< 撒母耳記下 7 >

1 王住在自己宮中,耶和華使他安靖,不被四圍的仇敵擾亂。
Forsothe it was doon, whanne the kyng Dauid hadde sete in his hows, and the Lord hadde youe reste to hym on ech side fro alle hise enemyes,
2 那時,王對先知拿單說:「看哪,我住在香柏木的宮中,上帝的約櫃反在幔子裏。」
he seyde to Nathan the prophete, Seest thou not, that Y dwelle in an hows of cedre, and the arke of God is put in the myddis of skynnys?
3 拿單對王說:「你可以照你的心意而行,因為耶和華與你同在。」
And Nathan seide to the kyng, Go thou, and do al thing which is in thin herte, for the Lord is with thee.
4 當夜,耶和華的話臨到拿單說:
Forsothe it was don in that niyt, and lo! the word of the Lord, seiynge to Nathan, Go thou,
5 「你去告訴我僕人大衛,說耶和華如此說:『你豈可建造殿宇給我居住呢?
and speke to my servaunt Dauid, The Lord seith these thingis, Whether thou schalt bilde to me an hows to dwelle ynne?
6 自從我領以色列人出埃及直到今日,我未曾住過殿宇,常在會幕和帳幕中行走。
For Y `dwellide not in an hows fro the dai in which Y ledde the sones of Israel out of the lond of Egipt til in to this dai; but Y yede in tabernacle and in tent,
7 凡我同以色列人所走的地方,我何曾向以色列一支派的士師,就是我吩咐牧養我民以色列的說:你們為何不給我建造香柏木的殿宇呢?』
bi alle places, to whiche Y passyde with alle the sones of Israel? Whether Y spekynge spak to oon of the lynagis of Israel, to whom Y comaundyde, that he schulde feede my puple Israel, and seide, Whi `bildidist thou not an hows of cedre to me?
8 「現在,你要告訴我僕人大衛,說萬軍之耶和華如此說:『我從羊圈中將你召來,叫你不再跟從羊群,立你作我民以色列的君。
And now thou schalt seie these thingis to my seruaunt Dauid, The Lord of oostis seith these thingis, Y took thee fro lesewis suynge flockis, that thou schuldist be duyk on my puple Israel, and Y was with thee in alle thingis,
9 你無論往哪裏去,我常與你同在,剪除你的一切仇敵。我必使你得大名,好像世上大大有名的人一樣。
where euere thou yedist, and Y killide alle thin enemyes fro thi face, and Y made to thee a greet name bi the name of grete men that ben in erthe;
10 我必為我民以色列選定一個地方,栽培他們,使他們住自己的地方,不再遷移;凶惡之子也不像從前擾害他們,
and Y schall sette a place to my puple Israel, and Y schal plaunte hym, and Y schal dwelle with hym, and he schal no more be troblid, and the sones of wickidnesse schulen not adde, that thei turmente hym as bifor,
11 並不像我命士師治理我民以色列的時候一樣。我必使你安靖,不被一切仇敵擾亂,並且我-耶和華應許你,必為你建立家室。
fro the dai in which Y ordenede iugis on my puple Israel; and Y schal yyue reste to thee fro alle thin enemyes. And the Lord biforseith to thee, that `the Lord schal mak an hows to thee;
12 你壽數滿足、與你列祖同睡的時候,我必使你的後裔接續你的位;我也必堅定他的國。
and whanne thi daies be fillid, and thou hast slept with thi fadris, Y schal reyse thi seed aftir thee, which schal go out of thi wombe, and Y schal make `stidfast his rewme.
13 他必為我的名建造殿宇;我必堅定他的國位,直到永遠。
He schal bilde an hows to my name, and Y schal make stable the troone of his rewme til in to with outen ende;
14 我要作他的父,他要作我的子;他若犯了罪,我必用人的杖責打他,用人的鞭責罰他。
Y schal be to hym in to fadir, and he schal be to me in to a sone; and if he schal do ony thing wickidli, Y schal chastise hym in the yerde of men, and in the woundis of the sones of men.
15 但我的慈愛仍不離開他,像離開在你面前所廢棄的掃羅一樣。
Forsothe Y schal not do awey my mercy fro hym, as Y dide awei fro Saul, whom Y remouede fro my face.
16 你的家和你的國必在我面前永遠堅立。你的國位也必堅定,直到永遠。』」
And thin hows schal be feithful, and thi rewme schal be til in to with outen ende bifor my face, and thi trone schal be stidfast contynueli.
17 拿單就按這一切話,照這默示,告訴大衛。
By alle these wordys, and bi al this reuelacioun, so Nathan spak to Dauid.
18 於是大衛王進去,坐在耶和華面前,說:「主耶和華啊,我是誰?我的家算甚麼?你竟使我到這地步呢?
Forsothe Dauid the kyng entride, and satt bifor the Lord, and seide, Who am Y, my Lord God, and what is myn hows, that thou brouytist me hidur to?
19 主耶和華啊,這在你眼中還看為小,又應許你僕人的家至於久遠。主耶和華啊,這豈是人所常遇的事嗎?
But also this is seyn litil in thi siyt, my Lord God; no but thou schuldist speke also of the hows of thi seruaunt in to long tyme. Forsothe this is the lawe of Adam, Lord God;
20 主耶和華啊,我還有何言可以對你說呢?因為你知道你的僕人。
what therfor may Dauid adde yit, that he speke to thee? For thou, Lord God, knowist thi seruaunt; thou hast do alle these grete thingis,
21 你行這大事使僕人知道,是因你所應許的話,也是照你的心意。
for thi word, and bi thin herte, so that thou madist knowun to thi seruaunt.
22 主耶和華啊,你本為大,照我們耳中聽見,沒有可比你的;除你以外再無上帝。
Herfor, Lord God, thou art magnyfied, for noon is lijk thee, ne there is no God outakun thee, in alle thingis whiche we herden with oure eeris.
23 世上有何民能比你的民以色列呢?你從埃及救贖他們作自己的子民,又在你贖出來的民面前行大而可畏的事,驅逐列邦人和他們的神,顯出你的大名。
Sotheli what folk in erthe is as the puple of Israel, for which the Lord God yede, that he schulde ayenbie it to him in to a puple, and schulde sette to hym silf a name, and schulde do to it grete thingis, and orible on erthe, in castinge out therof the folk and `goddis therof fro the face of thi puple, which thou `ayen bouytist to thee fro Egipt?
24 你曾堅立你的民以色列作你的子民,直到永遠;你-耶和華也作了他們的上帝。
And thou confermidist to thee thi puple Israel in to a puple euerlastynge, and thou, Lord, art maad in to God to hem.
25 「耶和華上帝啊,你所應許僕人和僕人家的話,求你堅定,直到永遠;照你所說的而行。
Now therfor, Lord God, reise thou withouten ende the word that thou hast spoke on thi seruaunt and on his hows, and do as thou hast spoke;
26 願人永遠尊你的名為大,說:『萬軍之耶和華是治理以色列的上帝。』這樣,你僕人大衛的家必在你面前堅立。
and thy name be magnyfied til in to withouten ende, and be it seid, The Lord of oostis is God on Israel; and the hows of thi seruaunt Dauid schal be stablischid byfor the Lord;
27 萬軍之耶和華-以色列的上帝啊,因你啟示你的僕人說:『我必為你建立家室』,所以僕人大膽向你如此祈禱。
for thou, Lord of oostis, God of Israel, hast maad reuelacioun to the eere of thi seruaunt, and seidist, Y schal bilde an hows to thee; therfor thi seruaunt foond his herte, that he schulde preie thee bi this preier.
28 「主耶和華啊,惟有你是上帝。你的話是真實的;你也應許將這福氣賜給僕人。
Now therfor, Lord God, thou art veri God, and thi wordis schulen be trewe; for thou hast spoke these goodis to thi seruaunt;
29 現在求你賜福與僕人的家,可以永存在你面前。主耶和華啊,這是你所應許的。願你永遠賜福與僕人的家!」
therfor bigynne thou, and blesse the hows of thi seruaunt, that it be withouten ende bifor thee; for thou, Lord God, hast spoke these thingis, and bi thi blessyng the hows of thi seruaunt schal be blessid withouten ende.

< 撒母耳記下 7 >