< 但以理書 2 >

1 尼布甲尼撒在位第二年,他做了夢,心裏煩亂,不能睡覺。
In the secounde yeer of the rewme of Nabugodonosor, Nabugodonosor siy a dreem; and his spirit was aferd, and his dreem fledde awei fro hym.
2 王吩咐人將術士、用法術的、行邪術的,和迦勒底人召來,要他們將王的夢告訴王,他們就來站在王前。
Therfor the kyng comaundide, that the dyuynours, and astronomyens, and witchis, and Caldeis schulden be clepid togidere, that thei schulden telle to the kyng hise dremys; and whanne thei weren comun, thei stoden bifor the king.
3 王對他們說:「我做了一夢,心裏煩亂,要知道這是甚麼夢。」
And the king seide to hem, Y siy a dreem, and Y am schent in mynde, and Y knowe not what Y siy.
4 迦勒底人用亞蘭的言語對王說:「願王萬歲!請將那夢告訴僕人,僕人就可以講解。」
And Caldeis answeriden the kyng bi Sirik langage, Kyng, liue thou with outen ende; seie thi dreem to thi seruauntis, and we schulen schewe to thee the expownyng therof.
5 王回答迦勒底人說:「夢我已經忘了,你們若不將夢和夢的講解告訴我,就必被凌遲,你們的房屋必成為糞堆;
And the kyng answeride, and seide to Caldeis, The word is goen awei fro me; if ye schewen not to me the dreem, and expownyng therof, ye schulen perische, and youre housis schulen be forfetid.
6 你們若將夢和夢的講解告訴我,就必從我這裏得贈品和賞賜,並大尊榮。現在你們要將夢和夢的講解告訴我。」
Forsothe if ye tellen the dreem, and the expownyng therof, ye schulen take of me meedis and yiftis, and myche onour; therfor schewe ye to me the dreem, and the interpretyng therof.
7 他們第二次對王說:「請王將夢告訴僕人,僕人就可以講解。」
Thei answeriden the secounde tyme, and seiden, The kyng seie the dreem to hise seruauntis, and we schulen schewe the interpretyng therof.
8 王回答說:「我准知道你們是故意遲延,因為你們知道那夢我已經忘了。
The kyng answeride, and seide, Certis Y woot, that ye ayenbien the tyme, and witen that the word is goen awei fro me.
9 你們若不將夢告訴我,只有一法待你們;因為你們預備了謊言亂語向我說,要等候時勢改變。現在你們要將夢告訴我,因我知道你們能將夢的講解告訴我。」
Therfor if ye schewen not to me the dreem, o sentence is of you, for ye maken an interpretyng bothe fals and ful of disseit, that ye speke to me til the tyme passe; therfor seie ye the dreem to me, that Y wite, that ye speke also the veri interpretyng therof.
10 迦勒底人在王面前回答說:「世上沒有人能將王所問的事說出來;因為沒有君王、大臣、掌權的向術士,或用法術的,或迦勒底人問過這樣的事。
Therfor Caldeis answeriden bifor the kyng, and seiden, Kyng, no man is on erthe, that mai fille thi word; but nether ony greet man and myyti of kyngis axith siche a word of ony dyuynour, and astronomyen, and of a man of Caldee.
11 王所問的事甚難。除了不與世人同居的神明,沒有人在王面前能說出來。」
For the word which thou, kyng, axist, is greuouse, nether ony schal be foundun, that schal schewe it in the siyt of the king, outakun goddis, whos lyuyng is not with men.
12 因此,王氣忿忿地大發烈怒,吩咐滅絕巴比倫所有的哲士。
And whanne this word was herd, the kyng comaundide, in woodnesse and in greet ire, that alle the wise men of Babiloyne schulden perische.
13 於是命令發出,哲士將要見殺,人就尋找但以理和他的同伴,要殺他們。
And bi the sentence goon out, the wise men weren slayn; and Danyel and hise felows weren souyt, that thei schulden perische.
14 王的護衛長亞略出來,要殺巴比倫的哲士,但以理就用婉言回答他,
Thanne Danyel axide of the lawe and sentence, of Ariok, prynce of chyualrie of the kyng, that was gon out to sle the wise men of Babiloyne.
15 向王的護衛長亞略說:「王的命令為何這樣緊急呢?」亞略就將情節告訴但以理。
And he axide hym, that hadde take power of the kyng, for what cause so cruel a sentence yede out fro the face of the kyng. Therfor whanne Ariok hadde schewid the thing to Danyel,
16 但以理遂進去求王寬限,就可以將夢的講解告訴王。
Danyel entride, and preyede the kyng, that he schulde yyue tyme to hym to schewe the soilyng to the kyng.
17 但以理回到他的居所,將這事告訴他的同伴哈拿尼雅、米沙利、亞撒利雅,
And he entride in to his hous, and schewide the nede to Ananye, and to Misael, and Asarie,
18 要他們祈求天上的上帝施憐憫,將這奧祕的事指明,免得但以理和他的同伴與巴比倫其餘的哲士一同滅亡。
hise felowis, that thei schulden axe merci of the face of God of heuene on this sacrament; and that Danyel and hise felowis schulden not perische with othere wise men of Babiloyne.
19 這奧祕的事就在夜間異象中給但以理顯明,但以理便稱頌天上的上帝。
Thanne the priuyte was schewid to Danyel bi a visioun in nyyt. And Danyel blesside God of heuene, and seide,
20 但以理說:「上帝的名是應當稱頌的!從亙古直到永遠,因為智慧能力都屬乎他。
The name of the Lord be blessid fro the world, and til in to the world, for wisdom and strengthe ben hise;
21 他改變時候、日期,廢王,立王,將智慧賜與智慧人,將知識賜與聰明人。
and he chaungith tymes and ages, he translatith rewmes and ordeyneth; he yyueth wisdom to wise men, and kunnyng to hem that vndurstonden techyng, ether chastisyng;
22 他顯明深奧隱秘的事,知道暗中所有的,光明也與他同居。
he schewith deepe thingis and hid, and he knowith thingis set in derknessis, and liyt is with hym.
23 我列祖的上帝啊,我感謝你,讚美你;因你將智慧才能賜給我,允准我們所求的,把王的事給我們指明。」
God of oure fadris, Y knowleche to thee, and Y herie thee, for thou hast youe wisdom and strengthe to me; and now thou hast schewid to me tho thingis, whiche we preieden thee, for thou hast openyd to vs the word of the kyng.
24 於是,但以理進去見亞略,就是王所派滅絕巴比倫哲士的,對他說:「不要滅絕巴比倫的哲士,求你領我到王面前,我要將夢的講解告訴王。」
Aftir these thingis Danyel entride to Ariok, whom the kyng hadde ordeyned, that he schulde leese the wise men of Babiloyne, and thus he spak to hym, Leese thou not the wise men of Babiloyne; leede thou me in bifor the siyt of the kyng, and Y schal telle the soilyng to the kyng.
25 亞略就急忙將但以理領到王面前,對王說:「我在被擄的猶大人中遇見一人,他能將夢的講解告訴王。」
Thanne Ariok hastynge ledde in Danyel to the kyng, and seide to him, Y haue foundun a man of the sones of passyng ouer of Juda, that schal telle the soilyng to the kyng.
26 王問稱為伯提沙撒的但以理說:「你能將我所做的夢和夢的講解告訴我嗎?」
The kyng answeride, and seide to Danyel, to whom the name was Balthasar, Whethir gessist thou, that thou maist verili schewe to me the dreem which Y siy, and the interpretyng therof?
27 但以理在王面前回答說:「王所問的那奧祕事,哲士、用法術的、術士、觀兆的都不能告訴王,
And Danyel answeride bifore the king, and seide, The priuytee which the kyng axith, wise men, and astronomyens, and dyuynours, and lokeris of auteris, moun not schewe to the kyng.
28 只有一位在天上的上帝能顯明奧祕的事。他已將日後必有的事指示尼布甲尼撒王。你的夢和你在床上腦中的異象是這樣:
But God is in heuene, that schewith priuytees, which hath schewid to thee, thou king Nabugodonosor, what thingis schulen come in the laste tymes. Thi dreem and visiouns of thin heed, in thi bed, ben sich.
29 王啊,你在床上想到後來的事,那顯明奧祕事的主把將來必有的事指示你。
Thou, kyng, bigunnest to thenke in thi bed, what was to comynge aftir these thingis; and he that schewith priuetees, schewide to thee what thingis schulen come.
30 至於那奧祕的事顯明給我,並非因我的智慧勝過一切活人,乃為使王知道夢的講解和心裏的思念。
And this sacrament is schewid to me, not bi wisdom which is in me more than in alle lyuynge men, but that the interpretyng schulde be maad opyn to the kyng, and thou schuldist knowe the thouytis of thi soule.
31 「王啊,你夢見一個大像,這像甚高,極其光耀,站在你面前,形狀甚是可怕。
Thou, kyng, siyest, and lo! as o greet ymage; thilke ymage was greet, and hiy in stature, and stood bifore thee, and the loking therof was ferdful.
32 這像的頭是精金的,胸膛和膀臂是銀的,肚腹和腰是銅的,
The heed of this ymage was of best gold, but the brest and armes weren of siluer; certis the wombe and thies weren of bras,
33 腿是鐵的,腳是半鐵半泥的。
but the leggis weren of irun; forsothe sum part of the feet was of irun, sum was of erthe.
34 你觀看,見有一塊非人手鑿出來的石頭打在這像半鐵半泥的腳上,把腳砸碎;
Thou siyest thus, til a stoon was kit doun of the hil, with outen hondis, and smoot the ymage in the irun feet therof and erthene feet, and al to-brak tho.
35 於是金、銀、銅、鐵、泥都一同砸得粉碎,成如夏天禾場上的糠詷,被風吹散,無處可尋。打碎這像的石頭變成一座大山,充滿天下。
Thanne the irun, tijl stoon, ether erthene vessel, bras, siluer, and gold, weren al to-brokun togidere, and dryuun as in to a deed sparcle of a large somer halle, that ben rauyschid of wynd, and no place is foundun to tho; forsothe the stoon, that smoot the ymage, was maad a greet hil, and fillide al erthe.
36 「這就是那夢;我們在王面前要講解那夢。
This is the dreem. Also, thou kyng, we schulen seie bifor thee the interpretyng therof.
37 王啊,你是諸王之王。天上的上帝已將國度、權柄、能力、尊榮都賜給你。
Thou art kyng of kyngis, and God of heuene yaf to thee rewme, strengthe, and empire, and glorie;
38 凡世人所住之地的走獸,並天空的飛鳥,他都交付你手,使你掌管這一切。你就是那金頭。
and he yaf in thin hond alle thingis, in whiche the sones of men, and the beestis of the feeld, and the briddis of the eir dwellen, and ordeynede alle thingis vndur thi lordschip; therfor thou art the goldun heed.
39 在你以後必另興一國,不及於你;又有第三國,就是銅的,必掌管天下。
And another rewme lesse than thou schal rise aftir thee; and the thridde rewme, an other of bras, that schal haue the empire of al erthe.
40 第四國,必堅壯如鐵,鐵能打碎剋制百物,又能壓碎一切,那國也必打碎壓制列國。
And the fourthe rewme schal be as irun, as irun makith lesse, and makith tame alle thingis, so it schal make lesse, and schal al to-breke alle these rewmes.
41 你既見像的腳和腳指頭,一半是窯匠的泥,一半是鐵,那國將來也必分開。你既見鐵與泥攙雜,那國也必有鐵的力量。
Forsothe that thou siest a part of the feet and fyngris of erthe of a pottere, and a part of irun, the rewme shal be departid; which netheles schal rise of the plauntyng of irun, `bi that that thou siest irun meynd with a tijl stoon of clei,
42 那腳指頭,既是半鐵半泥,那國也必半強半弱。
and the toos of the feet in parti of irun, and in parti of erthe, in parti the rewme schal be sad, and in parti to-brokun.
43 你既見鐵與泥攙雜,那國民也必與各種人攙雜,卻不能彼此相合,正如鐵與泥不能相合一樣。
Forsothe that thou siest irun meynd with a tiel stoon of clei, sotheli tho schulen be meynd togidere with mannus seed; but tho schulen not cleue to hem silf, as irun mai not be meddlid with tyel stoon.
44 當那列王在位的時候,天上的上帝必另立一國,永不敗壞,也不歸別國的人,卻要打碎滅絕那一切國,這國必存到永遠。
Forsothe in the daies of tho rewmes, God of heuene shal reise a rewme, that schal not be distried with outen ende, and his rewme schal not be youun to another puple; it schal make lesse, and schal waste alle these rewmes, and it schal stonde with outen ende,
45 你既看見非人手鑿出來的一塊石頭從山而出,打碎金、銀、銅、鐵、泥,那就是至大的上帝把後來必有的事給王指明。這夢準是這樣,這講解也是確實的。」
bi this that thou siest, that a stoon was kit doun of the hil with outen hondis, and maad lesse the tiel stoon, and irun, and bras, and siluer, and gold. Greet God hath schewid to the kyng, what thingis schulen come aftirward; and the dreem is trewe, and the interpretyng therof is feithful.
46 當時,尼布甲尼撒王俯伏在地,向但以理下拜,並且吩咐人給他奉上供物和香品。
Thanne king Nabugodonosor felle doun on his face, and worschipide Danyel, and comaundide sacrifices and encense to be brouyt, that tho schulden be sacrifised to hym.
47 王對但以理說:「你既能顯明這奧祕的事,你們的上帝誠然是萬神之神、萬王之主,又是顯明奧祕事的。」
Therfor the kyng spak, and seide to Danyel, Verili youre God is God of goddis, and Lord of kyngis, that schewith mysteries, for thou miytist opene this sacrament.
48 於是王高抬但以理,賞賜他許多上等禮物,派他管理巴比倫全省,又立他為總理,掌管巴比倫的一切哲士。
Thanne the kyng reiside Danyel an hiy, and yaf many yiftis and grete to hym; and ordeynede hym prince and prefect, ether cheef iustise, ouer alle the prouynces of Babiloyne, and maister ouer alle the wise men of Babiloyne.
49 但以理求王,王就派沙得拉、米煞、亞伯尼歌管理巴比倫省的事務,只是但以理常在朝中侍立。
Forsothe Danyel axide of the kyng, and ordeynede Sidrac, Misaac, and Abdenago ouer alle the werkis of the prouynce of Babiloyne; but Danyel hym silf was in the yatis of the kyng.

< 但以理書 2 >