< 阿摩司書 6 >

1 國為列國之首,人最著名, 且為以色列家所歸向, 在錫安和撒馬利亞山安逸無慮的,有禍了!
Wo to you, that ben ful of richessis in Sion, and tristen in the hil of Samarie, ye principal men, the heedis of puplis, that goen proudli in to the hous of Israel.
2 你們要過到甲尼察看, 從那裏往大城哈馬去, 又下到非利士人的迦特, 看那些國比你們的國還強嗎? 境界比你們的境界還寬嗎?
Go ye in to Calamye, and se ye, and go ye fro thennus in to Emath the greet; and go ye doun in to Geth of Palestyns, and to alle the beste rewmes of hem, if her terme be broddere than youre terme.
3 你們以為降禍的日子還遠, 坐在位上盡行強暴。
And ye ben departid in to yuel dai, and neiyen to the seete of wickidnesse;
4 你們躺臥在象牙床上,舒身在榻上, 吃群中的羊羔,棚裏的牛犢;
and ye slepen in beddis of yuer, and doen letcherie in youre beddis; and ye eten a lomb of the flok, and calues of the myddil of droue;
5 彈琴鼓瑟唱消閑的歌曲, 為自己製造樂器,如同大衛所造的;
and ye syngen at vois of sautree. As Dauid thei gessiden hem for to haue instrumentis of song, and drynken wyn in viols;
6 以大碗喝酒,用上等的油抹身, 卻不為約瑟的苦難擔憂。
and with beste oynement thei weren anoynted; and in no thing thei hadden compassioun on the sorewe, ether defoulyng, of Joseph.
7 所以這些人必在被擄的人中首先被擄; 舒身的人荒宴之樂必消滅了。
Wherfor now thei schulen passe in the heed of men passynge ouer, and the doyng of men doynge letcherie schal be don awei.
8 主耶和華-萬軍之上帝指着自己起誓說: 我憎惡雅各的榮華,厭棄他的宮殿; 因此,我必將城和其中所有的都交付敵人。
The Lord God swoor in his soule, seith the Lord God of oostis, Y wlate the pride of Jacob, and Y hate the housis of hym, and Y schal bitake the citee with hise dwelleris;
9 那時,若在一房之內剩下十個人,也都必死。
that if ten men ben left in oon hous, and thei schulen die.
10 死人的伯叔,就是燒他屍首的,要將這屍首搬到房外,問房屋內間的人說:「你那裏還有人沒有?」他必說:「沒有」;又說:「不要作聲,因為我們不可提耶和華的名。」
And his neiybore schal take hym, and schal brenne hym, that he bere out boonys of the hous. And he schal seie to hym, that is in the priuy places of the hous, Whether ther is yit anentis thee? And he schal answer, An ende is. And he schal seie to hym, Be thou stille, and thenke thou not on the name of the Lord.
11 看哪,耶和華出令, 大房就被攻破, 小屋就被打裂。
For lo! the Lord schal comaunde, and schal smyte the grettere hous with fallyngis, and the lesse hous with brekyngis.
12 馬豈能在崖石上奔跑? 人豈能在那裏用牛耕種呢? 你們卻使公平變為苦膽, 使公義的果子變為茵蔯。
Whether horsis moun renne in stoonys, ether it mai be eerid with wielde oxun? For ye turneden doom in to bitternesse, and the fruyt of riytfulnesse in to wermod.
13 你們喜愛虛浮的事,自誇說: 我們不是憑自己的力量取了角嗎?
And ye ben glad in nouyt, and ye seien, Whether not in oure strengthe we token to vs hornes?
14 耶和華、萬軍之上帝說: 以色列家啊,我必興起一國攻擊你們; 他們必欺壓你們, 從哈馬口直到亞拉巴的河。
Lo! Y schal reise on you, the hous of Israel, seith the Lord God of oostis, a folc; and it schal al to-breke you fro entre of Emath `til to the streem of desert.

< 阿摩司書 6 >