< 但以理書 6 >

1 大流士隨心所願,立一百二十個總督,治理通國。
Darius was pleased to put over the kingdom a hundred and twenty captains, who were to be all through the kingdom;
2 又在他們以上立總長三人(但以理在其中),使總督在他們三人面前回覆事務,免得王受虧損。
And over them were three chief rulers, of whom Daniel was one; and the captains were to be responsible to the chief rulers, so that the king might undergo no loss.
3 因這但以理有美好的靈性,所以顯然超乎其餘的總長和總督,王又想立他治理通國。
Then this Daniel did his work better than the chief rulers and the captains, because there was a special spirit in him; and it was the king's purpose to put him over all the kingdom.
4 那時,總長和總督尋找但以理誤國的把柄,為要參他;只是找不着他的錯誤過失,因他忠心辦事,毫無錯誤過失。
Then the chief rulers and the captains were looking for some cause for putting Daniel in the wrong in connection with the kingdom, but they were unable to put forward any wrongdoing or error against him; because he was true, and no error or wrong was to be seen in him.
5 那些人便說:「我們要找參這但以理的把柄,除非在他上帝的律法中就尋不着。」
Then these men said, We will only get a reason for attacking Daniel in connection with the law of his God.
6 於是,總長和總督紛紛聚集來見王,說:「願大流士王萬歲!
Then these chief rulers and the captains came to the king and said to him, O King Darius, have life for ever.
7 國中的總長、欽差、總督、謀士,和巡撫彼此商議,要立一條堅定的禁令,三十日內,不拘何人,若在王以外,或向神或向人求甚麼,就必扔在獅子坑中。
All the chief rulers of the kingdom, the chiefs and the captains, the wise men and the rulers, have made a common decision to put in force a law having the king's authority, and to give a strong order, that whoever makes any request to any god or man but you, O King, for thirty days, is to be put into the lions' hole.
8 王啊,現在求你立這禁令,加蓋玉璽,使禁令決不更改;照米底亞和波斯人的例是不可更改的。」
Now, O King, put the order in force, signing the writing so that it may not be changed, like the law of the Medes and Persians which may not come to an end.
9 於是大流士王立這禁令,加蓋玉璽。
For this reason King Darius put his name on the writing and the order.
10 但以理知道這禁令蓋了玉璽,就到自己家裏(他樓上的窗戶開向耶路撒冷),一日三次,雙膝跪在他上帝面前,禱告感謝,與素常一樣。
And Daniel, on hearing that the writing had been signed, went into his house; (now he had windows in his room on the roof opening in the direction of Jerusalem; ) and three times a day he went down on his knees in prayer and praise before his God, as he had done before.
11 那些人就紛紛聚集,見但以理在他上帝面前祈禱懇求。
Then these men were watching and saw Daniel making prayers and requesting grace before his God.
12 他們便進到王前,提王的禁令,說:「王啊,三十日內不拘何人,若在王以外,或向神或向人求甚麼,必被扔在獅子坑中。王不是在這禁令上蓋了玉璽嗎?」王回答說:「實有這事,照米底亞和波斯人的例是不可更改的。」
Then they came near before the king and said, O King, have you not put your name to an order that any man who makes a request to any god or man but you, O King, for thirty days, is to be put into the lions' hole? The king made answer and said, The thing is fixed by the law of the Medes and Persians which may not come to an end.
13 他們對王說:「王啊,那被擄之猶大人中的但以理不理你,也不遵你蓋了玉璽的禁令,他竟一日三次祈禱。」
Then they made answer and said before the king, Daniel, one of the prisoners of Judah, has no respect for you, O King, or for the order signed by you, but three times a day he makes his prayer to God.
14 王聽見這話,就甚愁煩,一心要救但以理,籌劃解救他,直到日落的時候。
When this thing came to the king's ears, it was very evil to him, and his heart was fixed on keeping Daniel safe, and till the going down of the sun he was doing everything in his power to get him free.
15 那些人就紛紛聚集來見王,說:「王啊,當知道米底亞人和波斯人有例,凡王所立的禁令和律例都不可更改。」
Then these men said to the king, Be certain, O King, that by the law of the Medes and Persians no order or law which the king has put into force may be changed.
16 王下令,人就把但以理帶來,扔在獅子坑中。王對但以理說:「你所常事奉的上帝,他必救你。」
Then the king gave the order, and they took Daniel and put him into the lions' hole. The king made answer and said to Daniel, Your God, whose servant you are at all times, will keep you safe.
17 有人搬石頭放在坑口,王用自己的璽和大臣的印,封閉那坑,使懲辦但以理的事毫無更改。
Then they got a stone and put it over the mouth of the hole, and it was stamped with the king's stamp and with the stamp of the lords, so that the decision about Daniel might not be changed.
18 王回宮,終夜禁食,無人拿樂器到他面前,並且睡不着覺。
Then the king went to his great house, and took no food that night, and no ... were placed before him, and his sleep went from him.
19 次日黎明,王就起來,急忙往獅子坑那裏去。
Then very early in the morning the king got up and went quickly to the lions' hole.
20 臨近坑邊,哀聲呼叫但以理,對但以理說:「永生上帝的僕人但以理啊,你所常事奉的上帝能救你脫離獅子嗎?」
And when he came near the hole where Daniel was, he gave a loud cry of grief; the king made answer and said to Daniel, O Daniel, servant of the living God, is your God, whose servant you are at all times, able to keep you safe from the lions?
21 但以理對王說:「願王萬歲!
Then Daniel said to the king, O King, have life for ever.
22 我的上帝差遣使者,封住獅子的口,叫獅子不傷我;因我在上帝面前無辜,我在王面前也沒有行過虧損的事。」
My God has sent his angel to keep the lions' mouths shut, and they have done me no damage: because I was seen to be without sin before him; and further, before you, O King, I have done no wrong.
23 王就甚喜樂,吩咐人將但以理從坑裏繫上來。於是但以理從坑裏被繫上來,身上毫無傷損,因為信靠他的上帝。
Then the king was very glad, and gave orders for them to take Daniel up out of the hole. So Daniel was taken up out of the hole and he was seen to be untouched, because he had faith in his God.
24 王下令,人就把那些控告但以理的人,連他們的妻子兒女都帶來,扔在獅子坑中。他們還沒有到坑底,獅子就抓住他們,咬碎他們的骨頭。
And at the king's order, they took those men who had said evil against Daniel, and put them in the lions' hole, with their wives and their children; and they had not got to the floor of the hole before the lions overcame them and all their bones were broken.
25 那時,大流士王傳旨,曉諭住在全地各方、各國、各族的人說:「願你們大享平安!
Then King Darius sent a letter to all the peoples, nations, and languages, living in all the earth: May your peace be increased.
26 現在我降旨曉諭我所統轄的全國人民,要在但以理的上帝面前,戰兢恐懼。 因為他是永遠長存的活上帝, 他的國永不敗壞; 他的權柄永存無極!
It is my order that in all the kingdom of which I am ruler, men are to be shaking with fear before the God of Daniel: for he is the living God, unchanging for ever, and his kingdom is one which will never come to destruction, his rule will go on to the end.
27 他護庇人,搭救人, 在天上地下施行神蹟奇事, 救了但以理脫離獅子的口。」
He gives salvation and makes men free from danger, and does signs and wonders in heaven and earth, who has kept Daniel safe from the power of the lions.
28 如此,這但以理,當大流士王在位的時候和波斯王塞魯士在位的時候,大享亨通。
So this Daniel did well in the kingdom of Darius and in the kingdom of Cyrus the Persian.

< 但以理書 6 >