< 列王紀下 6 >

1 先知門徒對以利沙說:「看哪,我們同你所住的地方過於窄小,
Forsothe the sones of prophetis seiden to Elisee, Lo! the place in which we dwellen bifor thee, is streiyt to vs;
2 求你容我們往約旦河去,各人從那裏取一根木料建造房屋居住。」他說:「你們去吧!」
go we `til to Jordan, and ech man take of the wode `a mater for hym silf, that we bild to vs here a place to dwelle.
3 有一人說:「求你與僕人同去。」回答說:「我可以去。」
Which Elisee seide, Go ye. And oon of hem seide, Therfor `and thou come with thi seruauntis. He answeride, Y schal come. And he yede with hem.
4 於是以利沙與他們同去。到了約旦河,就砍伐樹木。
And whanne thei `hadden come to Jordan, thei hewiden trees.
5 有一人砍樹的時候,斧頭掉在水裏,他就呼叫說:「哀哉!我主啊,這斧子是借的。」
Sotheli it bifelde, that whanne `o man hadde kit doun mater, the yrun of the axe felde in to the watir; and he criede, and seide, Alas! alas! alas! my lord, and Y hadde take this same thing bi borewing.
6 神人問說:「掉在哪裏了?」他將那地方指給以利沙看。以利沙砍了一根木頭,拋在水裏,斧頭就漂上來了。
Sotheli the man of God seide, Where felde it? And he schewide to hym the place. Therfor he kittide doun a tree, and sente thidur; and the yrun fletide.
7 以利沙說:「拿起來吧!」那人就伸手拿起來了。
And he seide, Take thou. Which helde forth the hond, and took it.
8 亞蘭王與以色列人爭戰,和他的臣僕商議說:「我要在某處某處安營。」
Forsothe the kyng of Syrie fauyte ayens Israel; and he took counseil with hise seruauntis, and seide, Sette we buschementis in this place and that.
9 神人打發人去見以色列王,說:「你要謹慎,不要從某處經過,因為亞蘭人從那裏下來了。」
Therfor the man of God sente to the kyng of Israel, and seide, Be war, lest thou passe to that place, for men of Sirie ben there in buschementis.
10 以色列王差人去窺探神人所告訴所警戒他去的地方,就防備未受其害,不止一兩次。
Therfor the kyng of Israel sente to the place, which the man of God hadde seid to him, and bifor ocupiede it, and kepte hym silf there not onys, nether twies.
11 亞蘭王因這事心裏驚疑,召了臣僕來,對他們說:「我們這裏有誰幫助以色列王,你們不指給我嗎?」
And the herte of the kyng of Sirie was disturblid for this thing; and whanne hise seruauntis weren clepide togidere, he seide, Whi schewen ye not to me, who is my tretour anentis the kyng of Israel?
12 有一個臣僕說:「我主,我王!無人幫助他,只有以色列中的先知以利沙,將王在臥房所說的話告訴以色列王了。」
And oon of hise seruauntis seide, Nay, my lord the kyng, but Elisee, the prophete, which is in Israel, schewith to the kyng of Israel alle thingis, what euer thingis thou spekist in thi closet.
13 王說:「你們去探他在哪裏,我好打發人去捉拿他。」有人告訴王說:「他在多坍。」
And the kyng seide to hem, `Go ye, and se, where he is, that Y sende, and take hym. And thei telden to him, and seiden, Lo! he dwellith in Dothaym.
14 王就打發車馬和大軍往那裏去,夜間到了,圍困那城。
And the kyng sente thidur horsis, and charis, and the strengthe of the oost; whiche, whanne thei hadden come bi nyyt, cumpassiden the citee.
15 神人的僕人清早起來出去,看見車馬軍兵圍困了城。僕人對神人說:「哀哉!我主啊,我們怎樣行才好呢?」
Sotheli the mynystre of the man of God roos eerli, and yede out, and he siy an oost in the cumpas of the citee, and horsis, and charis. And he telde to the man of God, and seide, Alas! alas! alas! my lord, what schulen we do?
16 神人說:「不要懼怕!與我們同在的比與他們同在的更多。」
And he answeride, Nile thou drede; for mo ben with vs than with hem.
17 以利沙禱告說:「耶和華啊,求你開這少年人的眼目,使他能看見。」耶和華開他的眼目,他就看見滿山有火車火馬圍繞以利沙。
And whanne Elisee hadde preied, he seide, Lord, opene thou the iyen of this child, that he se. And the Lord openyde the iyen of the child, and he siy. And, lo! the hil ful of horsis, and of charis of fier, in the cumpas of Elisee.
18 敵人下到以利沙那裏,以利沙禱告耶和華說:「求你使這些人的眼目昏迷。」耶和華就照以利沙的話,使他們的眼目昏迷。
Sotheli the enemyes camen doun to hym; forsothe Elisee preiede to the Lord, and seide, Y biseche, smyte thou this folc with blyndenesse. And the Lord smoot hem, that thei sien not, bi the word of Elisee.
19 以利沙對他們說:「這不是那道,也不是那城;你們跟我去,我必領你們到所尋找的人那裏。」於是領他們到了撒馬利亞。
Forsothe Elisee seide to hem, This is not the weie, nether this is the citee; sue ye me, and Y schal schewe to you the man, whom ye seken. And he ledde hem into Samarie.
20 他們進了撒馬利亞,以利沙禱告說:「耶和華啊,求你開這些人的眼目,使他們能看見。」耶和華開他們的眼目,他們就看見了,不料,是在撒馬利亞的城中。
And whanne thei hadden entrid into Samarie, Elisee seide, Lord, opene thou the iyen of these men, that thei see. And the Lord openyde her iyen, and thei siyen, that thei weren in the myddis of Samarie.
21 以色列王見了他們,就問以利沙說:「我父啊,我可以擊殺他們嗎?」
And the kyng of Israel, whanne he hadde seyn hem, seide to Elisee, My fadir, whether Y schal smyte hem?
22 回答說:「不可擊殺他們!就是你用刀用弓擄來的,豈可擊殺他們嗎?當在他們面前設擺飲食,使他們吃喝回到他們的主人那裏。」
And he seide, Thou schalt not smyte hem, for thou hast not take hem bi thi swerd and bouwe, that thou smyte hem; but sette thou breed and watir bifor hem, that thei ete and drynke, and go to her lord.
23 王就為他們預備了許多食物;他們吃喝完了,打發他們回到他們主人那裏。從此,亞蘭軍不再犯以色列境了。
And `greet makyng redi of metis was set forth to hem; and thei eten, and drunken. And the kyng lefte hem, and thei yeden to her lord; and theues of Sirie camen no more in to the lond of Israel.
24 此後,亞蘭王便‧哈達聚集他的全軍,上來圍困撒馬利亞。
Forsothe it was don after these thingis, Benadab, king of Sirie, gaderide alle his oost, and stiede, and bisegide Samarie.
25 於是撒馬利亞被圍困,有饑荒,甚至一個驢頭值銀八十舍客勒,二升鴿子糞值銀五舍客勒。
And greet hungur was maad in Samarie; and so long it was bisegid, til the heed of an asse were seeld for fourescore platis of siluer, and the fourthe part of a mesure clepid cabus of the crawe of culueris was seeld for fyue platis of siluer.
26 一日,以色列王在城上經過,有一個婦人向他呼叫說:「我主,我王啊!求你幫助。」
And whanne the kyng of Israel passide bi the wal, sum womman criede to hym, and seide, My lord the kyng, saue thou me.
27 王說:「耶和華不幫助你,我從何處幫助你?是從禾場,是從酒醡呢?」
Which seide, Nai, the Lord saue thee; wherof may Y saue thee? of cornfloor, ethir of pressour? And the kyng seide to hir, What wolt thou to thee?
28 王問婦人說:「你有甚麼苦處?」她回答說:「這婦人對我說:『將你的兒子取來,我們今日可以吃,明日可以吃我的兒子。』
And sche answeride, This womman seide to me, Yyue thi sone, that we ete hym to dai, and we schulen ete my sone to morewe.
29 我們就煮了我的兒子吃了。次日我對她說:『要將你的兒子取來,我們可以吃。』她卻將她的兒子藏起來了。」
Therfor we setheden my sone, and eten him. And Y seide to hir in the tother day, Yyue thi sone, that we ete hym; and she hidde hir sone.
30 王聽見婦人的話,就撕裂衣服;(王在城上經過)百姓看見王貼身穿着麻衣。
And whanne the kyng hadde herd this, he to-rente hise clothis, and passide bi the wal; and al the puple siy the heire, `with which the kyng was clothid at the fleisch with ynne.
31 王說:「我今日若容沙法的兒子以利沙的頭仍在他項上,願上帝重重地降罰與我!」
And the kyng seide, God do to me these thingis, and adde these thingis, if the heed of Elise, sone of Saphat, schal stonde on hym to dai.
32 那時,以利沙正坐在家中,長老也與他同坐。王打發一個伺候他的人去;他還沒有到,以利沙對長老說:「你們看這兇手之子,打發人來斬我的頭;你們看着使者來到,就關上門,用門將他推出去。在他後頭不是有他主人腳步的響聲嗎?」
Sotheli Elisee sat in his hows, and elde men saten with hym; `therfor he biforsente a man, and bifor that thilke messanger cam, Elisee seide to the elde men, Whether ye witen, that the sone of manquellere sente hidur, that myn heed be gird of? Therfor se ye, whanne the messanger cometh, close ye the dore, and `suffre ye not hym to entre; for, lo! the sown of the feet of his lord is bihynde hym.
33 正說話的時候,使者來到,王也到了,說:「這災禍是從耶和華那裏來的,我何必再仰望耶和華呢?」
And yit `while he spak to hem, the messanger that cam to hym apperide; and the kyng seide, Lo! so greet yuel is of the Lord; sotheli what more schal Y abide of the Lord?

< 列王紀下 6 >