< 申命記 15 >

1 「每逢七年末一年,你要施行豁免。
In the seuenthe yeer thou schalt make remyssioun,
2 豁免的定例乃是這樣:凡債主要把所借給鄰舍的豁免了;不可向鄰舍和弟兄追討,因為耶和華的豁免年已經宣告了。
that schal be fillid bi this ordre. To whom ony thing is `dettid, ethir owid of his freend, ether neiybore, and brother, he schal not mowe axe, for it is the yeer of remyssioun of the Lord.
3 若借給外邦人,你可以向他追討;但借給你弟兄,無論是甚麼,你要鬆手豁免了。
Thou schalt axe of a pilgrym and comelyng; thou hast not power to axe of a citeseyn and neiybore;
4 你若留意聽從耶和華-你上帝的話,謹守遵行我今日所吩咐你這一切的命令,就必在你們中間沒有窮人了(在耶和華-你上帝所賜你為業的地上,耶和華必大大賜福與你。)
and outerli a nedi man and begger schal not be among you, that thi Lord God blesse thee, in the lond which he schal yyue to thee in to the possessioun.
If netheles thou schalt here the vois of thi Lord God, and schalt kepe alle thingis whiche he comaundide, and whiche Y comaunde to dai to thee, he schal blesse thee, as he bihiyte.
6 因為耶和華-你的上帝必照他所應許你的賜福與你。你必借給許多國民,卻不致向他們借貸;你必管轄許多國民,他們卻不能管轄你。
Thou schalt leene to many folkis, and thou schalt not take borewyng of ony man; thou schalt be lord of ful many naciouns, and no man schal be lord of thee.
7 「在耶和華-你上帝所賜你的地上,無論哪一座城裏,你弟兄中若有一個窮人,你不可忍着心、揝着手不幫補你窮乏的弟兄。
If oon of thi britheren that dwellen with ynne the yatis of thi citee, in the lond which thi Lord God schal yyue to thee, cometh to pouert, thou schalt not make hard thin herte, nether thou schalt `drawe to gydere the hond,
8 總要向他鬆開手,照他所缺乏的借給他,補他的不足。
but thou schalt opene it to the pore man, and thou schalt `yyue loone to which thou siest hym haue nede.
9 你要謹慎,不可心裏起惡念,說:『第七年的豁免年快到了』,你便惡眼看你窮乏的弟兄,甚麼都不給他,以致他因你求告耶和華,罪便歸於你了。
Be thou war lest perauenture wickid thouyt crepe priueli to thee, and thou seie in thin herte, The seuenthe yeer of remyssioun neiyeth; and thou turne awey the iyen fro thi pore brother, and thou nyle yyue to hym the loone that he axith; lest he crie ayens thee to the Lord, and it be maad to thee in to synne.
10 你總要給他,給他的時候心裏不可愁煩;因耶和華-你的上帝必在你這一切所行的,並你手裏所辦的事上,賜福與你。
But thou schalt yyue to hym, and thou schalt `not do ony thing falsly in releuynge `hise nedis, that thi Lord God blesse thee in al tyme, and in alle thingis to whiche thou schalt sette to hond.
11 原來那地上的窮人永不斷絕;所以我吩咐你說:『總要向你地上困苦窮乏的弟兄鬆開手。』」
Pore men schulen not faile in the lond of `thin habitacioun; therfor Y comaunde to thee, that thou opene the hond to thi brother nedi and pore, that lyuen with thee in the lond.
12 「你弟兄中,若有一個希伯來男人或希伯來女人被賣給你,服事你六年,到第七年就要任他自由出去。
Whanne thi brothir an Ebrew man, ethir an Ebrew womman, is seeld to thee, and hath serued thee sixe yeer, in the seuenthe yeer thou schalt delyuere hym fre.
13 你任他自由的時候,不可使他空手而去,
And thou schalt not suffre hym go awey voide, to whom thou hast yyue fredom;
14 要從你羊群、禾場、酒醡之中多多地給他;耶和華-你的上帝怎樣賜福與你,你也要照樣給他。
but thou schalt yyue lijflode in the weye, of flockis, and of cornfloor, and of thi pressour, in whiche thi Lord God hath blessid thee.
15 要記念你在埃及地作過奴僕,耶和華-你的上帝將你救贖;因此,我今日吩咐你這件事。
Haue thou mynde that also thou seruedist in the lond of Egipt, and thi Lord God delyurede thee, `ether made thee free, and therfor Y comaunde now to thee.
16 他若對你說:『我不願意離開你』,是因他愛你和你的家,且因在你那裏很好,
Forsothe if `the seruaunt seith, Y nyle go out, for he loueth thee, and thin hows, and feelith that it is wel to hym at thee, thou schalt take `a nal,
17 你就要拿錐子將他的耳朵在門上刺透,他便永為你的奴僕了。你待婢女也要這樣。
and thou schalt peerse his eere in the yate of thin hous, and he schal serue thee til in to the world, `that is til to the iubilee, ethir fiftithe yeer; also thou schalt do in lijk maner to the handmayde.
18 你任他自由的時候,不可以為難事,因他服事你六年,較比雇工的工價多加一倍了。耶和華-你的上帝就必在你所做的一切事上賜福與你。」
Thou schalt not turne awei fro hem thin iyen, whanne thou schalt delyure hem fre, for bi the hire of an hirid man thei serueden thee bi sixe yeer; that thi Lord God blesse thee, in alle the werkis whiche thou doist.
19 「你牛群羊群中頭生的,凡是公的,都要分別為聖,歸耶和華-你的上帝。牛群中頭生的,不可用牠耕地;羊群中頭生的,不可剪毛。
Of the first gendrid thingis that ben borun in thi droues, and scheep, what euer is of male kynde, thou schalt halewe to thi Lord God. Thou schalt not worche in the firste gendrid thing `of oxe, and thou schalt not clippe the firste gendrid thinges of scheep.
20 這頭生的,你和你的家屬,每年要在耶和華所選擇的地方,在耶和華-你上帝面前吃。
Thou schalt ete tho bi alle yeeris in the siyt of thi Lord God, thou, and thin hows, in the place `which the Lord chees.
21 這頭生的若有甚麼殘疾,就如瘸腿的、瞎眼的,無論有甚麼惡殘疾,都不可獻給耶和華-你的上帝;
Sotheli if it hath a wem, ethir is crokid, ethir is blynd, ethir is foul, ethir feble in ony part, it schal not be offrid to thi Lord God;
22 可以在你城裏吃;潔淨人與不潔淨人都可以吃,就如吃羚羊與鹿一般。
but thou schalt ete it with ynne the yatis of thi citee, bothe a cleene man and vncleene schulen ete tho in lijk maner, as a capret and an hert.
23 只是不可吃牠的血;要倒在地上,如同倒水一樣。」
Onely thou schalt kepe this, that thou ete not the blood of tho, but schede out as watir in to erthe.

< 申命記 15 >