< 阿摩司書 3 >

1 以色列人哪,你們全家是我從埃及地領上來的,當聽耶和華攻擊你們的話:
Sones of Israel, here ye the word which the Lord spak on you, and on al the kynrede, which Y ledde out of the lond of Egipt,
2 在地上萬族中,我只認識你們; 因此,我必追討你們的一切罪孽。
and seide, Oneli Y knewe you of alle the kynredis of erthe; therfor Y schal visite on you alle youre wickidnessis.
3 二人若不同心,豈能同行呢?
Whether tweyne schulen go togidere, no but it acorde to hem?
4 獅子若非抓食,豈能在林中咆哮呢? 少壯獅子若無所得,豈能從洞中發聲呢?
Whether a lioun schal rore in a forest, no but he haue prey? Whether the whelp of a lioun schal yyue vois fro his denne, no but he take ony thing?
5 若沒有機檻,雀鳥豈能陷在網羅裏呢? 網羅若無所得,豈能從地上翻起呢?
Whether a brid schal falle in to a snare of erthe, with outen a foulere? Whether a snare schal be takun awei fro erthe, bifor that it tak sum thing?
6 城中若吹角,百姓豈不驚恐呢? 災禍若臨到一城,豈非耶和華所降的嗎?
Whether a trumpe schal sowne in a citee, and the puple schal not drede? Whether yuel schal be in a citee, which yuel the Lord schal not make?
7 主耶和華若不將奧祕指示他的僕人-眾先知, 就一無所行。
For the Lord God schal not make a word, no but he schewe his priuyte to hise seruauntis profetis.
8 獅子吼叫,誰不懼怕呢? 主耶和華發命,誰能不說預言呢?
A lioun schal rore, who schal not drede? the Lord God spak, who schal not profesie?
9 要在亞實突的宮殿中 和埃及地的宮殿裏傳揚說: 你們要聚集在撒馬利亞的山上, 就看見城中有何等大的擾亂與欺壓的事。
Make ye herd in the housis of Azotus, and in the housis of the lond of Egipt; and seie ye, Be ye gaderid togidere on the hillis of Samarye, and se ye many woodnessis in the myddis therof, and hem that suffren fals calenge in the priuy places therof.
10 那些以強暴搶奪財物、 積蓄在自己家中的人 不知道行正直的事。 這是耶和華說的。
And thei kouden not do riytful thing, seith the Lord, and tresouriden wickidnesse and raueyn in her housis.
11 所以主耶和華如此說: 敵人必來圍攻這地, 使你的勢力衰微, 搶掠你的家宅。
Therfor the Lord God seith these thingis, The lond schal be troblid, and be cumpassid; and thi strengthe schal be drawun doun of thee, and thin housis schulen be rauyschid.
12 耶和華如此說:「牧人怎樣從獅子口中搶回兩條羊腿或半個耳朵,住撒馬利亞的以色列人躺臥在床角上或鋪繡花毯的榻上,他們得救也不過如此。」
The Lord God seith these thingis, As if a schepherd rauyschith fro the mouth of a lioun tweyne hipis, ether the laste thing of the eere, so the children of Israel schulen be rauyschid, that dwellen in Samarie, in the cuntrei of bed, and in the bed of Damask.
13 主耶和華-萬軍之上帝說: 當聽這話,警戒雅各家。
Here ye, and witnesse ye in the hous of Jacob, seith the Lord God of oostis.
14 我討以色列罪的日子,也要討伯特利祭壇的罪; 壇角必被砍下,墜落於地。
For in the dai, whanne Y schal bigynne to visite the trespassyngis of Israel on hym, Y schal visite also on the auteris of Bethel; and the hornes of the auter schulen be kit awei, and schulen falle doun in to erthe.
15 我要拆毀過冬和過夏的房屋。 象牙的房屋也必毀滅; 高大的房屋都歸無有。 這是耶和華說的。
And Y schal smyte the wynter hous with the somer hous, and the housis of yuer schulen perische, and many housis schulen be distried, seith the Lord.

< 阿摩司書 3 >