< 但以理書 11 >

1 又說:「當米底亞王大流士元年,我曾起來扶助米迦勒,使他堅強。」
Forsothe fro the firste yeer of Darius of Medei Y stood, that he schulde be coumfortid, and maad strong.
2 現在我將真事指示你: 「波斯還有三王興起,第四王必富足遠勝諸王。他因富足成為強盛,就必激動大眾攻擊希臘國。
And now Y schal telle to thee the treuthe. And lo! thre kyngis schulen stonde yit in Persis, and the fourthe schal be maad riche with ful many richessis ouer alle. And whanne he hath woxe strong bi hise richessis, he schal reise alle men ayens the rewme of Greece.
3 必有一個勇敢的王興起,執掌大權,隨意而行。
Forsothe a strong kyng schal rise, and shal be lord in greet power, and schal do that, that schal plese hym.
4 他興起的時候,他的國必破裂,向天的四方分開,卻不歸他的後裔,治國的權勢也都不及他;因為他的國必被拔出,歸與他後裔之外的人。
And whanne he schal stonde, his rewme schal be al to-brokun, and it schal be departid in to foure wyndis of heuene, but not in to hise eiris, nether bi the power of hym in which he was lord; for his rewme schal be to-rente, yhe, in to straungeris, outakun these.
5 「南方的王必強盛,他將帥中必有一個比他更強盛,執掌權柄,他的權柄甚大。
And the kyng of the south schal be coumfortid; and of the princes of hym oon schal haue power aboue hym, and he schal be lord in power; for whi his lordschipe schal be myche.
6 過些年後,他們必互相連合,南方王的女兒必就了北方王來立約;但這女子幫助之力存立不住,王和他所倚靠之力也不能存立。這女子和引導她來的,並生她的,以及當時扶助她的,都必交與死地。
And after the ende of yeeris `thei schulen be knyt in pees; and the douyter of the kyng of the south schal come to the kyng of the north, to make frenschipe. And sche schal not gete strengthe of arm, nether the seed of hir schal stonde; and sche schal be bitakun, and the yonglyngis of hir that brouyten hir, and he that coumfortide hir in tymes.
7 但這女子的本家必另生一子繼續王位,他必率領軍隊進入北方王的保障,攻擊他們,而且得勝;
And a plauntyng of the seed of the rootis of hir schal stonde; and he schal come with an oost, and schal entre in to the prouynce of the kyng of the north, and he schal mysuse hem, and he schal gete;
8 並將他們的神像和鑄成的偶像,與金銀的寶器掠到埃及去。數年之內,他不去攻擊北方的王。
ferthir more he schal gete both the goddis of hem, and grauun ymagis. Also he schal lede into Egipt preciouse vessels of gold, and of siluer, takun in batel. He schal haue the maistrie ayens the kyng of the north;
9 北方的王必入南方王的國,卻要仍回本地。
and the kyng of the south schal entre in to the rewme, and schal turne ayen to his lond.
10 「北方王的二子必動干戈,招聚許多軍兵。這軍兵前去,如洪水氾濫,又必再去爭戰,直到南方王的保障。
Forsothe the sones of hym schulen be stirid to wraththe, and thei schulen gadere togidere a multitude of ful many coostis. And he schal come hastynge and flowynge, and he schal turne ayen, and schal be stirid, and schal bigynne batel with his strengthe.
11 南方王必發烈怒,出來與北方王爭戰,擺列大軍;北方王的軍兵必交付他手。
And the king of the south schal be stirid, and schal go out, and schal fiyte ayens the kyng of the north, and schal make redi a ful grete multitude; and the multitude schal be youun in his hond.
12 他的眾軍高傲,他的心也必自高;他雖使數萬人仆倒,卻不得常勝。
And he schal take the multitude, and his herte schal be enhaunsid; and he schal caste doun many thousyndis, but he schal not haue the maistrie.
13 「北方王必回來擺列大軍,比先前的更多。滿了所定的年數,他必率領大軍,帶極多的軍裝來。
For the kyng of the north schal turne, and schal make redi a multitude, myche more than bifore; and in the ende of tymes and of yeeris he schal come hastynge with a ful greet oost, and with ful many richessis.
14 那時,必有許多人起來攻擊南方王,並且你本國的強暴人必興起,要應驗那異象,他們卻要敗亡。
And in tho tymes many men schulen rise togidere ayens the kyng of the south; and the sones of trespassouris of thi puple schulen be enhaunsid, that thei fille the visioun, and thei schulen falle doun.
15 北方王必來築壘攻取堅固城;南方的軍兵必站立不住,就是選擇的精兵也無力站住。
And the kyng of the north schal come, and schal bere togidere erthe, he schal take strongeste citees; and the armes of the south schulen not susteyne. And the chosun men therof schulen rise togidere, to ayenstonde, and strengthe schal not be.
16 來攻擊他的,必任意而行,無人在北方王面前站立得住。他必站在那榮美之地,用手施行毀滅。
And he schal come on hym, and schal do bi his wille; and noon schal be, that schal stonde ayens his face. And he schal stonde in the noble lond, and it schal be wastid in his hond.
17 「他必定意用全國之力而來,立公正的約,照約而行,將自己的女兒給南方王為妻,想要敗壞他,這計卻不得成就,與自己毫無益處。
And he schal sette his face, that he come to holde al the rewme of him, and he schal do riytful thingis with hym. And he schal yyue to hym the douyter of wymmen, to distrie hym; and it schal not stonde, and it schal not be his.
18 其後他必轉回奪取了許多海島。但有一大帥,除掉他令人受的羞辱,並且使這羞辱歸他本身。
And he schal turne his face to ilis, and he schal take many ilis. And he schal make ceesse the prince of his schenschipe, and his schenschipe schal turne in to hym.
19 他就必轉向本地的保障,卻要絆跌仆倒,歸於無有。
And he schal turne his face to the lordschip of his loond, and he schal snapere, and falle doun, and he schal not be foundun.
20 「那時,必有一人興起接續他為王,使橫征暴斂的人通行國中的榮美地。這王不多日就必滅亡,卻不因忿怒,也不因爭戰。」
And the vilest and vnworthi to the kyngis onour schal stonde in the place of hym, and in fewe daies he schal be al to-brokun, not in woodnesse, nether in batel.
21 「必有一個卑鄙的人興起接續為王,人未曾將國的尊榮給他,他卻趁人坦然無備的時候,用諂媚的話得國。
And a dispisid man schal stonde in the place of hym, and the onour of a kyng schal not be youun to hym; and he schal come priueli, and he schal gete the rewme bi gile.
22 必有無數的軍兵勢如洪水,在他面前沖沒敗壞;同盟的君也必如此。
And the armes of the fiytere schulen be ouercomun of his face, and schulen be al to-brokun, ferthermore and the duyk of boond of pees.
23 與那君結盟之後,他必行詭詐,因為他必上來以微小的軍成為強盛。
And after frenschipe with hym, he schal do gile. And he schal stie, and he schal ouercome with litil puple;
24 趁人坦然無備的時候,他必來到國中極肥美之地,行他列祖和他列祖之祖所未曾行的,將擄物、掠物,和財寶散給眾人,又要設計攻打保障,然而這都是暫時的。
and he schal entre in to grete and riche citees, and he schal do thingis which hise fadris and the fadris of hise fadris diden not. He schal distrie the raueyns, and prei, and richessis of hem, and ayens most stidfast thouytis he schal take counsel, and this `vn to a tyme.
25 「他必奮勇向前,率領大軍攻擊南方王;南方王也必以極大極強的軍兵與他爭戰,卻站立不住,因為有人設計謀害南方王。
And the strengthe of hym, and the herte of hym schal be stirid ayens the kyng of the south with a greet oost. And the king of the south schal be stirid to batel with many helpis and ful stronge; and thei schulen not stonde, for thei schulen take counsels ayens hym.
26 吃王膳的,必敗壞他;他的軍隊必被沖沒,而且被殺的甚多。
And thei that eeten breed with hym schulen al to-breke hym; and his oost schal be oppressid, and ful many men of hise schulen be slayn, and falle doun.
27 至於這二王,他們心懷惡計,同席說謊,計謀卻不成就;因為到了定期,事就了結。
And the herte of twei kyngis schal be, that thei do yuel, and at o boord thei schulen speke leesyng, and thei schulen not profite; for yit the ende schal be in to an other tyme.
28 北方王必帶許多財寶回往本國,他的心反對聖約,任意而行,回到本地。
And he schal turne ayen in to his lond with many richessis, and his herte schal be ayens the hooli testament, and he schal do, and schal turne ayen in to his lond.
29 「到了定期,他必返回,來到南方。後一次卻不如前一次,
In tyme ordeyned he schal turne ayen, and schal come to the south, and the laste schal not be lijk the formere.
30 因為基提戰船必來攻擊他,他就喪膽而回,又要惱恨聖約,任意而行;他必回來聯絡背棄聖約的人。
And schippis with three ordris of ooris, and Romayns, schulen come on hym, and he schal be smytun. And he schal turne ayen, and schal haue indignacioun ayens the testament of seyntuarie, and he schal do. And he schal turne ayen, and he schal thenke ayens hem that forsoken the testament of seyntuarie.
31 他必興兵,這兵必褻瀆聖地,就是保障,除掉常獻的燔祭,設立那行毀壞可憎的。
And armes of hym schulen stonde, and schulen defoule the seyntuarie, and schulen take awei the contynuel sacrifice, and schulen yyue abhomynacioun in to desolacioun.
32 作惡違背聖約的人,他必用巧言勾引;惟獨認識上帝的子民必剛強行事。
And wickid men schulen feyne testament gilefuli; but the puple that knowith her God schal holde, and do.
33 民間的智慧人必訓誨多人;然而他們多日必倒在刀下,或被火燒,或被擄掠搶奪。
And tauyt men in the puple schulen teche ful many men, and schulen falle in swerd, and in flawme, and in to caitifte, and in to raueyn of daies.
34 他們仆倒的時候,稍得扶助,卻有許多人用諂媚的話親近他們。
And whanne thei han feld doun, thei schulen be reisid bi a litil help; and ful many men schulen be applied to hym gilefuli.
35 智慧人中有些仆倒的,為要熬煉其餘的人,使他們清淨潔白,直到末了;因為到了定期,事就了結。
And of lerud men schulen falle, that thei be wellid togidere, and be chosun, and be maad whijt til to a tyme determyned; for yit another tyme schal be.
36 「王必任意而行,自高自大,超過所有的神,又用奇異的話攻擊萬神之神。他必行事亨通,直到主的忿怒完畢,因為所定的事必然成就。
And the kyng schal do bi his wille, and he schal be reisid, and magnefied ayens ech god, and ayens God of goddis he schal speke grete thingis; and he schal be dressid, til wrathfulnesse be fillid. For the determynynge is perfitli maad.
37 他必不顧他列祖的神,也不顧婦女所羨慕的神,無論何神他都不顧;因為他必自大,高過一切。
And he schal not arette the God of hise fadris, and he schal be in the coueitisis of wymmen, and he schal not charge ony of goddis, for he schal rise ayens alle thingis.
38 他倒要敬拜保障的神,用金、銀、寶石和可愛之物敬奉他列祖所不認識的神。
Forsothe he schal onoure god of Maosym in his place, and he schal worschipe god, whom hise fadris knewen not, with gold, and siluer, and preciouse stoon, and preciouse thingis.
39 他必靠外邦神的幫助,攻破最堅固的保障。凡承認他的,他必將榮耀加給他們,使他們管轄許多人,又為賄賂分地與他們。
And he schal do that he make strong Moosym, with the alien god which he knew. And he schal multiplie glorie, and schal yyue power to hem in many thingis, and schal departe the lond at his wille.
40 「到末了,南方王要與他交戰。北方王必用戰車、馬兵,和許多戰船,勢如暴風來攻擊他,也必進入列國,如洪水氾濫。
And in the tyme determyned the kyng of the south schal fiyte ayens hym, and the kyng of the north schal come as a tempest ayens hym, in charis, and with knyytis, and in greet nauei.
41 又必進入那榮美之地,有許多國就被傾覆,但以東人、摩押人,和一大半亞捫人必脫離他的手。
And he schal entre in to londis, and schal defoule hem; and he schal passe, and schal entre in to the gloriouse lond, and many schulen falle. Forsothe these londis aloone schulen be sauyd fro his hond, Edom, and Moab, and princes of the sones of Amon.
42 他必伸手攻擊列國;埃及地也不得脫離。
And he schal sende his hond in to londis, and the lond of Egipt schal not ascape.
43 他必把持埃及的金銀財寶和各樣的寶物。利比亞人和古實人都必跟從他。
And he schal be lord of tresouris of gold, and of siluer, and in alle preciouse thingis of Egipt; also he schal passe bi Libie and Ethiopie.
44 但從東方和北方必有消息擾亂他,他就大發烈怒出去,要將多人殺滅淨盡。
And fame fro the eest and fro the north schal disturble hym; and he schal come with a greet multitude, to al to-breke, and to sle ful many men.
45 他必在海和榮美的聖山中間設立他如宮殿的帳幕;然而到了他的結局,必無人能幫助他。」
And he schal sette his tabernacle in Apheduo, bitwixe the sees, on the noble hil and hooli; and he schal come til to the heiythe therof, and no man schal helpe hym.

< 但以理書 11 >