繞行了許多日子。
And we yeden forth fro thennus, and camen in to the wildirnesse that ledith to the Reed See, as the Lord seide to me; and we cumpassiden the hil of Seir in long tyme.
2 耶和華對我說:
And the Lord seide to me, It sufficith to you to cumpasse this hil;
3 『你們繞行這山的日子夠了,要轉向北去。
go ye ayens the north.
4 你吩咐百姓說:你們弟兄以掃的子孫住在西珥,你們要經過他們的境界。他們必懼怕你們,所以你們要分外謹慎。
And comaunde thou to the puple, and seie, Ye schulen passe bi the termes of youre britheren, the sones of Esau, that dwellen in Seir, and thei schulen drede you.
5 不可與他們爭戰;他們的地,連腳掌可踏之處,我都不給你們,因我已將西珥山賜給以掃為業。
Therfor se ye diligentli, that ye be not moued ayens hem; for Y schal not yyue to you of the land `of hem as myche as the steppe of o foot may trede, for Y yaf the hil of Seir in to the possessioun of Esau.
6 你們要用錢向他們買糧吃,也要用錢向他們買水喝。
Ye schulden bie of hem metis for money, and ye schulen ete; ye schulden drawe, and drynke watir bouyt.
7 因為耶和華-你的上帝在你手裏所辦的一切事上已賜福與你。你走這大曠野,他都知道了。這四十年,耶和華-你的上帝常與你同在,故此你一無所缺。』
Thi Lord God blesside thee in al the werk of thin hondis; he knewe thi weye, hou thou passidist this moste wildirnesse, bi fourti yeer; and thi Lord God dwellide with thee, and no thing failide to thee.
8 「於是,我們離了我們弟兄以掃子孫所住的西珥,從亞拉巴的路,經過以拉他、以旬‧迦別,轉向摩押曠野的路去。
And whanne we hadden passid bi oure britheren, the sones of Esau, that dwelliden in Seir, bi the weie of the feeld of Elath, and of Asiongaber, we camen to the weie that ledith in to deseert of Moab.
9 耶和華吩咐我說:『不可擾害摩押人,也不可與他們爭戰。他們的地,我不賜給你為業,因我已將亞珥賜給羅得的子孫為業。』(
And the Lord seide to me, Fiyte thou not ayens Moabitis, nether bigyn thou batel ayens hem, for Y schal not yyue to thee ony thing of the lond `of hem, for Y yaf Ar in to possessioun to `the sones of Loth.
10 先前,有以米人住在那裏,民數眾多,身體高大,像亞衲人一樣。
Emyn, `that is, griseful men, weren first dwelleris therof, a greet puple, and strong, and so hiy, that thei weren bileued as giantis,
11 這以米人像亞衲人;也算為利乏音人;摩押人稱他們為以米人。
of the generacioun of Enachym, and thei weren lijk the sones of Enachym; forsothe Moabitis clepen hem Emyn.
12 先前,何利人也住在西珥,但以掃的子孫將他們除滅,得了他們的地,接着居住,就如以色列在耶和華賜給他為業之地所行的一樣。)
Forsothe Horreis dwelliden bifore in Seir, and whanne thei weren put out, and weren doon awey, `the sones of Esau dwelliden there, as Israel dide in the lond of his possessioun, which the Lord yaf to hym.
13 現在,起來過撒烈溪!於是我們過了撒烈溪。
Therfor we riseden, that we schulden passe the stronde of Zared, and camen to it.
14 自從離開加低斯‧巴尼亞,到過了撒烈溪的時候,共有三十八年,等那世代的兵丁都從營中滅盡,正如耶和華向他們所起的誓。
Sotheli the tyme in whiche we yeden fro Cades Barne `til to the passynge of the stronde of Zared, was of eiyte and thretti yeer, til al the generacioun of `men fiyteris was wastid fro `the castels, as the Lord hadde swore; whos hond was ayens hem,
15 耶和華的手也攻擊他們,將他們從營中除滅,直到滅盡。
that thei schulden perische fro the myddis of `the castels.
16 「兵丁從民中都滅盡死亡以後,
Forsothe after that alle the fiyteris felden doun,
17 耶和華吩咐我說:
the Lord spak to me, and seide,
18 『你今天要從摩押的境界亞珥經過,
Thou schalt passe to dai the termes of Moab,
19 走近亞捫人之地,不可擾害他們,也不可與他們爭戰。亞捫人的地,我不賜給你們為業,因我已將那地賜給羅得的子孫為業。』(
the cytee, Ar bi name, and thou schalt neiy in the nyy coost of the sones of Amon; be thou war that thou fiyte not ayens hem, nether be moued to batel; for Y schal not yyue to thee of the lond of the sones of Amon, for Y yaf it to the `sones of Loth in to possessioun.
20 那地也算為利乏音人之地,先前利乏音人住在那裏,亞捫人稱他們為散送冥。
It is arettid the lond of giauntis, and giauntis enhabitiden therynne sumtyme, whiche giauntis Amonytis clepen Zonym;
21 那民眾多,身體高大,像亞衲人一樣,但耶和華從亞捫人面前除滅他們,亞捫人就得了他們的地,接着居住。
a myche puple and greet, and of noble lengthe, as Enachym, whiche the Lord dide awey fro the face of hem,
22 正如耶和華從前為住西珥的以掃子孫將何利人從他們面前除滅、他們得了何利人的地、接着居住一樣,直到今日。
and made hem to dwelle for `tho giauntis, as he dide to the sones of Esau, that dwellen in Seire, `and dide awai Horreis, and yaf to hem the lond `of Horreis, which `the sones of Esau welden `til in to present tyme.
23 從迦斐託出來的迦斐託人將先前住在鄉村直到迦薩的亞衛人除滅,接着居住。)
Also men of Capadocie puttiden out Eueys, that dwelliden in Asseryn, `til to Gaza; which yeden out fro Capadocie, and diden awey Eueis, and dwelliden for hem.
24 你們起來前往,過亞嫩谷;我已將亞摩利人希實本王西宏和他的地交在你手中,你要與他爭戰,得他的地為業。
Rise ye, and `passe ye the stronde of Arnon; lo! Y haue bitake in `thin hond Seon, king of Esebon, of Amorreis; and his lond bigynne thou `to welde, and smyte thou batel ayens him.
25 從今日起,我要使天下萬民聽見你的名聲都驚恐懼怕,且因你發顫傷慟。」
To dai Y schal bigynne to sende thi drede and strengthe in to puplis that dwellen vndir al heuene, that whanne thi name is herd, thei drede, and tremble bi the maner of wymmen trauelynge of child, and `be holdun with sorewe.
26 「我從基底莫的曠野差遣使者去見希實本王西宏,用和睦的話說:
Therfor Y sente messangeris fro the wildirnesse of Cademoch to Seon, kyng of Esebon; and Y seide with pesible wordis,
27 『求你容我從你的地經過,只走大道,不偏左右。
We schulen passe thorou thi lond, we schulen go in the comyn weie; we schulen not bowe nether to the riyt side, nether to the left side.
28 你可以賣糧給我吃,也可以賣水給我喝,只要容我步行過去,
Sille thow metis `to vs for prijs, that we ete; yif thow watir for money, and so we schulen drynke. Oneli it is that thou graunte passage to vs,
29 就如住西珥的以掃子孫和住亞珥的摩押人待我一樣,等我過了約旦河,好進入耶和華-我們上帝所賜給我們的地。』
as the sones of Esau diden, that dwellen in Seir, and as Moabitis diden, that dwellen in Ar, til we comen to Jordan, and passen to the lond which oure Lord God schal yyue to vs.
30 但希實本王西宏不容我們從他那裏經過;因為耶和華-你的上帝使他心中剛硬,性情頑梗,為要將他交在你手中,像今日一樣。
And Seon, kyng of Esebon, nolde yyue passage `to vs; for thi Lord God made hard his spirit, and made sad in yuel `the herte of hym, that he schulde be bitakun in to thin hondis, as thou seest now.
31 耶和華對我說:『從此起首,我要將西宏和他的地交給你;你要得他的地為業。』
And the Lord seide to me, Lo, Y bigan to bitake to thee Seon, and his lond; bigynne thou to welde it.
32 那時,西宏和他的眾民出來攻擊我們,在雅雜與我們交戰。
And Seon yede out ayens vs with al his puple to batel in Jasa.
33 耶和華-我們的上帝將他交給我們,我們就把他和他的兒子,並他的眾民,都擊殺了。
And oure Lord God bitook hym to vs, and we han smyte hym with hise sones, and al his puple.
34 我們奪了他的一切城邑,將有人煙的各城,連女人帶孩子,盡都毀滅,沒有留下一個。
And we token in that tyme alle the citees, whanne the dwelleris of tho citees, men, and wymmen, and children weren slayn; we leften not in hem ony thing,
35 惟有牲畜和所奪的各城,並其中的財物,都取為自己的掠物。
outakun beestis that camen in to the part of men takynge prey, and outakun spuylis of the cytees whiche we tokun.
36 從亞嫩谷邊的亞羅珥和谷中的城,直到基列,耶和華-我們的上帝都交給我們了,沒有一座城高得使我們不能攻取的。
Fro Aroer, which is on the brenke of the stronde of Arnon, fro the toun which is set in the valey, `til to Galaad, no town was ether citee, that ascapide oure hondis.
37 惟有亞捫人之地,凡靠近雅博河的地,並山地的城邑,與耶和華-我們上帝所禁止我們去的地方,都沒有挨近。」
Oure Lord God bitook alle to vs; outakun the lond of the sones of Amon, to which lond we neiyiden not, and outakun alle thingis that liggen to the stronde of Jeboth, and outakun the citees of the munteyns, and alle places fro whiche oure Lord God forbeed vs.

< 申命記 2 >