< 阿摩司書 2 >

1 耶和華如此說: 摩押三番四次地犯罪, 我必不免去她的刑罰; 因為她將以東王的骸骨焚燒成灰。
This is what the Lord says: The people of Moab have repeatedly sinned and so I will not hesitate to punish them, because they desecrated the bones of the king of Edom by burning them, turning them into lime.
2 我卻要降火在摩押, 燒滅加略的宮殿。 摩押必在鬨嚷吶喊吹角之中死亡。
So I will send down fire on Moab, and I will burn up the fortresses of Kerioth, and the people of Moab will die in the midst of uproar, battle cries, and the sound of the trumpet.
3 我必剪除摩押中的審判者, 將其中的一切首領和他一同殺戮。 這是耶和華說的。
I will cut down their king and all their princes with him, says the Lord.
4 耶和華如此說: 猶大人三番四次地犯罪, 我必不免去他們的刑罰; 因為他們厭棄耶和華的訓誨, 不遵守他的律例。 他們列祖所隨從虛假的偶像使他們走迷了。
This is what the Lord says: The people of Judah have repeatedly sinned and so I will not hesitate to punish them, because they rejected the law of the Lord and have not kept his commands. Their lies have led them astray, the same lies that their forefathers followed.
5 我卻要降火在猶大, 燒滅耶路撒冷的宮殿。
So I will send down fire on Judah, and I will burn up the fortresses of Jerusalem.
6 耶和華如此說: 以色列人三番四次地犯罪, 我必不免去他們的刑罰; 因他們為銀子賣了義人, 為一雙鞋賣了窮人。
This is what the Lord says: The people of Israel have repeatedly sinned and so I will not hesitate to punish them, because they sell good people for silver, and poor people for a pair of sandals.
7 他們見窮人頭上所蒙的灰也都垂涎, 阻礙謙卑人的道路。 父子同一個女子行淫, 褻瀆我的聖名。
They trample the heads of the poor into the dust, and push the needy out of the way. A man and his father have sex with the same servant girl so that my holy name is profaned.
8 他們在各壇旁鋪人所當的衣服,臥在其上, 又在他們神的廟中喝受罰之人的酒。
At every altar they stretch themselves out in clothes taken from debtors as collateral, in the temple of their god they drink wine taken from the people they fined.
9 我從以色列人面前除滅亞摩利人。 他雖高大如香柏樹,堅固如橡樹, 我卻上滅他的果子,下絕他的根本。
Yet it was I was the one who destroyed the Amorites before you, even though they were as tall as cedars and as strong as oaks. I destroyed them root and branch.
10 我也將你們從埃及地領上來, 在曠野引導你們四十年, 使你們得亞摩利人之地為業。
It was I who brought you out of the land of Egypt and led you through the desert for forty years so that you could take the Amorites' land.
11 我從你們子弟中興起先知, 又從你們少年人中興起拿細耳人。 以色列人哪,不是這樣嗎? 這是耶和華說的。
I appointed some of your sons to be prophets, and some of your young men to be Nazirites. Isn't this true, people of Israel?
12 你們卻給拿細耳人酒喝, 囑咐先知說:不要說預言。
But you made the Nazirites sin by drinking wine, and you told the prophets, “Don't tell us what God says.”
13 看哪,在你們所住之地,我必壓你們, 如同裝滿禾捆的車壓物一樣。
Now see what I am going to do. I will crush you where you are, as if crushed by a heavy cart loaded down with sheaves of grain.
14 快跑的不能逃脫; 有力的不能用力; 剛勇的也不能自救。
Not even your fastest runners will escape; strong men will lose their strength. Even the greatest warrior will not be able to save his life.
15 拿弓的不能站立; 腿快的不能逃脫; 騎馬的也不能自救。
The archer will not stand his ground. The quickest on his feet will not be able to get away, and even those on horseback will not save themselves.
16 到那日,勇士中最有膽量的, 必赤身逃跑。 這是耶和華說的。
On that day even the bravest of the mighty warriors will run away naked, says the Lord.

< 阿摩司書 2 >