< 撒母耳記下 21 >

1 大衛年間有饑荒,一連三年,大衛就求問耶和華。耶和華說:「這饑荒是因掃羅和他流人血之家殺死基遍人。」
Also hungur was maad in the lond of Israel in the daies of Dauid, bi thre yeer contynueli. And Dauid counselide the answere of the Lord; and the Lord seide, For Saul, and his hows, and blood, for he killide men of Gabaon.
2 原來這基遍人不是以色列人,乃是亞摩利人中所剩的;以色列人曾向他們起誓,不殺滅他們,掃羅卻為以色列人和猶大人發熱心,想要殺滅他們。大衛王召了他們來,
Therfor whanne Gabaonytis weren clepid, the kyng seide to hem; sotheli Gabaonytis ben not of the sones of Israel, but thei ben the relikys of Ammorreis; and the sones of Israel hadden swore to hem, `that is, that thei schulden not `be slayn, and Saul wolde smyte hem for feruent loue, as for the sones of Israel and of Juda;
3 問他們說:「我當為你們怎樣行呢?可用甚麼贖這罪,使你們為耶和華的產業祝福呢?」
therfor Dauid seide to Gabaonytis, What schal Y do to you, and what schal be youre amendis, that ye blesse the eritage of the Lord?
4 基遍人回答說:「我們和掃羅與他家的事並不關乎金銀,也不要因我們的緣故殺一個以色列人。」大衛說:「你們怎樣說,我就為你們怎樣行。」
And Gabaonytis seiden to hym, No questioun is to vs on gold and siluer, but ayens Saul, and ayens his hows; nether we wolen, that a man of Israel be slayn. To whiche the kyng seide, What therfor wolen ye, that Y do to you?
5 他們對王說:「那從前謀害我們、要滅我們、使我們不得再住以色列境內的人,
Whiche seiden to the king, We owen to do awei so the man, that `al to brak ethir defoulide vs, and oppresside wickidli, that not oon sotheli be residue of his generacioun in alle the coostis of Israel.
6 現在願將他的子孫七人交給我們,我們好在耶和華面前,將他們懸掛在耶和華揀選掃羅的基比亞。」王說:「我必交給你們。」
Seuene men of hise sones be youun to vs, that we `crucifie hem to the Lord in Gabaa of Saul, sum tyme the chosun man of the Lord. And the kyng seide, Y schal yyue.
7 王因為曾與掃羅的兒子約拿單指着耶和華起誓結盟,就愛惜掃羅的孫子、約拿單的兒子米非波設,不交出來,
And the kyng sparide Myphibosech, sone of Jonathas, sone of Saul, for the ooth of the Lord, that was bitwixe Dauid and bitwixe Jonathas, sone of Saul.
8 卻把愛雅的女兒利斯巴給掃羅所生的兩個兒子亞摩尼、米非波設,和掃羅女兒米甲的姊姊給米何拉人巴西萊兒子亞得列所生的五個兒子
Therfor the kyng took twei sones of Respha, douyter of Ahira, whiche sche childide to Saul, Armony, and Mysphibosech; and he took fyue sones of Mychol, douyter of Saul, whiche sche gendride to Adriel, sone of Berzellai, that was of Molaty.
9 交在基遍人的手裏。基遍人就把他們,在耶和華面前,懸掛在山上,這七人就一同死亡。被殺的時候正是收割的日子,就是動手割大麥的時候。
And he yaf hem in to the hondis of Gabaonytis, whiche crucifieden tho sones in the hil bifor the Lord; and these seuene felden slayn togidere in the daies of the firste rep, whanne the repyng of barli bigan.
10 愛雅的女兒利斯巴用麻布在磐石上搭棚,從動手收割的時候直到天降雨在屍身上的時候,日間不容空中的雀鳥落在屍身上,夜間不讓田野的走獸前來糟踐。
Forsothe Respha, douytir of Ahia, took an heire, and `araiede to hir silf a place aboue the stoon, fro the bigynnyng of heruest til watir droppide `on hem fro heuene; and sche suffride not briddis to tere hem bi dai, nether beestis bi nyyt.
11 有人將掃羅的妃嬪愛雅女兒利斯巴所行的這事告訴大衛。
And tho thingis whiche Respha, secoundarie wijf of Saul, douytir of Ahia, hadde do, weren teld to Dauid.
12 大衛就去,從基列‧雅比人那裏將掃羅和他兒子約拿單的骸骨搬了來(是因非利士人從前在基利波殺掃羅,將屍身懸掛在伯‧珊的街市上,基列‧雅比人把屍身偷了去。)
And Dauid yede, and took the boonys of Saul, and the boonys of Jonathas, his sone, of the men of Jabes of Galaad; that hadden stole tho boonys fro the street of Bethsan, in which street the Filisteis hadden hangid hem, whanne thei hadden slayn Saul in Gelboe.
13 大衛將掃羅和他兒子約拿單的骸骨從那裏搬了來,又收殮被懸掛七人的骸骨,
And Dauid bar out fro thennus the boonys of Saul, and the boonys of Jonathas, his sone; and thei gaderiden the boonys of hem that weren crucified, and birieden tho with the boonys of Saul and of Jonathas, his sone, in the lond of Beniamyn, in the side of the sepulcre of Cys, fadir of Saul.
14 將掃羅和他兒子約拿單的骸骨葬在便雅憫的洗拉,在掃羅父親基士的墳墓裏;眾人行了王所吩咐的。此後上帝垂聽國民所求的。
And thei diden al thingis, what euer thingis the kyng comaundide; and the Lord dide mercy to the lond aftir these thingis.
15 非利士人與以色列人打仗;大衛帶領僕人下去,與非利士人接戰,大衛就疲乏了。
Forsothe batel of Filisteis was maad eft ayens Israel; and Dauid yede doun, and hise seruauntis with hym, and fouyten ayen Filisteis.
16 偉人的一個兒子以實‧比諾要殺大衛;他的銅槍重三百舍客勒,又佩着新刀。
Sotheli whanne Dauid failide, Jesbydenob, that was of the kyn of Arapha, that is, of giauntis, and the yrun of his spere peiside thre hundrid ouncis, and he was gird with a newe swerd, enforside to smyte Dauid.
17 但洗魯雅的兒子亞比篩幫助大衛,攻打非利士人,將他殺死。當日,跟隨大衛的人向大衛起誓說:「以後你不可再與我們一同出戰,恐怕熄滅以色列的燈。」
And Abisai, sone of Saruye, was in help to Dauid; and he smoot and killide the Filistei. Than the men of Dauid sworen, and seiden, Now thou schalt not go out with vs in to batel, lest thou quenche the lanterne of Israel.
18 後來,以色列人在歌伯與非利士人打仗,戶沙人西比該殺了偉人的一個兒子撒弗。
Also the secounde batel was in Gob ayens Filisteis; thanne Sobothai of Osothai smoot Zephi, of the generacioun of Arapha, of the kyn of giauntis.
19 又在歌伯與非利士人打仗,伯利恆人雅雷俄珥金的兒子伊勒哈難殺了迦特人歌利亞。這人的槍桿粗如織布的機軸。
Also the thridde batel was in Gob ayens Filisteis; in which batel a man youun of God, the sone of forest, a broiderer, a man of Bethleem, smoot Golyath of Geth, whos `schaft of spere was as a beem of webbis.
20 又在迦特打仗,那裏有一個身量高大的人,手腳都是六指,共有二十四個指頭;他也是偉人的兒子。
The fourthe batel was in Geth; where ynne was an hiy man, that hadde sixe fyngris in the hondis and feet, that is, foure and twenti; and he was of the kyn of Arapha;
21 這人向以色列人罵陣,大衛的哥哥示米亞的兒子約拿單就殺了他。
and he blasfemyde Israel; sotheli Jonathan, sone of Samaa, brother of Dauid, killide hym.
22 這四個人是迦特偉人的兒子,都死在大衛和他僕人的手下。
These foure weren borun of Arapha in Geth, and thei felden doun in the hond of Dauid, and of hise seruauntis.

< 撒母耳記下 21 >