< 撒母耳記下 23 >

1 以下是大衛末了的話。耶西的兒子大衛得居高位,是雅各上帝所膏的,作以色列的美歌者,說:
Forsothe these ben the laste wordis, whiche Dauid, the sone of Ysai, seide. The man seide, to whom it is ordeyned of Crist, of the God of Jacob, the noble salm makere of Israel;
2 耶和華的靈藉着我說: 他的話在我口中。
The spiryt of the Lord spak bi me, and his word bi my tunge.
3 以色列的上帝、 以色列的磐石曉諭我說: 那以公義治理人民的, 敬畏上帝執掌權柄,
Dauid seide, God of Israel spak to me, the stronge of Israel, the `iust Lord of men, `is Lord in the drede of God.
4 他必像日出的晨光, 如無雲的清晨, 雨後的晴光, 使地發生嫩草。
As the liyt of the morewtid, whanne the sunne risith eerli, is briyt with out cloudis; and as an erbe cometh forth of the erthe bi reynes.
5 我家在上帝面前並非如此; 上帝卻與我立永遠的約。 這約凡事堅穩, 關乎我的一切救恩和我一切所想望的, 他豈不為我成就嗎?
And myn hows is not so greet anentis God, that he schulde make with me euerlastynge couenaunt, stidefast and maad strong in alle thingis; for al myn helthe hangith of him, and al the wille `that is, al my desir, goith in to hym, and no thing is therof, that makith not fruyt.
6 但匪類都必像荊棘被丟棄; 人不敢用手拿它;
Forsothe alle trespassouris schulen be drawun out as thornes, that ben not takun with hondis.
7 拿它的人必帶鐵器和槍桿, 終久它必被火焚燒。
And if ony man wole touche tho, he schal be armed with irun, and with tre formed in to spere; and the thornes schulen be kyndlid, and schulen be brent `til to nouyt.
8 大衛勇士的名字記在下面:他革捫人約設‧巴設,又稱伊斯尼人亞底挪,他是軍長的統領,一時擊殺了八百人。
These ben the names of the stronge men of Dauid. Dauid sittith in the chaier, the wiseste prince among thre; he is as a moost tendir worm of tree, that killide eiyte hundrid with o fersnesse.
9 其次是亞合人朵多的兒子以利亞撒。從前非利士人聚集要打仗,以色列人迎着上去,有跟隨大衛的三個勇士向非利士人罵陣,其中有以利亞撒。
Aftir hym was Eleazar, the sone of his fadirs brother Abohi; among thre stronge men, that weren with Dauid, whanne thei seiden schenschip to Filisteis, and weren gaderid thidir in to batel.
10 他起來擊殺非利士人,直到手臂疲乏,手黏住刀把。那日耶和華使以色列人大獲全勝;眾民在以利亞撒後頭專奪財物。
And whanne the men of Israel hadden stied, he stood, and smoot Filisties, til his hond failide, and was starke with the swerd. And the Lord made greet helthe in that dai; and the puple that fledde turnedc ayen to drawe awei the spuylis of slayn men.
11 其次是哈拉人亞基的兒子沙瑪。一日,非利士人聚集成群,在一塊長滿紅豆的田裏,眾民就在非利士人面前逃跑。
And aftir hym was Semma, the sone of Age, of Arari. And Filisteis weren gaderid in the stacioun; forsothe there was a feeld ful of lente; and whanne the puple fledde fro the face of Filisteis,
12 沙瑪卻站在那田間擊殺非利士人,救護了那田。耶和華使以色列人大獲全勝。
he stood in the myddis of the feeld, and bihelde it; and he smoot Filisteis, and the Lord made greet helthe.
13 收割的時候,有三十個勇士中的三個人下到亞杜蘭洞見大衛。非利士的軍兵在利乏音谷安營。
Also and thre men yeden doun bifore, that weren princes among thretti, and camen to Dauid in the tyme of reep in to the denne of Odollam. Forsothe the castels of Filisteis weren set in the valei of giauntis.
14 那時大衛在山寨,非利士人的防營在伯利恆。
And Dauid was in a strong hold; sotheli the stacioun of Filisteis was thanne in Bethleem.
15 大衛渴想,說:「甚願有人將伯利恆城門旁、井裏的水打來給我喝。」
Therfor Dauid desiride water of the lake, and seide, If ony man wolde yyue to me drynk of watir of the cisterne, which is in Bethleem, bisidis the yate.
16 這三個勇士就闖過非利士人的營盤,從伯利恆城門旁的井裏打水,拿來奉給大衛。他卻不肯喝,將水奠在耶和華面前,
Therfor thre stronge men braken in to the castels of Filisteis, and drowen watir of the cisterne of Bethleem, that was bisidis the yate, and brouyten to Dauid; and he nolde drinke,
17 說:「耶和華啊,這三個人冒死去打水;這水好像他們的血一般,我斷不敢喝。」如此,大衛不肯喝。這是三個勇士所做的事。
but offride it to the Lord, and seide, The Lord be merciful to me, that Y do not this; whether Y schal drynke the blood of these men, that yeden forth, and the perel of soulis? Therfor he nolde drynke. Thre strongeste men diden thes thingis.
18 洗魯雅的兒子、約押的兄弟亞比篩是這三個勇士的首領;他舉槍殺了三百人,就在三個勇士裏得了名。
Also Abisay, brother of Joab, the sone of Saruye, was prince of thre; he it is that reiside his schaft ayens thre hundrid men, whiche he killide; `he was nemid among thre,
19 他在這三個勇士裏是最尊貴的,所以作他們的首領,只是不及前三個勇士。
and was the noblere among thre, and he was the prince of hem; but he cam not to the thre firste men.
20 有甲薛勇士耶何耶大的兒子比拿雅行過大能的事;他殺了摩押人亞利伊勒的兩個兒子,又在下雪的時候下坑裏去,殺了一個獅子,
And Banaye, the sone of Joiada, strongeste man of grete werkis, of Capseel, he smoot twei liouns of Moab, `that is, twei knyytis hardi as liouns; and he yede doun, and smoot a lioun in the myddil cisterne in the daies of snow.
21 又殺了一個強壯的埃及人;埃及人手裏拿着槍,比拿雅只拿着棍子下去,從埃及人手裏奪過槍來,用那槍將他殺死。
Also he killide a man of Egipt, a man worthi of spectacle, hauynge a spere in the hond; therfor whanne he hadde come doun with a yerde to that man, bi miyt he wrooth out the spere fro the hond of the man of Egipt, and killide hym with his owne spere.
22 這是耶何耶大的兒子比拿雅所行的事,就在三個勇士裏得了名。
Banaye, sone of Joiada, dide these thingis;
23 他比那三十個勇士都尊貴,只是不及前三個勇士。大衛立他作護衛長。
and he was nemyed among thre stronge men, that weren among the thretti noblere men; netheles he cam not til to the thre. And Dauid made hym a counselour of priuyte to hym silf.
24 三十個勇士裏有約押的兄弟亞撒黑,伯利恆人朵多的兒子伊勒哈難,
Asahel, the brother of Joab, was among thretti men; Eleanan, the sone of his fadris brother, of Bethleem; Semma, of Arari;
25 哈律人沙瑪,哈律人以利加,
Elcha, of Arodi; Helas, of Phelti;
26 帕勒提人希利斯,提哥亞人益吉的兒子以拉,
Hira, sone of Aches, of Thecua; Abiezer, of Amatoth;
27 亞拿突人亞比以謝,戶沙人米本乃,
Mobannoy, of Cosathi; Selmon, of Achotes;
28 亞合人撒們,尼陀法人瑪哈萊,
Macharai, of Nethopath;
29 尼陀法人巴拿的兒子希立,便雅憫族、基比亞人利拜的兒子以太,
Heled, the sone of Baana, and he was of Netophath; Hiray, sone of Rabai, of Gebeeth, of the sones of Beniamyn; Banay, of Effrata;
30 比拉頓人比拿雅,迦實溪人希太,
Hedday, of the stronde of Gaas;
31 伯亞拉巴人亞比亞本,巴魯米人押斯瑪弗,
Abiadon, of Arbath; Asmaneth, of Berromy;
32 沙本人以利雅哈巴,雅善兒子中的約拿單,
Eliaba, of Sabony; sones of Assen, Jonathan, and Jasan; Semma, of Herodi;
33 哈拉人沙瑪,哈拉人沙拉的兒子亞希暗,
Hayam, sone of Sarai, of Zaroth;
34 瑪迦人亞哈拜的兒子以利法列,基羅人亞希多弗的兒子以連,
Eliphelech, sone of Saalbai, the sone of Maachati; Heliam, sone of Achitofel, of Gilo;
35 迦密人希斯萊,亞巴人帕萊,
Esrai, of Carmele; Pharai, of Arbi;
36 瑣巴人拿單的兒子以甲,迦得人巴尼,
Ygaal, sone of Nathan, of Soba;
37 亞捫人洗勒,比錄人拿哈萊(是給洗魯雅的兒子約押拿兵器的),
Bonny, of Gaddi; Silech, of Ammony; Naarai, of Beroth, the squyer of Joab, the sone of Saruye;
38 以帖人以拉,以帖人迦立,
Haray, of Jethri; Gareb, and he was of Gethri;
39 赫人烏利亞,共有三十七人。
Vrye, of Ethei; alle weren seuene and thretti men.

< 撒母耳記下 23 >