< 但以理書 7 >

1 巴比倫王伯沙撒元年,但以理在床上做夢,見了腦中的異象,就記錄這夢,述說其中的大意。
In the firste yeer of Balthasar, kyng of Babiloyne, Danyel siy a sweuene. Forsothe he wroot the visioun of his hed in his bed, and the dreem, and comprehendide in schort word; and he touchide schortli the sentence,
2 但以理說: 我夜裏見異象,看見天的四風陡起,颳在大海之上。
and seide, Y siy in my visioun in niyt, and lo! foure wyndis of heuene fouyten in the myddis of the greet see.
3 有四個大獸從海中上來,形狀各有不同:
And foure grete beestis dyuerse bitwixe hem silf stieden fro the see.
4 頭一個像獅子,有鷹的翅膀;我正觀看的時候,獸的翅膀被拔去,獸從地上得立起來,用兩腳站立,像人一樣,又得了人心。
The firste beeste was as a lionesse, and hadde wyngis of an egle. Y bihelde til the wyngis therof weren pullid awei, and it was takun awei fro erthe, and it stood as a man on the feet, and the herte therof was youun to it.
5 又有一獸如熊,就是第二獸,旁跨而坐,口齒內啣着三根肋骨。有吩咐這獸的說:「起來吞吃多肉。」
And lo! another beeste, lijk a bere in parti, stood, and thre ordris weren in the mouth therof, and thre princes in the teeth therof. And thus thei seiden to it, Rise thou, ete thou ful many fleischis.
6 此後我觀看,又有一獸如豹,背上有鳥的四個翅膀;這獸有四個頭,又得了權柄。
Aftir these thingis Y bihelde, and lo! anothir beeste as a pard, and it hadde on it silf foure wyngis of a brid, and foure heedis weren in the beeste, and power was youun to it.
7 其後我在夜間的異象中觀看,見第四獸甚是可怕,極其強壯,大有力量,有大鐵牙,吞吃嚼碎,所剩下的用腳踐踏。這獸與前三獸大不相同,頭有十角。
Aftir these thingis Y bihelde in the visioun of niyt, and lo! the fourthe beeste, ferdful, and wondirful, and ful strong. It hadde grete irun teeth, and it ete, and made lesse, and defoulide with hise feet othere thingis; forsothe it was vnlijk othere beestis, which Y hadde seyn bifore it, and it hadde ten hornes.
8 我正觀看這些角,見其中又長起一個小角;先前的角中有三角在這角前,連根被牠拔出來。這角有眼,像人的眼,有口說誇大的話。
Y bihelde the hornes, and lo! an other litil horn cam forth of the myddis of tho, and thre of the firste hornes weren drawun out fro the face therof; and lo! iyen as iyen of a man weren in this horn, and a mouth spekynge grete thingis.
9 我觀看, 見有寶座設立, 上頭坐着亙古常在者。 他的衣服潔白如雪, 頭髮如純淨的羊毛。 寶座乃火焰, 其輪乃烈火。
Y bihelde, til that trones weren set, and the elde of daies sat; his cloth was whijt as snow, and the heeris of his heed weren as cleene wolle, his trone was as flawmes of fier, hise wheelis weren fier kyndlid.
10 從他面前有火,像河發出; 事奉他的有千千, 在他面前侍立的有萬萬; 他坐着要行審判, 案卷都展開了。
A flood of fier and rennynge faste yede out fro his face, a thousynde thousynde mynistriden to hym, and ten sithis a thousynde sithis an hundrid thousynde stoden niy hym; the dom sat, and bookis weren opened.
11 那時我觀看,見那獸因小角說誇大話的聲音被殺,身體損壞,扔在火中焚燒。
Y bihelde for the vois of grete wordis whiche thilke horn spak; and Y siy that the beeste was slayn, and his bodi was perischid, and was youun to be brent in fier.
12 其餘的獸,權柄都被奪去,生命卻仍存留,直到所定的時候和日期。
And Y siy that the power of othere beestis was takun awei, and the tymes of lijf weren ordeyned to hem, til to tyme and tyme.
13 我在夜間的異象中觀看, 見有一位像人子的, 駕着天雲而來, 被領到亙古常在者面前,
Therfor Y bihelde in the visyoun of niyt, and lo! as a sone of man cam with the cloudis of heuene; and he cam fulli til to the elde of daies, and in the siyt of hym thei offriden hym.
14 得了權柄、榮耀、國度, 使各方、各國、各族的人都事奉他。 他的權柄是永遠的,不能廢去; 他的國必不敗壞。
And he yaf to hym power, and onour, and rewme, and alle the puplis, lynagis, and langagis schulen serue hym; his power is euerlastynge power, that schal not be takun awei, and his rewme, that schal not be corrupt.
15 至於我-但以理,我的靈在我裏面愁煩,我腦中的異象使我驚惶。
My spirit hadde orrour, ether hidousnesse; Y, Danyel, was aferd in these thingis, and the siytis of myn heed disturbliden me.
16 我就近一位侍立者,問他這一切的真情。他就告訴我,將那事的講解給我說明:
Y neiyede to oon of the stonderis niy, and Y axide of hym the treuthe of alle these thingis. And he seide to me the interpretyng of wordis, and he tauyte me.
17 這四個大獸就是四王將要在世上興起。
These foure grete beestis ben foure rewmes, that schulen rise of erthe.
18 然而,至高者的聖民,必要得國享受,直到永永遠遠。
Forsothe hooli men schulen take the rewme of hiyeste God, and thei schulen holde the rewme, til in to the world, and `til in to the world of worldis.
19 那時我願知道第四獸的真情,牠為何與那三獸的真情大不相同,甚是可怕,有鐵牙銅爪,吞吃嚼碎,所剩下的用腳踐踏;
Aftir these thingis Y wolde lerne diligentli of the fourthe beeste, that was greetli vnlijk fro alle, and was ful ferdful, the teeth and nailis therof weren of irun; it eet, and made lesse, and defoulide with hise feet othere thingis.
20 頭有十角和那另長的一角,在這角前有三角被牠打落。這角有眼,有說誇大話的口,形狀強橫,過於牠的同類。
And of ten hornes whiche it hadde in the heed, and of the tother horn, that cam forth, bifore which thre hornes fellen doun, and of that horn that hadde iyen, and a mouth spekynge grete thingis, and was grettere than othere;
21 我觀看,見這角與聖民爭戰,勝了他們。
I bihelde, and lo! thilke horn made batel ayens hooli men, and hadde maistrie of hem,
22 直到亙古常在者來給至高者的聖民伸冤,聖民得國的時候就到了。
til the elde of daies cam, and hiy God yaf doom to hooli men; and lo! tyme cam, and hooli men goten rewme.
23 那侍立者這樣說: 第四獸就是世上必有的第四國, 與一切國大不相同, 必吞吃全地, 並且踐踏嚼碎。
And he seide thus, The fourthe beeste schal be the fourthe rewme in erthe, that schal be more than alle rewmes, and it schal deuoure al erthe, and it schal defoule, and make lesse that erthe.
24 至於那十角,就是從這國中必興起的十王, 後來又興起一王, 與先前的不同; 他必制伏三王。
Forsothe ten hornes schulen be ten kyngis of that rewme; and another kyng schal rise after hem, and he schal be miytiere than the formere, and he schal make low thre kyngis.
25 他必向至高者說誇大的話, 必折磨至高者的聖民, 必想改變節期和律法。 聖民必交付他手一載、二載、半載。
And he schal speke wordis ayens the hiy God, and he schal defoule the seyntis of the hiyeste; and he schal gesse, that he mai chaunge tymes and lawis; and thei schulen be youun in to his hondis, til to tyme, and times, and the half of tyme.
26 然而,審判者必坐着行審判; 他的權柄必被奪去, 毀壞,滅絕,一直到底。
And doom schal sitte, that the power be takun awei, and be al to-brokun, and perische til in to the ende.
27 國度、權柄,和天下諸國的大權 必賜給至高者的聖民。 他的國是永遠的; 一切掌權的都必事奉他,順從他。
Sotheli that the rewme, and power, and the greetnesse of rewme, which is vndur ech heuene, be youun to the puple of the seintis of the hiyeste, whos rewme is euerlastynge rewme, and alle kingis schulen serue, and obeie to hym.
28 那事至此完畢。至於我-但以理,心中甚是驚惶,臉色也改變了,卻將那事存記在心。
Hidur to is the ende of the word. Y, Danyel, was disturblid myche in my thouytis, and my face was chaungid in me; forsothe Y kepte the word in myn herte.

< 但以理書 7 >